THE spat among the local leaders, especially between SAPP and DAP, don't go down well with voters and potential voters of opposition parties.
Why must a problem be created unnecessarily, which could be resolved easily?
If the idea is to score political mileage, it isn't worth even thinking because people actually hate it. The only group that benefits out of this is the BN.
Local DAP leaders are prone to sparking hatred which eventually lead to unnecessary strain on other fellow opposition leaders.Why must a problem be created unnecessarily, which could be resolved easily?
If the idea is to score political mileage, it isn't worth even thinking because people actually hate it. The only group that benefits out of this is the BN.
Politicians like us have different views of looking at politics and want as far as possible to align from this old designed mentality that only they can do politicking. We want something more forward looking to pursue people and State's interests.
There is a need to plant new initiative among the younger leaders if we want to see real democracy in Malaysia and in Sabah exist in the future. I'm expecting all opposition political parties to cooperate. All should wrap their quarrel and let the general election be done with, or else get out of politics.

The present opposition leaders must put aside any differences and let consolidate energy against the BN Government.
I don't think Hiew King Cheu is representing the rest of DAP in Sabah, nor the national leaders' views.
Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim had made the statement very clear with regards to the likely status of collaboration between Pakatan and SAPP in this coming GE
Let me give my view bluntly, in Sabah no matter how strong DAP is, assuming SAPP takes all Chinese seat (7) DAP will never ever able to form a State govemment by itself. Thus rhetoric of this kind is just childish game.
In Sabah, the need for cooperation among all opposition parties is real. No group is more important or less important If the opposition wants to form a State Govemment they have to subscribe to the idea of cooperation. Otherwise all works over the years would soon vanish in thin air.
I’m not defending Yong Teck Lee' past (SAPP President) but I would state my view where needed. I'm defending my party, SAPP. There are plenty, of emerging good leaders in SAPP who work day and night with clear conscience whose political struggle is for the good of the Rakyat and the State.
And mind you, we do it willingly, sacrifice our soul and almost everything else after all the hardship and "tortured" we endured by BN bullying game. Opposition members aren't even allowed to use the Balai Raya when those facilities are meant for all Rakyat who paid taxes and levies to the Government.
DAP will never get en routed into rural Bumiputra Sabah, I bet not a seat! Let alone in Muslim areas. As of now no other opposition party can match SAPP in term of their preparedness going into deep remote kampungs. All too often the peninsula political parties did was, make a loud bang! And off they go while SAPP is here to stay.
Our leaders are not only Sabahans but also represent cross section of local ethnics, many of them are new and unheard before unlike "seasoned and retarded politicians". It's worth recruiting new ones if we want change to take place; SAPP has always been exploring quality leadership.
Hj Amde Sidik
Kepada Pemimpin Pemimpin Pembangkang khususnya DAP...;
ReplyDeleteKita bersetuju kenyataan Penasihat DAP Nasional Lim Kit Siang baru baru ini bhwa SAPP sebenarnya bukan lawannya dlm politik Sabah, sebaliknya BN yg seharusnya menjadi tumpuan Dr Hiew Keng Chiu kerana BN adalah lawan politik pembangkang untuk PRU13.
Faham atau tidak erti strategi politik, kita pasti Dr Hiew memahaminya tetapi Hiew sengaja menghentam kawannya dlm pembangkang spt SAPP kerana mempunyai berbagai agenda tersirat didalam minda Hiew.
Seperkara lagi yang lebih menarik sekali yg harus menjadi perhatian umum tentang kelicikan/kebodohan politik Hiew jikalau benarlah Hiew mendapat pembiayaan/penajaan keberaniannya dari pihak lawan utk dijadikan perkakas menghancurkan gagasan pembangkang.
Apa pun alasan atau penafian Hiew, pastinya tidak akan dapat diterima rakyat Sabah kerana selepas prk Batu Sapi apabila calon BN Linda Tsen menang, pemimpin DAP Adun Tanjung telah mendapat pujian dan penghargaan daripada pemimpin2 Umno Sabah termasuk KM kerana peranan yg dimainkan DAP dlm prk itu.
Inilah buktinya kebiadapan pemimpin DAP terutamanya Dr Hiew yg sebenarnya bukan berjuang utk rakyat dan negeri ini tetapi mereka berjuang utk kepentingan periuk nasi demi survival politik mereka...harap rakyat menolak DAP pada PRU13 kerana diperingkat permulaan sdh kelihatan bermain kotor.
Apa pun cita cita menggunung DAP konon2 utk menerajui kerajaan negeri Sabah selepas PRU13 hanyalah sekadar angan angan "Mat Jinin" semata mata kerana pasti rakyat akan menolak mereka kerana boleh diperkotak katikkan oleh UMNO-BN.
"Seasoned" and retarded Sabah DAP politicians like Dr. Hiew will be thrown away through the ballot box come Ge 13. Sabahans wants locally born opposition party, who really understands the needs of Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteAhmad Alliuddin
Parti komponen PR juga tidak sanggup bekerjasama dan bersatu...
ReplyDeleteDAP dan Sapp masing-masing mempertahan tindakan mereka..
ReplyDeleteapa pun, terserah kepada DAP dan Sapp untuk menentukan apa yang mereka rasa patut untuk parti mereka.
ReplyDeletedap sebenarnya mempunyai niat membuka cawangan baru di sabah atas nama parti mereka sendiri.. sebab itu di attack mana2 yang boleh jadi penghalang mereka..
ReplyDeletebiasanya masa kempen pilihanraya baru banyak isu yang keluar, baru nampak wajah sebenar masing2..
ReplyDeleteDAP dan SAPP mmg tak sehaluan.
ReplyDeleteOur leaders are not only Sabahans but also represent cross section of local ethnics, many of them are new and unheard before unlike "seasoned and retarded politicians". It's worth recruiting new ones if we want changes to happen ....
ReplyDeleteHope for the better in BN
Perjuangan Hiew bukan atas nama DAP sudah tetapi perjuangan kepentingan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteKalau niat sudah tak betul, tindakan pun ikut tak betul.
ReplyDeletecannot trust Sabah DAP...hiew is so selfish and opportunist.
ReplyDeleteit would be nice if Yong accepted Hiew's challenge to compete 1 on 1 in KK..
ReplyDeleteDap dan Sapp memang tidak boleh bekerjasama...lebih baik ikut haluan masing2..
ReplyDeletean advice to those opposition parties, please focus on serving the people and finding ways to solve the people's issues instead of quarreling with each other.
ReplyDeletepeople be sure to make a wise vote when election comes.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah pada rakyat untuk menilai hal ini. Susah juga mahu komen sebab lain orang lain pandangannya.
ReplyDeleteKita lihat sajalah nanti sejauh mana DAP mampu menambat hati rakyat.
ReplyDeletekalau DAP rasa cukup kuat dan tidak perlukan kerjasama dari parti2 lain, bagus jadi parti bebas saja.
ReplyDeleteSAPP and PR can be friends but need not be married.
ReplyDeleteSAPP and PR couldn't cooperate.
ReplyDeletePR's component parties couldn't even cooperate among themselves.
ReplyDeleteSAPP know what need to do.So DAP do your job and do not interrupt SAPP plan..
ReplyDeleteSusah payah Anwar mahu berbaik dengan SAPP tapi apa yang sudah DAP lakukan. Permusuhan mula timbul antara SAPP dan DAP mewakili PR.. Nampaknya tidak mungkin SAPP akan bersama dengan PR.
ReplyDeleteBoth have different agenda dan mission to achieve, not easy to work together.
ReplyDelete"the need for cooperation among all opposition parties is real. No group is more important or less important If the opposition wants to form a State Govemment they have to subscribe to the idea of cooperation."
ReplyDeleteJika parti-parti boleh dibawa bincang dan mencari kaedah kerja-sama, rasa-rasa pencapaiannya akan jauh lebih gemilang jika bertanding seorang diri.
Pastikan calon yang berkebolehan diberi peluang untuk bertanding. Pengagihan kerusi harus dibuat dengan lebih berhati-hati.
ReplyDeleteJangan gila-gilakan kerusi dan masing-masing melupakan tanggung jawab kepada rakyat. Rakyat tetap harus diutamakan. Semoga SAPP dapat mencari formula untuk bekerjasama dengan parti lain.
ReplyDeleteMake sure they choose a right party to work together. Not easy but have to find a way.
ReplyDeleteKalau betul-betul nak kerja sama, masing-masign kena ketepikan manfaat dan kepentingan sendiri. Jika tidak, tidak perlu bekerja sama dan mengikut haluan sendiri.
ReplyDeleteMasing-masing mempertahankan diri sendiri. Nampaknya parti komponen pun tidak sokong DAP, lagi susah untuk DAP mandapat sokongan dari rakyat.
ReplyDeleteKalau parti pembangkang berhasrat untuk menubuhkan kerajaan negeri. Persefahaman dan kerja sama amat diperlukan. Kalau ada parti yang mementingkan diri, payah untuk menentang BN. BN tetap mendapat sambutan baik ddari rakyat.
ReplyDeleteDAP masih tidak tahu kedudukannya selepas kegagalan PRU yang lalu. Seharus DAP memperbaiki prestasinya danmenumpu lebih banyak perhatian di Semenanjung. Keputusan bertanding di Sabah seolah tindakan yang amat mencabar untuk DAP dan BN.
ReplyDeleteHiew & Yong, masing masing ego dan enggan menerima kritikan dan komen. Kedua-dua hero ini tidak mungkin sehala, masing-masing cuba nasib di PRU13.
ReplyDeleteapa kaki ini dr tembirang hiew? ijazah dia pun palsu. DAP Sabah tahu saja tembirang! Baliklah malaya
ReplyDeleteStop it and do your thing.
ReplyDeleteItu masalah dia la.
ReplyDeleteSo funny.
ReplyDeleteI bet this issue has died down.
ReplyDeleteApa pun jangan la mencari pasal hanya kerana masalah peribadi.
ReplyDeleteThe season for SAPP is over, according to many people . DAP ? Not easy especailly it is from WM.
ReplyDeleteFind it very hard to trust at this moment.
SAPP is getting more and more support by Sabahans. Only like this FOOL above who say otherway because he loves UMNO @ ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT!