The Sabah Land and Survey Department is yet to explain why it gave away a surveyed NCR land to a private company.
Warning of possible bloodshed over these “illegal” land grabs, United Borneo Front (UBF) chairman Jeffrey Kitingan has urged Chief Minister Musa Aman to intervene immediately and prevent the issue from boiling over.
“I urge the chief minister to use his good office to intervene immediately before serious and bloody clashes erupt between the natives, who are defending their land rights, and employees of private companies, who are driving away the natives based on the company’s so-called ‘approval’ from the government,” he said yesterday.
According to Jeffrey, who is the brother of Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan, two such cases needed the immediate attention of the state government.
He said that one of the cases is in the Sukau area of Sandakan where at least two farmers’ homes have been demolished, which prompted the villagers to confront the authorities and prevent another house from being razed.
According to Jeffrey, an elected representative was seen in his car directing the demolition, saying: “‘Potong lah… apa lagi mau tunggu’” (cut down… what else are you waiting for?).
Land registered but no title
Declining to name the representative, he said the man quickly disappeared when more and more villagers started to arrive at the scene.
“I visited the area and was surprised to see houses among matured oil palm plantation and coconut trees in the disputed area.
“It had been fully planted and developed by the villagers who have occupied and applied for the land more than 20 years in 1989,” he told a news conference here.
The villagers claimed that they had even been supplied with fertiliser and seedlings by the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) government, which ruled from 1985 to 1994, when they opened up their land.
As in many similar cases, their land applications were registered but no titles were ever issued.
According to Jeffrey, a company was allowed to apply for the same area and given approval by the Land and Survey Department leading to the current dispute.
He said that the private company with its financial, manpower and material resources has the upper hand and is driving away the natives by destroying their homes and plantations and sometimes offering them money to leave.
The department has so far failed to satisfactorily answer why it had approved the land to the company when it had already been applied for and occupied by the villagers much earlier, he added.
Stop land grabs
The second urgent case, Jeffrey said, is in nearby Tongod involving at least five villages – Kampung Sogo-Sogo, Koindango, Malagatan, Keliwatung and Lumangkau – and 482 villagers. They collectively occupy an area of 7,230 acres.
In this case, the land had already been surveyed by the Land and Survey Department and the villagers were only waiting for the issuance of titles while they continued to farm the land.
However, they were shocked when officials from a private company arrived with the deeds to the land and asked them to leave.
When they refused, the intimidation started with several outsiders arriving with weapons and causing a confrontation with the locals.
Villagers related incidents where there had been fights between the natives and employees of the company, which had led to the lodging of police reports.
Some of the farmers are now too scared to go to their farms alone fearing they will be accosted and beaten up.
“They are asking, where is our government? Where are the wakil rakyat? Why aren’t they defending the rights of the natives? Are they in cahoots with the companies?
“What happened to our native rights?
“These land grabs must stop,” Jeffrey said, adding that the Barisan Nasional government was destroying its own People First, Performance Now slogan.
Party malaya umno should be sent back to malaya.
ReplyDeleteThey came here to steal and rob our natural resource and lands.
UMNO ini betul2 jahanam! Dimana sifat kemanusiaan kamu? Orang Sabah mesti bangkit!
ReplyDeleteUMNO memang jahnam.....tetapi yang paling jahanan pemimpin orang2 Sabah didalam BN...umno PBS, UPKO,PBRS,LDP. iNIlah pemimpin yang paling sial....tetapi yang lebih jahanam lagi orang Sabah sendiri.....yang penoh dengan lokaonan dan lawa...maklumlah mahu pok projek dan minta dibeli olih Malaya.
ReplyDeleteThe defenders of Sabah left only a few like YTL, Jeffrey, Tri Sri Simon and hopefully many more. These people are subject to a lot attacks from BN croonies. Hope sabah people be united.
ReplyDeletesemua beres pa....kalu buang ego dan jangan selalu mahu jadi hero....kalu hero betul2 tidak apa tapi hero jadi kudaan saja.
ReplyDeleteLembaga Industri Getah Sabah pun rampas tanah orang kampung di Mangkawagu,Tongod seluas 3,500 ekar,dulu konon mau tanam getah supaya orang kampung dapat kerja,last2 Director2nya jual sama Pioneer Glow s/b syarikat drp Malaya tanam kelapa sawit dng equity LIGS hanya 50,000 unit,banyak kali di lapur ke MACC oleh pihak2 yg berkenaan tetapi sehingga sekarang tiada... apa,MACC tangkap tikus bolehlah....Buaya diorang takut....!!
ReplyDeleteParti malaya UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAhli2 keluarga Musa Aman dan menteri2 di Sabah terlibat dalam isu rampasan tanah ini.
ReplyDeleteJagan lupa bahawa jabatan tanah sabah diterajui oleh asal PTI iaitu orang Bugis si Jamal. JPN Sabah diterajui siapa?
Hope that the Sabah Land and Survey Department will step up and give their explanation regarding the land grab issues.
ReplyDeleteTime to check if they are really locals/natives or the illegals who stay there for a long time.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabah native land rights must always be protected, don't let the people down.
ReplyDeleteIt is important for the natives to be educated to protect the land.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this issue is brought up at this time? No such problems for the last 10 or 15 years ??
hal ini kena diberi parhatian jgn biarkan tanah penduduk dirampas.
ReplyDeletetanah kepunyaan penduduk seharusnya dilindungi.
ReplyDeleteHarap segera jalankan siasatan berkenaan hal ini..
ReplyDeleteHak penduduk haruslah di jaga... kita tunggu penyiasatan nya nnti untuk mengetahui cerita sebenar..
ReplyDeleteKeadaan semakin hari semakin rumit. Sebagai rakyat Sabah, hak rakyat adalah menjadi keutamaan tetapi, undang2 juga harus dipertimbangkan.
ReplyDeleteLand grabs issues should be addressed very well.
ReplyDeleteJika tidak ada dokumen sah yang menyatakan bahawa tanah itu adalah milik mereka bagaimana untuk mereka mempertahankan tanah itu?
ReplyDeletebetul tu ree, bagaimana pula jadi milik mereka jika tiada bukti, tidak semestinya sudah lama duduk di tanah itu, terus jadi hak milik.. sma la mcm cerita PATI, tingal di Sabah, tpi tetap bukan rakyat tempatan..hehe...tetap pendatang jg...
ReplyDeletetapi, apapun harap perkara ini tetap disiasat dan penduduk tempatan yg tingal ditanah yg hendak dirampas perlu mendapat penjelasan dan tidak diabaikan oleh kerajaan..
ReplyDeleteIsu ini akan jadi lebih panas jika tiada kerjasama dri pihak2 yg terbabit..
ReplyDeleteWhen will the Sabah Land and Survey Department going to give us an explanation?????
ReplyDelete"As in many similar cases, their land applications were registered but no titles were ever issued."
ReplyDeleteIts going to be tough to get back the land.
Neway, i really hope the native will get their land back. CM must intervene in this issue cause its involve our people.
ReplyDeletethis is a good time for cm to prove to the people that he is a good cm.
ReplyDeleteSeharus pihak jabatan Tanah & Ukur memberi penjelasan memberi geran kepada syarikat swasta dlaam tempoh yang begitu singkat, berbanding tiada perkembangan dengan permohonan golongan awam.
ReplyDeleteKegagalan memebri penjelasan cuam memberi pandangan bahawa Jabatan tersebut melindungi sesuatu atau mengelakkan diri dari tuduhan. Ini tidak guna sebenarnya, baik membuat sebelum tindakan seterus diambil.
ReplyDeleteIts time for CM to proven his ability and sincerity to the people especially happen to many victims of the land grab now.
ReplyDeleteJika kerajaan juga gagal mempertahankan hak milik tanah penduduk, siapa lagi yang mereka boleh harapkan? Apakah tindakan selanjutnya dari kerajaan unutk melindungi golongan ini diancam oleh syarikat besar ke atas tanah mereka?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the linkage between land & survey department vs the private company? Are they come form the same group of people that take the native land for granted? Too many intepretion in between, please go ahead and investigate.
ReplyDelete“It had been fully planted and developed by the villagers who have occupied and applied for the land more than 20 years in 1989,” he told a news conference here.
ReplyDeleteWhy no news for their application after waited 20 years?
"Rampant land grabs in Sabah are making folk in rural areas restive with visible indications of impending violent clashes between the “new” owners and natives."
ReplyDeleteMasalah ini perlu ditanggani dengan wajar sebelum masalah yang lebih besar berlaku. Penduduk ini sering diancam dan menjadi mangsa rampasan tanah, apakah tindakan kerajaan?
Shall we wait for land & survey department explanation? They should be responsible and be able to come with valid reason for their approval and procedure.
ReplyDelete"Villagers related incidents where there had been fights between the natives and employees of the company, which had led to the lodging of police reports."
ReplyDeleteAll land grab issues will lead to serious injuries, why no preventive action from the government to the people?
Hairin kerajaan negeri masih berdiam diri dan tiada reaksi terhadap rampasan tanah tersebut. Adakah kerajaan membiarkan isu sebegini merebak ke seluruh negeri Sabah?
ReplyDeleteHope the land issues will be solved once and for all.
ReplyDeleteJangan politikkan isu.
ReplyDeleteApa benda ini?
ReplyDeleteharap sebarang isu yang berlaku akan diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletegovt will give its full attention on this issue..
ReplyDeleteMark said...
ReplyDeleteHairin kerajaan negeri masih berdiam diri dan tiada reaksi terhadap rampasan tanah tersebut. Adakah kerajaan membiarkan isu sebegini merebak ke seluruh negeri Sabah?
November 20, 2011 5:56 PM
diam tidak bermakna tidak buat kerja...mungkin kerajaan tidak mahu isu ini dijadikan sebagai alat populariti bagi mana2 pihak...biarlah penyelesaian dilakukan dengan berhemah..tidak perlu ribut2...tidak seperti pembangkang yang mana sentiasa mencari publisiti murahan menerusi media dengan memperbesar-besarkan hal yang kecil.
land and survey department should give explanation to the villagers in the effected area..
ReplyDeletemaybe sabah CM should intervene in this issue.
ReplyDeleteperkara ini harus disiasat oleh SPRM dan SUHAKAM.
ReplyDeleteramai sudah anak negeri sabah yang berjaya mendapatkan semula hak tanah NCR mereka yang dirampas oleh syarikat2 besar melalui saluran mahkamah. kalau ada bukti bahawa tanah itu adalah tanah NCR, bawa saja la ke mahkamah..
ReplyDeletemana sudah pemimpin2 politik dan ngo yang sebelum ini giat berjuang dalam isu rampasan tanah dan pernah membantu penduduk kampung? kenapa kali ini tidak ada yang tampil membantu?
ReplyDeleteHope that the land grabs issue will be investigated and actions will be taken to resolve it.
ReplyDeleteThe government must put the people's rights first and make sure their interests are protected.
ReplyDeletemungkin masalah rampasan tanah ini juga ada yang berpunca dari penduduk kampung sendiri. cuba selidiki.
ReplyDeletewonder how private company get the natives land easily.
ReplyDeleteTiada majlis peguam atau seangkatan dengannya yang boleh bantu penduduk kampung ini?
ReplyDeleteAgree with Darwin. Something is fishy here.
ReplyDeleteEverytime we always get a confusing answer.
ReplyDeleteGovt pls don't forget the people's rights and stop this illegal act.