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Monday, July 4, 2011

Director: Sikit-sikit pun rujuk Putrajaya

Give more power to Education Dept: Director

KOTA KINABALU: The Education Department should be given greater empowerment on decision-making and the implementation of development projects, especially maintenance, training and recruitment of teachers.

"Allow us to manage our own allocations based on the concept 'Let managers rnanage'and so on," said State Education Director Datuk Dr Muhiddin Yusin.

"Currently the department is not empowered to manage any allocation for development even if it is for projects costing below RM500,000," he said.

He said this is despite present regulations which state that the department can decide on projects worth below RM500,000.

"This regulation has been stated in the Arahan Perbendaharaan (Treasury directive) more than 10 years ago," he said.

Muhiddin was speaking at a press conference organised by the Education Department together with PeWanis on a Family Day event on July 9 at Tanjung Aru First Beach.

He was commenting on the recent suggestion by State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said that the Sabah Education Department be given more power and autonomy.

According to Salleh, many school buildings in the State are in need of repair and educational projects are not carried out systematically due to having to refer simple matters to Putrajaya, which he said jeopardises the Government's efforts in developing education in Sabah.

Salleh acknowledged the capability of Muhiddin as head of the Education Department, in that he is well versed in the context of local needs, hence felt it unnecessary, or alternately, to minimise the requirement for local education officers to attend meetings held in Kuala Lumpur.

By Sherell Ann Jeffrey of DE


  1. Next time when your daugther or son want to get marry, you may need to apply permit from KL. How pathetic of our Sabahans huh!

  2. Education officer should talk about education policies not projects.Thats what the rakyat want to hear and not about leaking roofs and blocked drains.

    Furthermore the power and authority of the Director should not be voiced out in public but strictly an internal affairs.He should not show his frustration to the rakyat as if he is a politician.Not happy,just resign and join politics or open 'warung nasi lemak' better still.

  3. Sabah is Sabah, are we that stupid and still not knowing that we are being manipulated by the Malayans? Sabahans, please wake up! If you don't fight now, we will become losers.

  4. What a the point to have a director of education in Sabah but no power? It seems like the Sabah director merely a PUPPET to his malaya master. What a SHAME to all the people of Sabah?

  5. That's right, we need more autonomous power.

  6. Just give the autonomy power then hopefully there will be no more 'sikit2 pun rujuk Putrajaya'.

  7. jika Jabatan Pelajaran di Sabah tidak diberikan kuasa autonomi ke atas pendidikan, bagaimana untuk berkembang maju? sikit2 rujuk Putrajaya

  8. Better to abolish Putrajaya.

  9. "The Education Department should be given greater empowerment on decision-making and the implementation of development projects, especially maintenance, training and recruitment of teachers."

    Couldn't agree more.

  10. sikit2 rujuk putrajaya...susah la macam ni...tiada kemajuan..

  11. bagi kuasa kepada jabatan pelajaran sabah..

  12. Yes, the Education Department should be given greater empowerment on decision-making and the implementation of development projects of its state.

  13. Perkembangan pendidikan di negeri Sabah masih ditahap rendah jika dibandingkan di Semananjung. Sebaiknya Putrajaya patut memberi kuasa penuh kepada kerajaan negeri untuk mengimplementasikan projek-projek yang memberi manfaat kepada sekolah-sekolah tempatan.

  14. Sa setuju Dee. Rasanya lagi banyak kebaikan jika kerajaan negeri ada kuasa mutlak, lagipun inikan tempoat sendiri. hihi

  15. Semoga hal ini mendapat perhatian sewajaranya.

  16. Jabatan Pelajaran Sabah harus diberikan lebih kuasa untuk melaksanakan sesutu keputusan agar setiap yang dirancang akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar.

  17. Betul..Bagilah kuas ketangan kerajaan negeri dalam pendidikan dinegeri mereka itu. Tidak perlulah dikawal oleh Persekutuan. Jika berterusan begini pasti negeri ini tidak ada perubahan dalam pendidik.

  18. ya.. jika kuasa diberi ia lebih mudah untuk mengurus dan memajukan sistem pendidikan di Sabah.

  19. kamu tahu saja komplain tetapi undi juga sama parti dari malaya.

    Sendiri sanggup jadi seekor kerabau malaya jangan marah orang lain. Semua tahu saja cakap tetapi tidak serupa bikin.

  20. Sudah tiba masanya Sabah cuba untuk mengurus Isu2 berbangkit tanpa ada campurtangan dari pihak federal.

  21. jadi kalau kita tukar kerajaan, Sabah tidak perlu lagi rujuk Puterajaya la??

  22. Agree with Datuk Salleh. State Education Department should be given more power to manage the allocation.

  23. Samll matters also need to refer to Putrajaya? If that is the case, why their set up their branch?

  24. Why go so far, just give more power and autonomy to the state edu dep. They can do their job well.

  25. Trust the man that have been choose. No point to appoint someone yet don't trust him.

  26. Inilah sebab banyak sekolah Sabah tidak sempat diubahsuai kerana kerosakan dan telah menjejaskan taraf pendidikan negeri.

  27. Mereka yang duduk dalam pejabat berhawa dingin di putrajaya diberi kuasa untuk membuat keputusan untuk pengunaan dana untuk sekolah-sekolah di Sabah?
