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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PR status for migrant Sabah Indians

The long wait for permanent resident (PR) status for Indians who took up an offer in the 1960s to work in plantations will be over soon, thanks to Sabah MIC.

KOTA KINABALU: Some 200 indians who came to Sabah in the 1960s to work in rubber plantations in Lahad Datu and Tawau can now look forward to getting their permanent residency (PR) status.

Sabah MIC liaison committee chairman V Jothi said the deputy state secretary Maznah Abdul Ghani had given them this assurance.

“I met with Maznah on June 30. We trashed out several issues affecting the Indian migrant workers communtiy in Sabah.

“Among these issues were PR, land resettlement and welfare assistance for the elderly,” he said.

Jothi said he had also discussed the Migration Workers Fund Board Scheme with state welfare and labour department officers.

He said at the meeting they had confirmed the list of migrant workers who had come to Sabah from peninsular Malaya begining 1968.

“We have identified and submitted applications for PR status for 201 people.

“Eighty-two of the applications have been identified. I will be bringing the names to Chief Minister so that the state government can give them the PR status.

“We will be looking into the plight of the others as soon as possible,” he said.

Jothi also raised the land resettlement issue with Maznah and was assured that the matter would be brought to the CM Musa Aman’s attention.

Unkept promises

Jothi said the migrant workers had also been promised a 15-acre piece of land, by the then state government when they first came to Sabah to work.

However this promise was not kept. Many of them have since died but their children are living and working in Sabah.

However many of these children and grandchildren are yet to be registered with the National Registration Department (NRD). This too is an issue which the party will resolve soon.

Jothi disclosed the status of the migrant indian during state MIC’s 13th convention at a hotel here on Sunday night. Also present was national MIC president G Palanivel.

Palanivel said that he had been informed that the migrant workers were mostly deployed to rubber plantations in Lahad Datu and Tawau.

“This is a matter that is long overdue.

“Some of these workers have since passed away but their children should be honoured and given the chance to participate in land resettlement programmes,” he said.

Living in poverty

The Sabah MIC has been steadily reviving its role in the state, particularly championing the needs of the local minority Indian and other needy communities.

In May, the party’s state Youth chief Taran Manoharan asked CM Musa Aman to revive a “nominated-seat” once held by the community in the State Legislative Assembly.

According to Manoharan when the state constitution was first drafted, the goverment had made allowances for “nominated seats” in the State Assembly mainly to cater for the minority groups in Sabah.

He said it was necessary for Indians in Sabah to have a voice.

“This is because the problems faced by the Indians in Sabah are peculiar.

“The Indians residing in Sabah were brought to work here under the Migrant Workers Fund Board Scheme from Malaya.

“Those people entered into an agreement with the Board which was established on Aug 25, 1966.

“Among the terms of the agreement are that these people are eligible to obtain permanent stay status in Sabah and to participate in the land settlement scheme after they had worked for two years in Sabah.

“Unfortunately, these terms were not fulfilled by the authorities concerned.

“As a result, some of these people and their children and grandchildren have been neglected and they are living below the poverty level,” he said.


  1. Di mana negara di seluruh dunia kasi PR dan 15 ekar tanah untuk pekerja asing lepas kerja 2 tahun? Kerja sampai mati pun tidak ada apa-apa.

    MIC Sabah jangan melampau.Jothi mesti ingat banyak orang Sabah tidak ada 1 kaki tanah pun setelah bergenerasi duduk di Sabah.Sekarang pula orang India tuntut kerajaan yang bukan-bukan.

    Suruh saja MIC tutup pintu di Sabah.Kerja dia Jothi adalah sebagai 'opportunist' yang hanya tahu lobi projek kerajaan dengan CM dan minta jawatan.Suruh saja MIC balik semananjung dan Jothi jual kain tepi jalan macam kerja dia dulu.

    Kasi tahu Jothi jangan buat kacau di Sabah.Pemimpin mereka di Sabah hanya tahu buka rumah waktu Deepavali.Jothi nak tanding kawasan mana di Sabah?

  2. harap perjanjian itu disemak semula dan dipertimbangkan.

  3. Rakyat tempatan Sabah pun susah nak dapat tanah. Sekarang kaum India nak tuntut tanah pula? Kalau permintaan mereka ini diluluskan, sudah tentu akan menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi.

  4. Kaum India susah nak dapat kerakyatan walaupun sudah lama menetap di Sabah. Tetapi PATI senang2 saja dapat IC, kemudahan itu ini...pelik.

  5. Isu ini akan dibincangkan dalam dewan dalam masa terdekat.

  6. Segala keputusan yang akan dilakukan adalah bergantung kepada keadaan di Sabah.

  7. MIC ni buat apa datang Sabah? Jangan kerana MIC Sabah semua orang benci dengan BN.Parti mengarut saja.Mungkin kalau boikot semua kedai mamak mereka cepat tinggalkan Sabah.Bagaimana?

  8. Semoga keputusan sedemikian tidak akan mencetuskan perbalahan atau kebencian antara kaum.

  9. keputusan untuk menyetujui permintaan di atas tidak seharusnya diambil ringan oleh pihak kerajaan kerana kaum-kaum yang lain juga akan berjuang untuk menuntut hak mereka.

  10. Harap hal ini diberi perhatian dan pertimbangan sewajaranya bagi mengelakkan masalah lain pula yg timbul.

  11. Semoga keputusan yang dibuat nanti adsalah yang terbaik :)

  12. kaum India yang asal dari negara India atau semenanjung? jangan bagi PR sebarangan kepada warga asing.

  13. tidak payah bagi tanah...sedangkan rakyat tulin sabah/penduduk asal sabah pun ramai yang tiada tanah...MIC jangan samakan situasi di sabah sama seperti di semenanjung..

  14. utamakan rakyat sabah tulin/penduduk asal...migran belakang...

  15. Rakyat Sabah menuntut kepada kerajaan untuk memberi seorang 15 ekar juga.Mau kasi orang India ka atau Sabahan?

  16. pelbagai reaksi yang timbul dalam pekara ini. apa pun penyelesaiannya nanti pastikan rakyat Sabah tulen diutamakan.

  17. I think PR Status is reasonable, but free land is not acceptable.

  18. selesaikan isu2 tanah penduduk asal Sabah. masih ramai penduduk Sabah yang belum mempunyai tanah.

  19. Perkara ini perlulah dibincanglah lebih untuk memastikan kata putus yang terbaik untuk semua.

  20. POODAH! Balik India lebih bagus.Bodoh! Kalau kerajaan Sabah bolih kasi tanah 15 ekar lepas kerja 2 tahun di Sabah saya ingat semua orang dari seluruh dunia datang ke Sabah untuk cari pekerjaan di ladang.Kerja 2 tahun dapat 15 ekar.Siapa tidak mahu,LOL.

  21. huhu.. minta tanah ketika isu tanah di Sabah berada dalam keadaan kritikal..

  22. kalau setakat bagi status PR tu mungkin masih boleh dipertimbangkan tetapi hal nak bagi tanah sebanyak 15 ekar tu dah melampaulah...sedangkan rakyat tulen Sabah nak memiliki tanah sendiri pun dah susah inikan pula mereka yang dibagitaraf PR. Adilkah kepada mereka yang bergelar "Sabahan tulen"?

  23. Kerajaan perlu fikir masak-masak mengenai tuntutan di atas..nanti PATI pun nak menuntut!

  24. CM is really a YES people leader.

  25. Ini terbukti bahawa kaum India di Sabah juga mendapat layanan yang baik.

  26. Never underestimate your leader.

  27. Jadi percaya lah dengan pemimpin anda.
