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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hiew very strong, nobody can beat him in KK

Referring to YB Dr. Hiew King Cheu, Ph.D, MP for Kota Kinabalu challenging me to contest against him in the Kota Kinabalu parliamentary seat; my response:

In my 26 years in politics, this is my first time to hear anybody in Sabah challenging another person to contest against oneself. Therefore, I am very scared. Dr. Hiew is the most popular, friendly, humble, hard working and clean MP in Malaysia who is loved by the people.

He is so strong that nobody can beat him because of his over whelming majority in the 2008 general elections. Even if he uses another symbol instead of the DAP rocket, he will still win and not end up like Dominique Ng Kim Ho of Kuching.

I only hope that the DAP top leaders in Kuala Lumpur similarly recognise Dr. Hiew's talent and popularity. Perhaps, DAP head quarters should find out what happened at the last Sabah DAP elections in December 2010, immediately after the Batu Sapi by-election, when Dr. Hiew was toppled by new comer Jimmy Wong Su Ping. It was humiliating for such a popular, hard working and talented leader like Dr. Hiew to receive a mere, rock bottom record two votes in the DAP elections.

No, I will not accept the challenge of Dr. Hiew to contest against him because Dr. Hiew is our top class MP whom everybody loves. So, Dr. Hiew, please stop worrying about me. I only hope that DAP will allow Dr. Hiew to contest the Kota Kinabalu parliamentary constituency again. You see, Dr. Hiew, I am not the one you should look out for.

On the threat of legal action against me, my response:

Oh, I am so fearful of the impending suit by Dr. Hiew King Cheu. Litigation is costly, tedious, tiring and time consuming. Because of the threat of being sued, I have begun to lose sleep, lose weight and lose more hair. Don't forget, I am currently being sued by another ex-Chief Minister. 

I ask Dr. Hiew to understand that I was only replying to his serious allegation that I had abused my power as the then Chief Minister which nearly cost the Sabah State government  a whopping RM 1.7 billion! You see, I did not abuse my power and the government had lost nothing.  Instead, I had prevented future abuses of power by proposing to the June 17, 1996 Legislative Assembly to transfer the powers of the Chief Minister over land, forests and mining to the Cabinet. As you said, Dr. Hiew, at the time you were an active member of the SAPP Supreme Council who knew all these things. But still you said I abused my powers. Why?

Datuk Yong Teck Lee
ex-CM, 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998
Kota Kinabalu


  1. Dr Hiew? Which university or institute gave him this title. Does he really earn the title of a doctor? heard he is only an engineer.

  2. Even from UMNO leaders a lot of fake degrees. Don't waste your time and money to study just buy it. Sabah is land full of insane people. Even the CM and his former personal secretary also holding fake MBAs and now to head the human resources division in Innoprice Corp. That make Sabah wonderful and a decent place for layers to live. Sabah is full of hypocrites and layers the irony Sabahans love it. AMEN!

  3. Kita tunggulah dan lihat bagaimana rakyat akan mengundi nanti.

  4. Kalau SAPP dan DAP berani, marilah. Kita jumpa PRU-13 nanti.

  5. SAPP and DAPP... utamakn dulu apa yg patut...bilang mau tolong rakyat..ini sibuk bergaduh pula...

  6. DAP and UMNO are the same species. Their representatives in Sabah are merely the puppets to their malaya master.

    How can those puppets to fight for Sabah people right and yet they need to kow-dow to their boss from malaya?

    SAPP is simply much better than those puppets from party malaya whom forever dictate by their boss from malaya without pride and dignity!

  7. Party import from malaya DAP Sabah is like DBKK, they like to collect those rejected PARIAH from the roadside like Gerakan.

    How do we expect such dumb people to manage Sabah?

    We Sabah people are not stupid and we will show you all the party import from malaya an EXIT DOOR!

  8. The kettle is calling the kettle black?

  9. Tengok la sejauh mana keberanian YTL menangani masalah ini.

  10. Mereka ini bergaduh, tidak pasal2 dua2 akan lingkup juga..

  11. Sudah2 la bertikam lidah, baik lakukan sesuatu untuk rakyat!

  12. Setiap apa yang berlaku pasti ada disebaliknya.

  13. sekarang nampak sangat mereka tidak sehaluan..

  14. apa pun, terserah kepada mereka bagaimana mereka menguruskan hal ini..

  15. hiew vs yong which one will win.

  16. Another legal saga? Hiew will going to make a big mistakes if he decided to sue Yong....this will going to close any effort to bring this two party together...

  17. Kalau betul Hiew vs Yong, susah untuk meramal siapa yang akan menang. Entah-entah, kedua-dua hero ini kalah.

  18. Sikap dan tingkah laku Hiew & Yong seakan menjejaskan imej SAPP & DAP. Jika berterusan, SAPP dan DAP akan gagal teruk dalam PRU akan datang.

  19. Tidak perlu tuduh melalui media, kalau ada butki yang sah, kemukakan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk membuat siasatan lanjut.

  20. Masing-masing ada peluang untuk menang dan kalah teruk. Persaingan sebegini memang membawa kesan sampingan yang amat negatif sebagai seorang pemimpin negara dan juga parti yang mereka mewakili.

  21. betul alif, jika ada bukti, bawa pergi makahmah..tidak perlu panaskan isu sebegini..

  22. Lebih baik beri tumpuan kepada PRU yg akan datang...mau saman2 lagi..tidak kemana jg tu..

  23. Pilihan pertama: UMNO, pelihan kedua: UMNO, pelihan ketua : UMNO. Pilihan Yang best untuk Sabah: UMNO.

  24. SAPP dan DAP tak pernah serasi

  25. maslah mereka ni hnya melemahkan sokongan rakyat.

  26. Buat ape parti import dari seberang sibuk sangat kat Sabah?

    Kamu kena belajar dari Bumiputra Sarawak betapa setia mereka sama parti local mereka daripada parti BERBAU PERKAUMAN macam umno dan PR.

    Aku tetap sokong parti local kita SAPP menakbir Sabah dalam PRU13.

  27. sekarang ni belum nampak lagi, nanti pilihanraya umum lagi hebat serangan antara sapp dan dap.. mesti macam2 yang keluar masa tu..

  28. This fight is getting tighter.

  29. Kalau asyik nak bising pasal benda ini, sampai bila2 asyik nak naik mahkamah je tu.

  30. He said he's afraid, what do you guys think?

  31. Buat ape parti import UMNO dan DAP sibuk sangat kat Sabah jika bukan nak merampas hasil bukit kita.

    Baliklah ke malaya UMNO dan DAP. Parti Sabah SAPP tahu urus masalah orang kita sendiri.

  32. Are there matual to handle the issues?

  33. Who is this DAP hiew king chiew? his doctorate also fake one. how can we trust them? dap is sick!

  34. Kalau SAPP dan DAP tidak serasi, masing-masing cuba nasib sendiri di PRU akan datang. Biar rakyat yang tentukan nasib Yong and Hiew.

  35. Hiew dikasih tanding atau tidak pun belum pasti dan kena tanya bos dia dari KL.

    Hanya palui dari Sabah asyik sembah pemimpin malaya yang jahanam terus menjajah sabah.

  36. Kalau nak bersaing untuk kerusi, baik saingan dengan cara yang adil dan amanah.

  37. Yong berusaha mendedahkan banyak sindiket-sindiket yang tidak diketahui. Semoga tujuan Yong adalah amanah dan bertujuan untuk mempertahankan hak milik dan kepentingan orang Sabahan.

  38. The conflicts between Yong & Hiew may indirectly affect SAPP & DAP. Would be a great idea to close door then fight.

  39. Yong and Hiew...cari jalan penyelesaian... nampak sangat tidak matang...

  40. It seems like YTL never fight hiew at all after reading his statement above except this arrogance hiew with fake phd keep on slandering against SAPP.

    Why ar? I can smell something fishy from Sabah DAP.

  41. "In my 26 years in politics, this is my first time to hear anybody in Sabah challenging another person to contest against oneself. Therefore, I am very scared."

    Yong admitted he was scared...he has no guts to stand and fight of what he believe in...sabah no need leader like Yong who has no principe.

  42. Yong should accepted the challenge...this is his golden opportunity to come into Dewan Negara...if he dare not, why in the first place, he contested in batu sapi by election?

  43. kalau Yong tidak mahu terima ni cabaran, maka yong tidak layak lagi menjadi pemimpin dan presiden SAPP...lebih baik saja yong teck lee bersara...

  44. hiew amat angkuh dan sombong...kita tunggu dan lihat sama ada dia akan dicalonkan semula atau dia akan menang semula di KK pada PRU nanti...kerana dari apa yang saya lihat, hiew langsung tiada sumbangan sebagai MP KK...

  45. sabah BN is still better than Sabah DAP or SAPP..that's the fact..

  46. Cabaran? apa cabaran? belum tahu Hiew itu akan di lantik calon. Dia bukan pun ketua DAP Sabah. Cuma cakap besar besaran. Ada juga orang percaya kepada dia. Pallui!!

  47. DAP Sabah ini macam orang BN di Sabah juga. Apa KL cakap, dia orang akan ikut. Apa di umum, DAP Sabah akan ulangi sahaja. Dan yes yes yes sahaja. Tiada fikiran sendiri. Kamu mahu ikut "pemimpin" macam itu? Ha Ha. DAP sudah banyak kali attack SAPP. Ingat kah kata kata Lim Kit Siang kepada YTL semasa DAP Pesta Kaamatan di KK? Sangat garang oh. Itu lah DAP ankap orang Sabah semua bodoh bodoh. Ada yang bodoh, bukan semua.

  48. Jakson & angelina your views very shallow and hallow don't know betwn a well intended and sarcastic statement.

  49. I don't see the point of DAP to challenge sapp. its just a waste of time. They are suppose to cooperate instead of fighting with each other.

  50. Seeing these 2 opposition party fighting makes me realize they are not worth our votes. THe way they act is just not acceptable. I find it childish.

  51. GOod luck to DAP and SAPP in facing the coming election.

  52. Just to be clear, DAP is not for Sabah and never will, they are here to control you Sabahans if they can, and if you people are that easy to be controlled. Think about it, this is no joke and we as Sabahans must stand on our own feet. so just go for SAPP, your hope.

  53. Stop arguing and focus on your real agenda, to help Sabah and its people (if it's your truly agenda lah)..hmm

  54. Semakin lama isu ini dibiarkan, semakin buruk imej parti.

  55. SAPP is the only HOPE for Sabah people.

    Why few of the Sabahans willing to join party malaya UMNO or PR? They just dreaming wanna to become YB and project. Do they really care for Sabah people?

    With a right and logically thinking person, these bunch of opportunists from UMNO or PR even need to lobby their candidacy seat from their malaya boss, where they got gut to fight against their boss from malaya for Sabah sake?

    Vote for SAPP is the only HOPE for Sabah! No one can save us except we Sabahans ourselves!

  56. SAPP change DAP also no good for local sabahan so better pick BN again bah if no choice!

  57. Apa yang ada dengan Hiew?? Rasanya Yong lagi hebat di Sabah dari dia.

  58. SAPP or DAp??Which one is the Best??? Hahaa :D ok i know to choice which one..I choice BN la..

  59. Mari kita tunggu dan lihat nanti. Siapakah yang akan menjadi pilihan rakyat. SAPP atau DAP sendiri.

  60. daripada Yong dan Hiew bertengkar, lebih baik tumpukan pada perjuangan untuk PRU. lagi berbaloi..

  61. saya rasalah, tengok mereka berdua ni bertengkar, rakyat pun sudah tiada hati untuk mengundi parti SAPP/DAP.

  62. betul tu, rakyat tau menilai, mana yg baik dan buruk..ini nampak betul buruk bergaduh..SAPP dan DAP..suda2 lah tu..

  63. Nampak sangat dorang ada masalah peribadi. hehhe. Tolonglah selesaikannya dulu dan tak payah nak tunjuk hero melalui media.

  64. Tindakan mereka ini hanya akan menimbulkan tanggapan kurang baik daripada masyarakat. So pastikan konflik dileraikan dan bersainglah secara pro:)

  65. Jika konflik kedua parti ni berterusan, konpon BN pasti menang besar PRU13 nanti.

  66. Apapun, semuanya terpulang pada rakyat untuk menentukannya. Harap semuanya akan OK.

  67. Paling penting para pemimpin perlu lebih peka kepada rakyat dan hal-hal remeh sebegini pedulikan saja:P Masih banyak hal yang lebih penting untuk diberi perhatian daripa sengketa politik yang takda penghujung.

  68. Hiew is challenging Yong to contest in Kota Kinabalu. If Hiew is contesting as an independent I will see him losing his deposit. He is only banking of DAP popularity, and not his own.

    Frankly, if he contest as an individual, he has nothing to compare to Yong..let us compare.

    On leadership...Hiew lost to Jimmy on votes of 2 against 12

    On moral characteristics...No compare..Hiew is a habitual womaniser and ....

    On education...What has Hiew to show except for his fake PHD doctorship?

    On personal charisma...oh..AHH

    ON finger pointing at drains, roads, blablabla...that is Hiew....1Malaysia Boleh!

  69. who is telling the truth? Is there "truth" in politics?

  70. So Ngai Tiau, I only now know that Hiew's a "Hum Tshung" OMG.

  71. YB DR Hiew your enemy is the corrupted government. Fight for a good cause don't fight like mad dog.

  72. Mr Hiew (Jiu Kiu Lin) you are just a running dog for Musa Aman.

    Tell me, how many of his cronies projects are you the consultant for.?
