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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Political Interference: Ban on episode on Sabah's plights

Mystery ban on Siasat's Chinese edition episode

An episode of Media Prima-owned television station ntv7's Chinese edition of the current affairs programme, Siasat, which is aired every Thursday, was barred from being aired last night.

No explanation was given for the sudden decision to take this particular episode, titled "I want to go to school", off the air.

An old episode of the 30-minute Siasat series was aired during the time slot for the award-winning programme, which is 11.30 every Thursday night.

The Siasat production team announced the change on its Facebook page last night, without giving any explanation.

Some Facebook users suspect the reason to be political interference or media control.

An ntv7 source told Malaysiakini, that the team received a directive from the TV station's "higher authorities" on Wednesday, saying the documentary "I want to go to school" should not be aired.

They gave no reason, the source added.

He believes that the episode may have been deemed "harmful to Sabah's image", since it explores the plight of Sabah's native races in the areas of education and poverty, as well as touches on the shortage of electricity and water supplies in the state.

He added that this particular episode has also faced problems with the Censorship Board, and the producers had been forced to edit out some content. Yet, it could not escape the 'don't screen it' order.

Another source said it was not difficult to imagine the ban on the "I want to go to school" segment of the Siasat series because it touched on "sensitive issues".

On the Siasat Facebook page, the production team said this episode tries to reflect on the relative slow development in Sabah and Sarawak, despite the two states having joined Malaysia 48 years ago.

The team says: "For the last decade and more, Sabah remains the poorest state. In terms of education, 21 percent of Sabahans never receive education.

"What kind of future these children will have? Why there is sharp wealth inequality in the town and rural areas of Sabah? Let us reflect this on question as we celebrate Malaysia Day."

Malaysiakini made several attempts to contact ntv7's Chinese news and current affairs section for comment, but has been unsuccessful.

Lee Weng Keat


  1. BN govt do not want to show the people or the world that they have failed.

  2. U shud've said, "the highest authority of UMNO/BN gov". Other than that, who else? what? u want to say it's the work of the opposition? oh common.... u shud be clever than the sepilok orangutans. another "swept under carpet" deal. never mind la, if the ntv7 "siasat edition" team has the ball, just put it on internet. Youtube or Facebook. or at i bet there's many youngster out there who want to see this documentary.

  3. Party import from malaya UMNO is Succccckssss!

  4. I don't think there is any problem airing about the current situation in the country.

  5. Covering up the problems does not solve the issues.

  6. 21% of Sabahans never receive education? are they really Sabahan?? As we know that Sabah is the highest of PATI, I curious either the percentage really shows Sabahan.

  7. Jangan politikkan isu ni.

  8. So rabbit, kalau bukan campur tangan politik apa lagi? sikit2 cakap "jangan dipolitikkan". kamu tahu sebabnya mungkin, pasal tu kamu cakap jgn politikkan. cuba kunu kamu serita sini. apa kunu sebabnya. tapi jgn pula kamu sakap itu hanya disebabkan masalah teknikal. kelakar.

  9. apapun, penduduk yang dalam kesusahan ini perlu dibantu.

  10. Adalah lebih baik jika mereka diberi pekerjaan agar setiap bulan mereka ada pendapatan.

  11. penyelesaian dan usaha untuk membantu rakyat itu lebih penting daripada ia ditayangkan dengan meluas di tv.

  12. Semua pihak perlu bekerjasama dalam membantuk rakyat yang dalam kesusahan disamping mereka juga berusahah memgubah kehidupan mereka.

  13. memang kenyataannya ada kawasan2 di Sabah yang masih mundur dan rakyat terutama di pedalaman ada yang masih buta huruf.

  14. Obviously "someone" is covering up the issues.

  15. Are u sure that the sabahans are actually suffering or the PATI??

  16. apa pun, usaha untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan memang perlu sentiasa dilakukan.

  17. "He believes that the episode may have been deemed "harmful to Sabah's image", since it explores the plight of Sabah's native races in the areas of education and poverty, as well as touches on the shortage of electricity and water supplies in the state."

    I think the country should know what exactly happen in the other side of the world too. We should be giving care, help and support but not to hidden the truth of the situation.

  18. Kerajaan seharus memberi perhatian dan bantuan kepada mereka yang memerlukannya. Rakyat dan masyarakat seharus mengetahui keadaan sebenar di pedalaman Sabah agar masyarakat juga boleh memberi bantuan dan sokongan.

  19. Hoping that Media Prima-owned television station ntv7's Chinese edition will give explanation to the publich why the programs was barred so that the public do not misjudge about the government.

  20. Masyarakat seharus mengambil tahu keadaan sebenar di negeri Sabah supaya bantuan dan sokongan diberi kepada mereka yang memerlukannya.

  21. Sabah masih 20% penduduk yang tidak berpeluang untuk mendapat pendidikan, keadaan ini seharus diberi perhatian wajar.

  22. Makanya Sabah perlulah dimajukan supaya semua penduduk menikmati pembangunan yang ada.

  23. Kemiskinan di Sabah tidak seperti dulu. Malahan kerajaan telah mencuba untuk memastikan Sabah bebas dari kemiskinan. Kerajaan pasti merancang sesuatu untuk menangai masalah sebegini.

  24. Musang bin tidak aman is the MOST CORRUPTION CM in Sabah history.

    Musang bin tidak aman is the only Sabah CM to make Sabah the POOREST in Malaysia.

    Musang bin tidak aman has done NOTHING to improve the standard of living for the people for the past 9 years beside busying in stealing and robbing our native lands.

    Wait for the Wrath of God! Musang bin tidak aman and your cronies, your days are numbered!

  25. Cover macam mana sekalipun, manusia byang cacat penglihatan pun tahu apa yang berlaku di Sabah. huhu

  26. Bukankah cara terbaik ialah bangunkan Sabah dan Sabahan supaya terus berkembang maju???

  27. Hal ini harus diberi perhatian dan sebolehnya siasat juga adakah peratusan yang dipaparkan merujuk pada Sabahan dan tidka termasuk PATI. hehe

  28. Kalau off air pun takpa, yang penting selesaikan saja masalah ini. Jadi senang cerita, tak payah bising2.

  29. Semoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  30. ala.. kasi siar saja la.. sekurang2nya pemimpin2 dari kerajaan pusat boleh nampak bagaimana daifnya kehidupan di sabah.. mana tau ada tambahan bajet untuk sabah..

  31. Berkemungkinan ada masalah teknikal. Harap program ini dapat diaturkan masa lain untuk disiarkan supaya rakyat dapat saksikan program yang amat bermakna ini.

  32. The people has the rights to know the truth of the situation on the other side of the country.

  33. To hide the program doesnt mean the problem does not exist. We have to face the reality and be able to tackle the problems and resolve it soon.

  34. Masyarakat seharus mengambil tahu masalah sebenar di Sabah supaya bantuan dapat dihulurkan kepada mereka yang memerlukannya. Image tidak bernilai tetapi masalah seharus diberi perhatian dan diselesaikan.

  35. 20% dari jumlah penduduk masih tidak berpeluang untuk menuntut pelajaran, jumlah ini memang serius dan seharus kerajaan berusaha untuk membaiki masalah tersebut. Masalah ini akan membawa kesan yang amat buruk kepada Sabah dan Malaysia.

  36. Wah, like this also can ah?

  37. Kalau memang program itu berunsurkan kisah benar, apa salahnya?

  38. I don't think there is something to do with political stuff.

  39. Takkan berita mcm ni pun kena ban?

  40. Political....interference..again.

  41. kenapa diharamkan? tanpa sebab?

  42. ini tentunya ada pengaruh politik...

  43. siri seperti ini patut ditayangan supaya rakyat tahu keadaan sebenar di Sabah, apatah lagi digelar negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia

  44. setidak-tidaknya jelaskan dahulu kenapa siri ini dihentikan supaya semua paham keadaan sebenar

  45. kini ianya dipolitikkan oleh sesetengah pihak
