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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is Sabah DAP chickening out?

DAP Sabah will not take part in 709 Bersih rally

KOTA KINABALU: Its KK Branch chairman, Hiew King Cheu said in a statement to the Chinese press that Sabah Dap will not take part in 709 Bersih rally.

He said that he cannot stop his members from supporting or take part in rally, "even if there is a rally organized in Sabah, Dap and other Pakatan members will not take part in it is illegal assembly".

"Bersih 2.0 is an NGO and has nothing to do with political parties and to say politics is manipulating or backing Bersih is a false accusation made by BN," he said.

He reiterated that DAP won't have anything to do with the rally, if some members wish to take part, it is by their own will while disclaiming himself of any responsibility if it happened.

However, he further said that "If I were to wear yellow shirt on that day, it would be my personal support and not representing DAP".


  1. Sabah DAP only making used of the bumiputra as a FOOL to confront the authority but they will sit in the coffee shop to watch the monkey bumiputra with the show on.

    Sabah DAP should Get Lost from Sabah!

  2. What will happen to to PKR and PAS that running around in Sabah with slogans to fight the right of Sabahans. This a blatant lie and only to fool Sabahans. Please wake up don't become tools by these hypocrites. PK is a bunch of liars. Hiew is only intrastate to persue his political agenda at the expense of Sabahans......only idiots beleiveing in him.....shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. SAPP please don't negotiate with DAP!!!!! SHOW THIS hIEW, the FOLL the might of rakyat. The Chinese voters avoid THE SITUATION what is happening to the Chinese in Sarawak NOW. How many Chinese seats in Sabah? what will happen if BN will win? Who will get the shit.You will have more pride to fight along local parties. Sabahans now rally behind local party like SAPP...they want to regain the autonomy...why not the Chinese united under SAPP you want is happening to the Chinese in Malaya...please think rationally.

  4. Parti cina dap dari malaya hanya NO ACTION TALK ONLY.

  5. To my best understanding, basically Bersih Rally is organised by non political attaching parties, & or, non-governmental organisation (NGO). They are just people of Malaysia in general. Please open up the window eyes of wisdom. Cheers~~~

  6. If opposition parties do not combine together regardless agree or disagree agenda to vote out BN then Sabah is back to square one. BN will have the last laugh hahaha. We must first deny the BN in Sabah.

  7. Maybe, again musa paid Hiew to keep quiet, don't support get more $$$$

  8. DAP mungkin ada cara mereka untuk memberi sokongan kepada Bersih 2.0.

  9. DAP tidak ikut serta? Betulkah atau cuba untuk mengelak dari disalahkan.

  10. nampaknya DAP tidak ikut serta..

  11. Terpulanglah pada mereka samada ikut serta ataupun tidak.

  12. klu semua tak ikut lagi bagus.

  13. At least DAP made a right decision.

  14. buat apalah nak bising-bising sangat ni, kalau DAP tak nak ikut serta biarkanlah!

  15. If Dap made a right decision, then it has accepted that electoral corruption. We are talking about our future, not follow opportunist politicians in this case.

  16. DAP tidak payah buat demo pun boleh menang banyak kerusi di Sarawak berbanding dengan PAS yang suka berdemo..

  17. Owh,they better be chickening out!

  18. But at least, DAP knows joining the BERSIH is not a solution.A matter shouldn't be solve in an aggressive way.
