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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sabah people stand to lose with increased tariff

The electricity tariff hike 'Sabah may lose out investors to S'wak'

INANAM: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the excuse that Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) continued to incur losses so as to justify increasing the State's electricity tariff cannot be accepted because the company had made a profit in 2006.

Its Deputy President Datuk Eric Majimbun said this was based on the SESB audited accounts showing it registered a net profit of RM126 million as at Aug. 31, 2006, which was a turnaround for the company.

"The said financial year had been a watershed in the history of SESB. It made a turnaround, and therefore we want to ask why a turnaround company such as SESB needs to impose the electricity tariff hike?" he told a press conference at the party's Sepanggar office here.

Ensuring SESB does not continue to incur losses was one of the reasons for the Government allowing the utility company to increase the electricity tariff in Sabah.

Majimbun also asked the reason for SESB to make losses to the extent that it is necessary to charge higher to relieve its financial predicament.

"Before imposing the hike, had SESB exhausted other means or employed other measures to cut its losses? What about mismanagement? Unwarranted electricity loss? We are sure such steps, no matter how small, if taken in a integrated manner, can minimise the need for such an excessive tariff hike,” he charged.

He said there had been much feedback and reports on the recent SESB tariff hike, adding the party would like to go a step further and undertake to assess the impact of the hike on commerce and industry in Sabah.

"If it is treated as an isolated case, the results are what the recent analyses have to say. A simple comparative analysis that we did showed the revised rate is across-the-board in excess of 10 per cent more than Sarawak," he said.

This shows we have very little competitive edge over our surrounding neighbours, he added, saying in the past electricity was one major factors to maintain Sabah's edge in keeping industries in the State.

"We now see whatever little edge we had has eroded. Do you think new industries are interested to come to Sabah? Will the existing industries prefer to remain in Sabah? It is our opinion that the new tariff will be catastrophic to the industries in Sabah," he said.

"According to reliable industrial sources, the excessive hike caused them to review their operations in Sabah. We can expect an exodus of industries in favour of neighbouring Sarawak which has a more competitive edge over us."

He said the State economic composition showed more than 70 per cent of its revenue/receipts belongs to the Federal Government and non-Sabahans.

"The funds we have circulating within the State that can generate a multiplying effect is already minimal and limited. Yet, SESB and our State leaders permit a suffocating electricity tariff. It would certainly erode our economic base further as long as the Sabahan asset is concerned. It causes a decrease in enterprises and hence less job opportunities," he said.

Inanam CLC Vice Chairman Don Chin (right), said he was informed that a shopping mall maintenance management company had already increased its charge from RM1 to RM1.35 effective Aug 1, which the company stated was because of the SESB's new electricity tariff.

Definitely this increase in maintenance charge will be absorbed by the shop operators in the mall concerned by increasing the prices of their saleable goods and the burden will end up on the consumers, he said.

DE by Larry Balon


  1. Improve your service before increasing tariffs.

  2. What is the point to increase tariffs all of a sudden?

  3. jika nak naikkan tarif pun, kena pastikan jg mutu perkhidmatan jg meningkat.

  4. Macam pesta naik harga pula tahun ini. Hmm.

  5. When the prices got hike up but the salary remain still, how to maintain?

  6. Kenaikan harga minyak, elektrik, etc mengundang ketidakpuasan hati yang banyak. Adakah perkara ini telah diteliti sehabis baik?

  7. Kalau semua naik, takut para pelabur pun tarik diri daripada nak melabur di M'sia ni.

  8. setuju dengan samanda, jika tarif naik, pastikan mutu perkhidmatan dipertingkatkan..

  9. kenaikan tarif ini sudah pasti akan menaikkan barangan serta perkhidmatan yang lain.

  10. kerajaan perlu berusaha menangani masalah kenaikan tarif ini.

  11. tidak berbaloi, kualiti tetap sama tiada upgrade.

  12. Gaji juga harus naik serentak...

  13. Jangan jadi macam Astro nanti sendiri yang terkena.

  14. Perbaharui juga la kualiti elektrik yang ada sekarang ni. Gaji pun mesti kena naik juga ni.

  15. Kerajaan negeri harus masuk campur dan adakan usaha untuk menyebelahi rakyat Sabah.

  16. Harus diingatkan bahawa Negeri Sabah adalah negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia, justeru itu, tarif kenaikan elektrik ini bukan sahaja membebankan tetapi kemiskinan akan kekal diselubungi oleh penduduk Sabah.

  17. SESB harus mengkaji dahulu kesan sampingan kenaikan ini sebelum melaksanakannya kerana jelas ternyata rakyat Sabah yang menderita.

  18. Rata-rata Sabahan terutama mereka dari golongan berpendapatan rendah mahukan pemahaman dari SESB mengenai tarif kenaikan yang membebankan rakyat Sabah ini, supaya mengekalkan tarif yang lama.

  19. jelas sekali pelabur asing/bukan Sabahan akan lebih berminat melabur wang mereka ke tempat lain seperti Sarawak jika keadaan ini berterusan dan tiada penyelasian dari pihak kerajaan atau SESB.

  20. Tarif dinaikkan tapi kualiti tak pula naik. Sunggu menyedihkan.

  21. Yang paling kesian adalah rakyat. Dah lah semua barang naik, gaji tak juga naik2. huhuhu

  22. Kerajaan harus melakukan sesuatu dalam hal ini demi membantu mengurangkan bebanan rakyat.

  23. Wahai SESB, apapun alasan tarif dianikkan saya yakin takda mahu dengar oo.

  24. Tingkatkan kualaiti perkhidamatan at least kurang juga sakit hati:P

  25. Susahlah bagi rakyat...apa boleh buat?

  26. IF the tariff were to increase, so must the service.

  27. I hope SESB will review their decision to increase the tariff.

  28. Tarif elektrik baru ini memberikan sedikit beban kepada rakyat Sabah. Tapi mungkin ini adalah cara SESB untuk menanggung kerugian oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggugjawab seperti peyambungan elektrik secara haram, pencuri kabel dan sebagainya.

  29. Kenaikkan ini pasti akan dikaji semula oleh kerajaan. Kerana disebabkan kenaikkan ini pelbagai barang juga turut sama mengalami kenaikan.

  30. Not really. Then how about US lately?

  31. Kita tidak boleh mengelak kenaikan harga dalam semua aspek.

  32. The last tariff revision was made ​​in June 2006. Over the past few years, the cost of electricity supply has increased especially due to the costs out of control, including capital costs, equipment and materials, inflation, foreign exchange costs and the cost of electricity supply infrastructure. coupled with the rising prices of natural gas to the energy sector from RM10.70/mmBTU to RM13.70/mmBTU... so, that is why SESB has no other choice other than to increase they tariff.

    SAPP should reveal and don't hide everything about why they need to increase the tariff without looking the profit they made in 2006.

  33. How about the price of goods and oil?

  34. Saya rasa bukan Sabah saja terkena tempiasnya.

  35. I think the investors do know what's going around in Sabah.

  36. The people can't accept any of are the problem, not us!!!!!

  37. SESB should be honest with us, they are a monopoly company...they always have chances to make profit. Why not deal with us sincerely?

  38. Hope the Government will go for further investigation to avoid any mistakes. This mistakes can lead to another problem for the people.

  39. I bet the people will have another report about this...

  40. Setuju dengan kata Anonymous, Harus diingatkan bahawa Negeri Sabah adalah negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia, justeru itu, tarif kenaikan elektrik ini bukan sahaja membebankan tetapi kemiskinan akan kekal diselubungi oleh penduduk Sabah.

    Harap kerajaan kaji balik tentang kenaikan tarif yang membebankan rakyat

  41. Kenaikan tarif perlu mendapat keseimbangan dengan jumlah pendapat penduduk di sini.

  42. Didn't SAPP made good profit every year? Why still need to put burden on the people to make more profit. Its hard time, government and the people in Sabah should overcome hard time together.

  43. Bagaimana kualiti perkhidmatan? Ada siapa boleh memberi keterangan?

  44. Adakah lebih baik jika SAPP boleh mengkaji kaedah lain selain dari kenaikan tarif untuk menampung kerugiannya? Contohnya kurangkan pembaziran? Kualiti Management? dll..
