Umno-led Sabah Barisan Nasional has taken things too much for granted in Sabah and this time, with the impending general election, the state may be fertile ground for revolts and back-stabbings
KOTA KINABALU: If the virulent exchanges among Sabah Barisan Nasional component parties are to be taken seriously, then back-stabbing, revolts and open challenges will be a common scene in the coming general election in Sabah.
Already at each other’s throat is the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Umno leaders close to Chief Minister Musa Aman.
Sandakan Umno Youth has stated that it will not support LDP president, VK Liew, if he seeks re-election in Sandakan, a stronghold of Musa.
LDP, formerly helmed by Chong Kah Kiat, who, political observers believe, still has a hand in the party, does not have a working relationship with Umno in Kudat.
It is Chong’s hometown and current LDP secretary-general Teo Chee Kang, the Tanjung Kapur assemblyman, is having a tough time with Umno leaders there who are aligned to Musa.
The fallout between LDP and Musa can be traced back to when Musa put a stop to a Chong-inspired project to erect the world’s tallest Mazu (a sea goddess) statue in Kudat.
Parts of the statue are still laying at its original site in Kudat till this day.
LDP-Gerakan war
In addition to its quarrel with Musa and Umno, the Chinese-based LDP also has a problem with Gerakan, another peninsula-based BN component party.
Gerakan has demanded that it be given the chance to represent BN in the constituencies formerly held by Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), which is now in the opposition in Sabah.
LDP in turn wants all the constituencies gained by Gerakan through defections to be returned
to them and has also laid claim to SAPP’s seats as the only local Chinese-based party in the state BN.
Leaders within the BN circle are also worried about possible revolts in Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Umno’s strongest ally in Sabah.
“While PBS is very reliable in garnering support from the Kadazandusun-Murut community for BN, this time impatient leaders might be tempted to go against their own party’s pick,” said a component leader who did not want to be identified.
These “impatient” PBS leaders include divisional chairmen and deputy chairmen who are well into their 50s and who have always cried foul over a myriad of domestic issues, including the perennial problem of the large presence of illegal immigrants from the southern Philippines and Indonesia and the lack of power-sharing in an Umno-dominated Sabah.
Some have named PBS divisional chairman for Sook, Bernard Maraat, as a potential rebel to stand as an independent in the coming election.
Revolts within PBS
Maraat, the popular highly-educated Murut, was formerly with Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) but had since joined PBS and was elected its divisional chairman in Sook that has always been allotted to the tiny PBRS, which has been helmed by another long-serving leader Joseph Kurup.
In other areas too, especially where the incumbent assemblymen are long-serving and unpopular, some PBS divisional leaders are working to propel themselves as possible candidates within or without BN.
Some of these potential candidates think that with the votes being split among BN, SAPP and Pakatan Rakyat, they stand a chance while others claim they would just go for it to prove a point or two.
“Many PBS assemblymen are old-timers; some of them have been there for far too long and many good leaders in PBS believe they would never have the chance no matter how popular and capable they are,” said a party insider.
PBS is helmed by 72-year-old Joseph Pairin Kitingan, a former chief minister who has been Tambunan assemblyman for more than three decades.
A few days ago, he announced that he will defend both his current seats in Tambunan and Keningau where he is its long-serving MP in the coming general election.
“Pairin might be making a statement to cool down the silent pushing and shoving to replace him in either of the two seats.
“There is already a movement in these areas to promote certain leaders if an opportunity arises,” said the party insider.
Squabbling Upko
PBS deputy president, Maximus Ongkili, is said to be likely to move from Kota Marudu to either Tambunan or Keningau in the next election.
Ongkili has been building a big house, just a stone’s throw from Pairin’s in Tambunan, further fuelling this speculation.
However, insiders said if this happened it might not be smooth sailing for PBS and Ongkili as “local Tambunan PBS boys” who have been serving the constituents for years might not be willing to just fade away with Pairin, if the veteran chooses to decline re-election.
Upko too will not be spared possible revolts.
Though it has generally young leaders as assemblymen, it also has very active and outspoken leaders on state rights and autonomy.
A senior Upko leader, Kalakau Untol, left the party months ago to join PKR.
And he took with him a few young leaders.
The young leaders still maintain ties with their former Upko colleagues fuelling speculation that they could get help, especially in areas where Upko would not be contesting.
But all this is nothing new in Sabah politics. Last-minute revolts and back-stabbings happen all the time.
Many believe the coming 13th general election will be fertile ground for more of the same.
However, this time the ruling coalition may have taken things too much for granted in the
“fixed-deposit” state.
najib mesti ganti musa dengan datuk shafie. musa terlalu kuat rasuah dan tidak boleh pakai lagi
ReplyDeletemusa adalah punca ketidakstabilan komponen BN di Sabah. tiada guna punya KM.
ReplyDeleteparti-parti komponen BN di Sabah harus bekerjasama demi kebaikan rakyat dan bukan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteparti komponen harus bekerjasama menyelesaikan isu2 semasa yang dihadapi oleh rakyat dan bukannya sibuk menyediakan diri untuk PRU akan datang
ReplyDeletebagaimana rakyat Sabah nak memihak kepada BN jika ada pemimpin-pemimpinnya sibuk bertelingkah sesama sendiri
ReplyDeleteharap jawatankuasa kecil yang ditubuhkan oleh KM Sabah setidak-tidaknya akan dapat menangani isu-isu kritikal seperti tanah-rampas dan PATI di negeri ini.
ReplyDeletesamada komponen BN dapat memerintah kerajaan Sabah atau tidak, semuanya akan ditentukan dalam PRU-13
ReplyDeleteSegala masalah dalam BN hnylah kecil, tapi ia sengaja diperbesarkan oleh pihak tertentu.
ReplyDeletesemua Parti dalam BN harus bekerjasama dan tumpukan perhatian dalam membantu rakyat.
ReplyDeletejika benar adanya masalah dalam BN biarlah ia diselesaikan dengan cara profesional. sepatutnya pihak yang terlibat juga tidak memperbesarkan masalah hingga ke pengetahuan media.
ReplyDeletepara pemimpin parti perlu mengenalpasti dan memperbaiki kelemahan yang memungkinkan sesuatu masalah itu timbul. jangan terlalu ego dan pentingkan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeletesekarang saja ni begini, nanti pilihanraya semua satu hati juga tu..tengok la...
ReplyDeleteJika musa dipecat, semua masalah dalam BN Sabah akan selesai.
ReplyDeleteMusang bin tidak aman is the MOST CORRUPTED CM in Sabah history. He also made Sabah to become the POOREST in malaysia.
ReplyDeleteMusang bin tidak aman has done NOTHING 9 years as Sabah CM. He is the WORST CM in Sabah.
Betul itu apa Anon diatas kata, banyak kes sudah musa terlibat dalam merampas tanah orang kampung, rasuah, bawa masuk pendatang haram dari pakistan ke Sabah dan lain2.
ReplyDeletekadang-kadang sesetengah isu sengaja disensasikan walaupun keadaan sebenarnya OK...
ReplyDeletemacam-macam isu yang berlaku...hari tu dengar pembangkang pun banyak masalah..SAPP dan DAP tidak ngam la..PKR Sabah pula selalu saja ada masalah kepimpinan..PAS pula macam tidak wujud saja di Sabah..jadi pandai-pandailah nilai...
ReplyDeleteKenapa orang Sabah masih mahu sokong parti dari seberang? Tidak puas jadi seekor kerbau dicucuk hidung ditarik jalan kah selama 48 tahun?
ReplyDeleteAku sokong parti pemgbangkang local SAPP PRU13 nanti. Aku tidak percaya sama parti2 terutama dari seberang. Bikin semak saja di Sabah.
UMNO BN dengan PKR/DAP/PAS= 2X5=10
ReplyDeletePatut juga bandera Malaysia ini diubah.Dulu Jalur Gemilang ini melambang kan Malaya+Singapura+Sarawak+Sabah= Malaysia.
Sekarang,Perlis+Kedah+Perak+Kelantan+Terengganu+Selangor+Negeri Sembilan+Melaka+Johor + Wilayah Persekutuan+P Pinang+ Sarawak+Sabah = Malaysia.
Kalau undipun tetap Sarawak dan Sabah kalah seban lawak 9 negeri. Dulu pembentukan Malaysia,semua negeri negeri ini dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) undi mereka cuma 1 sekarang jadi 9.Betul betul penipu. INILAH KITA SEMUA KENA BUYUK TARANG TARANG.Semua buta sejarah,apa lagi disana Melayu pura pura lupa..
BN taik kantut! Siapapun CM Sabah kalau ia dari BN sama saja. Semuaaaa penipu. Projek IC Mahathir sdh terburai oleh mantan pengarah SPR, Pulau2 Sabah mahu dijual, Sabah sdh penuh dgn PTI, semua jenis buisness sdh dikuasai oleh PTI, peluang2 pekerjaan sdh dirampas PTI, tanah2 paling subur di Sabahpun sdh dimiliki oleh PTI berIC, Sabah dijadikan oleh FIX Deposit, terus terang ah, yg menyokong BN itu kalo di Sabah bukannya orng Sabah asli tapi semuanya yg asal PTI. Jadi yg org asli Sabah itu, fikir2kanlah. Jgn fikir pasal mau menang sorak tapi negeri dan maruah tergadai. Sampai sekarang saya masih dihantui kekecewaan atas penjualan atau penyerahan pulau Labuan kp KL.
ReplyDeleteas far as i know, the mazu issue is already settled..
ReplyDeleteisu mengenai kerusi yang dituntut oelh LDP dan juga GERAKAN pasti akan diselesaikan..namun harus diutamakan kepada parti politik sabah..
ReplyDeletekini semuanya terletak di tangan rakyat sabah...pandai2 lah menilai dan memilih..
ReplyDeletebiarpun ada masalah dalam BN sabah, semua ini dapat diselesaikan melalui perbincangan yang mana telah menjadi amalan Bn sekian lama..
ReplyDeletepihak pembangkang juga menghadapi isu2 dalaman yang serius..namun belum ada penyelesaian kepada isu2 tersebut...
ReplyDeleteSAPP & DAP tidak akan dapat menang jika pertanding 3 penjuru dengan BN...mungkin juga akan kehilangan duit deposit...picaya la...
ReplyDeleteLDP and Sabah BN should resolve the internal conflict amongst themselves.
ReplyDeleteDon't let the personal issues affect the party's performance.
ReplyDeleteSelsaikanlah masalah dalaman Parti BN.
ReplyDeleteApa yang berlaku dalam BN Sabah hanyalah masalah kecil yang hanya memerlukan perbincangan dalaman antara parti komponen.
ReplyDeleteLopping holes, illegals, poverty and blah blah blah.
ReplyDeleteSabah tidak boleh lagi bergantung dengan orang lain.
ReplyDeletesome YBs and Ministers have been there for long long time, they know how to change according to time but they never help change they constituencies for the better and Sabah only got worse. How do they face their conscience?? "Men may earn the whole world and still lose their lives"!
ReplyDeleteSabah kan sejahtera,aman dan makmur di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Musa Aman.Apalah guna merepek?Mau siapa ketua Menteri? YTL,Datuk Shafie? Lebeh teruk oi!
ReplyDeleteMasalah parti komponen seharus dibawa bincang dan diselesaikan dalam perbincangan.
ReplyDeleteInternal conflict between LDP & BN should resolve soon to avoid bad reputation especially PRU is around the corner.
ReplyDeleteStop being too much concentration and eyeing on seats but forget about their responsibility and roles to the people of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteRasa-rasa PRU13 ini merupakan satu persaingan dan cabaran giat bagi Sabah BN.
ReplyDeleteAdakah MUSA masih kekal dan diberi sokongan dari rakyat? Memang susah untuk diandaikan. Semoga jawatan kuasa kecil yang ditubuhkan dapat menanggani masalah yang serius di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePembangkang hanya iri hati dengan Datuk Musa saja kerana berjaya memajukan Sabah.Lagi pun sudah kehabisan modal politik tapi maseh tidak laku juga.
ReplyDeletehahaha.... Politik ni memang memeningkan kepala. Ada2 saja yang timbul. Harap usaha yang dibuat nanti membuahkan hasil:)
ReplyDeleteEntah apa lah yang akan berubah sekiranya hanya tahu menyalahkan BN atau CM??? hmmm..
ReplyDeleteTapi saya rasa, ada baiknya jika komponen BN bersatu dan fokus pada matlamat utama utk menjaga kebajikan rakyat. Jangan biarkan pergolakan dalaman merosakan kepercayaan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSelesaikan masalah itu dengan cara baik dan profesional.. Saya yakin ia pasti dapat dileraikan tanpa perlu saling menyalahkan.
ReplyDeleteApapun, semuanya terletak ditangan rakyat sendiri. Undi adalah hak rakyat dan siapapun yang rakyat nak sokong terpulanglah pada mereka. Pastikan saja sokongan itu diberi pada yang layak:)
ReplyDeletewhatever issues that they face must be solved in a professional way. Enough of pointing fingers.
ReplyDeleteI hope even with the problems going on, they still focus on serving the people.
ReplyDeleteStop killing within parties.
ReplyDeleteUsaha untuk mengekang segala pertelingkahan di kalangan parti harus ada.
ReplyDeleteGood luck.
ReplyDeletebenda yang boleh diselesaikan secara aman jangan la di bawa ke media atau dipanjangkan..
ReplyDeletemusang bin tidak aman tidak tahu apa itu aman. musang tahu saja KOREK dan merampas tanah orang kampung. musang adalah paling dasyat dan yang paling kuat rasuah punya KM di sejarah Sabah. Kamu tunggu sajalah ketulahan kamu dari ALLAH.
ReplyDeletecuba ko bagi tau siapa pemimpin di malaysia ini yang tau apa itu aman? ko senaraikan pemimpin yang 100% sempurna..