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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lim's bad mouthing in Singapore

TV3: Guan Eng's faux pas in S'pore, not Australia

While Penang Chief Miniser Lim Guan Eng has denied maligning Johor in an interview on an Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) radio station, TV3 last night disclosed that the DAP secretary-general did indeed 'bad mouth' Johor - in Singapore.

The purported audio recording - TV3's Buletin Utama - reveals that he had disparaged Johor over its crime rate during a recent meeting with foreign correspondents in the republic.

The TV station, which is linked to Umno, claimed that Lim's remarks were nade at a luncheon talk with the Foreign Correspondents' Association in Singapore on Aug 12.

Lim had, during the talk, flaunted Penang's relative safety when he commented that Singaporeans are "likely to be kidnapped" when they go to Johor.

Buletin Utama's full transcript of the purported audio recording reads:

"(Penang) is visibly cleaner, greener and also safer. We talk of safety in term of reducing crime index. Penang was number one last year in term of cutting crime. We cut crimes by 37 percent last year and for the first six months of the year, we cut crime by another 25 percent.

"So you don't have to worry about your safety when you come to Penang. In Johor, if you are a Singaporean, you are likely to get kidnapped. You ask any Singaporeans, they would know, but you don't have that problem when you come to Penang."

Buletin Utama also interviewed Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Mukhriz Mahathir (left), who urged Lim to stop making baseless and irresponsible comments about other states because this would tarnish Malaysia's image as a whole.

Lim had vehemently denied that he had made any derogatory remarks against other states when he recently visited Australia, as alleged by Bernama.

Lim has demanded an unconditional apology from the national news agency for its report quoting him as saying, in the ABC interview,that Johor is not a safe state as kidnappings are common there, unlike in Penang.

The report also quoted Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's criticism of Lim for undermining Johor and painting the state as an unsuitable investment destination

Lim's office later produced the official transcript of the ABC interview to disprove Muhyiddin's claim.

According to the transcript, Lim had neither mentioned Johor, nor made any reference to the situation in other states.


  1. DAP is a RACIST party!

  2. If DAP is racist, umno are triple racist. more severe in fact. but this matter is not about the racist "thing" if u are well-educated to understand. and u actually are out of topic. if u want to talk about racist thing, refer mr.muhy remark about the "Malay 1st, Malaysian 2nd" thing. theres many racist remark comes from the mouth of umno-bn chimpanzee leader. but you all did not even care to comment. Stupid!

  3. Tak mungkin DAP rasis.

  4. setiap negeri ada pencapaian masing-masing..

  5. kata-kata yang boleh menimbulkan isu yang kurang baik haruslah dielakkan..

  6. DAP tk boleh dipercayai sgt.

  7. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata badan binasa. Berhati-hati dalam setiap pertuturan kita.

  8. All the party import from malaya UMNO or DAP or PAS are racist party. Sabah people must reject them in the coming GE13.

  9. Lim Guan Eng perlu meminta maaf kepada MB Johor dan rakyatnya.

  10. Jadi janganlah kita pilih DAP.

  11. Lim Guan Eng now says it is just a private conversation....with so many foreign correspondents around?

    LGE, You think I am a 3 year old kid ka?

  12. desak LGE memohon maaf kepada sultan Johor dan rakyatnya..

  13. If he said it out in his offical speech or interview, then he is wrong, but if he said in his private conversation.....then he have the right to tell the truth, JB is unsafe place to go. Regarding the recoding which on air on TV3 it can be cut and paste. If TV3 able to give a clear video recoding and support with some proof then we will know the truth...........never trust TV3 only those in kampung can truth TV news!

  14. how about the tourist dead in Penang attacked by a dog?
