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Friday, October 21, 2011

SAPP: Sabah DAP does not understand what "trust" means

It is a pity that DAP’s Hiew Kin Cheu and Junz Wong do not understand the fundamental principle of trust in public affairs. In public affairs, a key teaching of Confucius is that leaders and government must earn and keep the trust of the people. A disciple once asked the sage, which is most important in governing a country? Is it weapons (to defend the country) or food to feed the people or trust in the leaders (government)?

Confucius taught that trust is most important. This is because without food, the people will not fight even if they have weapons. But if the people have no trust in its government (leaders), then the whole country will collapse even if there is food and weapons. This is what is afflicting both UMNO and DAP today.

DAP has promised the Sarawak people that if they voted DAP on April 16 (416), then “white hair” (Sarawak Chief Minister) would fall. DAP promised that if “white hair does not fall, then people will eat grass”. But after the Chinese voted DAP, “white hair” still won handsomely. DAP has misled the Chinese into the opposition.

Similarly, Sabah DAP thought that they have done better than SAPP at the Batu Sapi by-election and cannot stop sneering at SAPP. Both Hiew King Cheu and Junz Wong have now confessed that their objective was to finish off SAPP instead of beating BN at Batu Sapi. This is another confession of DAP-UMNO collusion at Batu Sapi.

Before this open confession, the people were not aware of this DAP betrayal of the joint PKR and SAPP pact to beat the BN. As agreed at the joint PKR-SAPP meeting on 21 October 2010, PKR and SAPP would not attack each other and would strive to outnumber BN in the by-election votes. But DAP betrayed not only SAPP but also PKR.

Because the SAPP and PKR contest at Batu Sapi was friendly, the trust between PKR and SAPP was not breached. So, soon after the Batu Sapi by-election, SAPP and PKR have little difficulty to re-establish the friendship by attending each other’s functions.

But the DAP leaders not only became more arrogant and continuously attack SAPP. Even after SAPP, as a good will, attended their harvest festival, their leaders showed gross discourtesy by attacking their guests publicly. In Chinese history of Liu Bang-Xiang Yu battle, this DAP betrayal is like the “Houng Men Feast” whereby the host lured his guests to his feast to murder the guests.

Sabah DAP thinks they have won at Batu Sapi but instead they have lost the trust of the people.

It seems that green horns like Junz Wong have no idea that DAP top guns like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh have also lost elections before.

The battle of Batu Sapi is the beginning of many more battles in SAPP's struggle for Sabah and its people.

Datuk Philip Yong Chiew Lip, former MP and former Deputy President of SAPP


  1. DAP sering bertelingkah dgn SAPP, sebelum ini kata nak bekerjsama tapi asyik bertikai sahaja.

  2. laluan untuk DAP di Sabah tdak begitu mudah. pengaruh DAP masih kurang.

  3. kalau takut diserang oleh pembangkang yang lain, baik tidak payah terlibat dengan politik.

  4. DAP sepatutnya sedar bahawa tanpa kerjasama parti sekomponennya, DAP tidak akan memperoleh kemenangan. cubalah jangan terlalu angkuh.

  5. DAP pasti akan kalah PRU nanti jika tetap tidak menghentikan konflik yang diciptanya sendiri.

  6. SAPP mungkin perlu melupakan niat untuk bekerjasama dengan PR jika DAP terus menyerangnya.

  7. dap pun ada cita2 mahu menambah cawangan ba.. kalau boleh dia mau buka kerajaan baru atas nama dap,, bukan sapp, pkr ataupun pas..

  8. DAP Sabah sudah takut itu lah dia marah marah. Hiew baru satu term manalah cukup, Jimmy pun baru satu term.
    sudah banyak kali cuba, lompat sini dan lompat sana.jadi YB ia lah cita nyawa orang DAP. ha ha ha.

  9. DAP ni kuat tikam belakang disebabkan kemaruk ingin berkuasa...

  10. Sabah DAP hanya pentingkan diri...tengok saja di sarawak...DAP mempergunakan pengundi2 cina untuk menang di kerusi2 yang dipertandingi..demikian juga taktik yang cuba digunakan oleh DAP di sabah..akhirnya yang rugi adalah pengundi itu sendiri.

  11. dan terbukti BN sabah adalah lebih baik dan pilihan yang tepat.

  12. DAP is using PKR and PAS...PKR and PAS should end up the cooperation between them..DAP is a back stabber...

  13. i think SAPP should not build any form of cooperation with PR...SAPP is better than them..

  14. DAP Sabah definitely cannot be trusted...only just look at their leaders, you can see how fake they are. Sabahans especially Chinese should think carefully and vote wisely...DAp is not what you think they are..To me, organisation and discipline of a party is very important...well, we can see the internal conflicts of DAP in Sabah, the disorganised group, who are their leaders, they don't even know...acting like mavericks..Is this what we want??? Don't play play lah!

  15. DAP fellows in Sabah are just a bunch of hit and run politicians aka opportunists. Umno Sabah is so happy of their presence to dilute the votes for the opposition...esp in the urban areas.

    Umno will just say to DAp, "you are most welcome to Sabah, do it like Sarawak" Shamsuddin Yahya even thanked DAP for helping the BN win big in Batu Sapi. So can we trust DAP???

  16. Cakap mahu bekerjasama tapi kenapa asyik ada sengketa???

  17. Hairanlah aku dengan politik ni tak habis2 dengan perangai macam budak2. huhu

  18. Harap sengketa mereka ini diselesaikan dengan cara baik dan fokuslah pada t/jawab sebagai seorang pemimpin.

  19. Sudaj pasti SAPP dan DAP tidak mungkin bergabung atau berkerjasama, masing-masing ada matlamat dan misi untuk dicapai, kena berusaha lagi untuk menambat hati rakyat.

  20. Nampak macam budak2 dan gila kuasa pula:P hehe

  21. Ya betul tu LLS... Susahlah mahu bergabung kalau ada 'niat' terpendam. hmm..

  22. "Sabah DAP thinks they have won at Batu Sapi but instead they have lost the trust of the people."

    Batu Sapi membuktikan kekalahan DAP. Rasa PRU13 merupakan cabaran yang amat hebat untuk DAP Sabah.

  23. DAP menjadi halangan gabungan SAPP dan PKR. Semoga SAPP & PKR berjaya menghadapai dan menyelesaikan masalah dan menuju agenda yang sama di PRU akan datang. Kalau tidak boleh bergabung, cari lah jalan lain untuk bekerja sama.

  24. Internal conflics between SAPP, DAP, PR etc will give more rooms to BN to win the coming election.

  25. Masing-masing berfokus ke atas satu sama lain tetapi mengabaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab kepada semua rakyat di Sabah. Pertelingkahan sebegini memberi peluang kepada BN memenangi lebih banyak kerusi di PRU13 ini. masing-masing tidak faham keadaan lagi.

  26. Blinded by arrogance, ego and power.

  27. A lot of people think SAPP wanted to cooperate with Pakatan. But the recent development show that DAP have no intention to leave any room for Sabah based party.If DAP don't understand the concept of power sharing then they are even worse than UMNO.

  28. DAP tidak memberi peluang SAPP dan Pakatan bekerjasama. Masing-masing mementingkan diri. Harap parti di Sabah faham keadaan dan mengetepikan faedah sendiri dan sanggup berusaha bersama-sama menuju ke agenda yang sama.

  29. All of them focus and fighting against each other but neglected the people needs and wants. These is the reason why the people rejected. If continue such, congrat again to BN.

  30. No point to work in a team if they have different mission to achieve.

  31. Looking at the situation now, it's gonna be another victory to BN in PRU13. The opposition shown their weaknesses.

  32. DAP memang susah untuk memenangi kerusi di Sabah. masing-masing meberi peluang dan membuktikan kekuatan BN di Sabah.

  33. Kita dalam delima atau persimpangan.Nak tolah BN UMNO,kia kena ikut SAPP atau setidak tidaknya DAP.Tapi apa akan berlaku jika mereka ini menang? SAPP dan DAP atau "sepupuhnya" BN UMNO ini semuanya tidak boleh pakai.

    Kita harap PBS tapi PBS juga sudah berubah. Kalau saja parti parti politik ini semua tidak cukup kerusi baru mereka sedar.Mereka terpaksa buat kerjasama antara parti.

    Saya benci ini BN UMNO tapi saya juga tidak suka dengan DAP dan SAPP.

  34. Does SAPP understand what trust means?If it did then it would not betrayed BN.

  35. DAP and SAPP are like cats and dogs. This 2 parties really cannot work together.

  36. Even if SAPP and DAP do work together for the sake of bringing down BN, they will still lose. There will still be fight between this 2 parties under one roof.

  37. 3 corner fight will only make it complicated for the people to choose. Neway, vote wisely people!

  38. Mahukan perubahan tetapi siapa yang layak membawa perubahan itu? Tidak boleh pakai betul.

  39. Looks like you guys had lost your 'compass'. Direction lost, fights lost.

  40. Both DAP and SAPP are just the same.

  41. nampaknya DAP dan Sapp ni tidak akan bekerjasama..

  42. DAP dan Sapp nampak tidak sehaluan malah saling menyalahkan sesama mereka.

  43. Trust ? how to interprete trust in politic?
    Before election , everyting O.K!! After election , buat ta tahu ??

  44. I do not trust all the party import from malaya leaders especially UMNO, DAP and PKR. All are arrogance and incompetence!

  45. Inilah berlaku bila memang tidak suka dengan parti lain apa yang berlaku dengan SAPP dan DAP.

  46. Persetujuan yang dibuat antara SAPP dan PKR akhirnya tidak kesampaian setelah timbul peperangan antara SAPP dan DAP.

  47. DAP tidak perlulah bermimpin untuk menawan Sabah. Kerana DAP hanya boleh buat kepada majoriti Cina dan bukannya seperti di Sabah. Jadi simpan saja mimpin DAP itu. Jika DAP bertanding atas nama DAP semata-mata dan bukannya PR rasanya DAP tidak akan menang.

  48. Semua parti dari malaya DAP, UMNO and PKR tidak boleh diharap.

  49. dorang ni mahu bergaduh ka mahu serve rakyat ni.

  50. No one can also trust SAPP.

  51. semua parti memang susah untuk diharapkan, mana kita tahu siapa yang berkata benar...

  52. Sigh, then now..we should trust SAPP? In your head......

  53. SAPP, CAN WE TRUST YOU???!!!!!!

  54. Don't accuse one another, so childish!!

  55. I only trust SAPP because they have walked the talk by quitting BN but not like those party malaya KATAK from DAP and PKR jumped into BN like what happened in Perak.

    Only fool and traitor will trust party import from malaya UMNO and DAP because they only fighting for their own self-gained and positions.

  56. Then SAPP knows the meaning of TRUST?

  57. Lawak la, kepercayaan hanya kepada yang benar saja.

  58. SAPP at least walked the talk and quit BN and rejected all the perks offered by BN.

    Sabah DAP should change name to Party Fly Kite. Without their party malaya leaders, Sabah dap will be malfunction and dead!

  59. What's the point here?

  60. Kepercayaan hanya akan ada jika kedua2 belah pihak mantap.

  61. I would rather trust SAPP than Sabah DAP. Sabah DAP cannot be trusted.
