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Friday, July 22, 2011

Promises by DPM yet to be filled

PTA head to quit if problems not resolved

PENAMPANG: SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin Parent Teacher Association (PTA) president Hamdan Suarah is ready to resign from his post if the Education Ministry does not respond to their request to resolve problems faced by the school.

“I have no choice but to quit from my post if we do not receive any positive feedback from the Education Ministry within one month,” Hamdan said yesterday.

Among the issues which needed the Education Ministry’s attention was the traffic congestion in the area during peak hours and the much needed improvement ti the infrastructure such as school buildings, he said.

Hamdan also said that the PTA and school authority were waiting for the promises made by Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when he visited SMK  Datuk Peter Mojuntin in March to be fulfilled.

“When will the promises be fulfilled or are we also to share the same fate as SMK Pekan Nabalu?” he questioned.

According to Hamdan, another pressing matter was the traffic congestion in front of the school during peak hours and one of the solutions is to acquire a piece of adjacent land to build a pick-up and drop off point as well as a U-turn for motorists.

“The problen now is that the owner who received  a letter of offer from the state Land and Survey Department eaely this year has signed the letter surrendering the land but until now, no payment has been made by the government for the land.

“To many knowledge, the offer latter would only be issued if the monetary compensation is ready but this does not seem to be the case. The owner told us that if the government is not serious abiot the offer, he wants to take the land back.

“The school authority is also in a dilemma as it cannot develop the land as planned,” he lamented.


  1. Sepatutnya menteri pendidikan yang meletak jawatan.

  2. Ask Masidi Manjun to query on behalf of you guys...

  3. Itulah sebab JPN Sabah patut diberikan kuasa. Sikit-sikit masalah pun kena tunggu persetujuan daripada menteri WM.

  4. pasal tu lah sabah perlu kuasa otonomi untuk membuat keputusan..segala proses prmbangunan menjadi lambat sebab asyik2 kena rujuk putrajaya.

  5. menteri pelajaran patut memberi respon secepat mungkin..

  6. apa yang masidi dapat buat sedangkan kuasa terletak pada menteri pelajaran? mungkin masidi hanya mampu untuk menyuarakan suara rakyat tapi yang membuat keputusan adalah putrajaya.

  7. diharap menteri pendidikan segera memberikan penjelasan dan menunaikan janji-janjinya.

  8. UMNO akan dikubur di Sabah dalam PRU13. Kita tunggu dan lihat.

  9. Jangan suka buat janji terang bulan.

  10. PRU 13 mahu dekat sudah. Pandai2lah ambil hati rakyat kalau tidak mahu hilang kuasa.

  11. Hamdan shouldn't quit.

  12. Education Ministry must respond to their request to resolve problems faced by the school. It is their duty to do so.

  13. Mana suda tu KDM Task Force UMNO. Bilang mau tolong bagi ini itu kepada rakyat. Kalau UMNO mau ganti Dompok di penampang ini lah masa untok tunai janji2 pemimpin UMNO. Faham!

  14. jika dah berjanji tu, tunaikanlah.

  15. harap pekara ini akan diselesaikan dengan segera seperti yang dijanjikan.

  16. Inilah kesukaran untuk kita bila dikawal sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan pusat. Apa pun harap perkara ini dapat diselesaikan dengan secepat yang mungkin.

  17. semoga kes ini dapat perhatian segera dan masalah-masalah yang disebutkan dapat diselesaikan oleh kerajaan pusat dengan secepat mungkin.

  18. janji patut ditunai dan Putrajaya harus bertindak segera!

  19. you are not the one who should give up. but ask DPM to resign if he still unable to solve the problem faced by all school in this state.

  20. DPM should fulfill what is promised.
