No one except the prime minister knows when Sabah's illegal immigrant problem will be investigated, and even he is tight-lipped.
KUALA LUMPUR: Sabahans will have to wait for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak with regard to the much awaited Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in their state.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz said: “[The] PM will make the announcement…I wish I knew [when he'll do this]. I don’t know the PM’s schedule.”
According to a Bernama report, the Cabinet agreed to set up a RCI over Sabah’s illegal immigrant problem.
Nazri said that the government was looking into preparing the RCI’s “terms of reference”, adding that it would be “comprehensive” in tackling the problem.
The Cabinet first gave the go-ahead to the setting up of the commission on Feb 8. It was supposed to look into the dramatic growth amongst the legalised illegal immigrants in Sabah since the 90s.
However, neither the Najib nor his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin have revealed any details on the RCI in their visits to the state this year.
Sabah now has more than 1.2 million legalised illegal immigrants, a population which has allegedly voted for Barisan Nasional in every election since the 90s.
There have also been reports of MyKads being given out for free to these immigrants; an issue which has worried Sabahans for many years.
By Patrick Lee
Without PATI, I doubt umno sabah could win even a seat HERE.
ReplyDeleteVote UMNO BN equally to vote PATI.
Even without PATI, it doesn't mean that UMNO BN will lose.
DeleteDe facto law minister Nazri Aziz has revealed that Sabah will have its royal commission of inquiry (RCI) and that “the government had already begun the process of preparing the terms of reference for the RCI”.
ReplyDeleteThey better speed up the RCI investigation before things get out of control.
Deletehow long to wait for the ToR?
DeleteIn a way, its mean that RCI is approve. It is just matter of time that RCI is actually being set up in sabah.
DeleteHowever its best that the PM could update us about the TOR process.
DeleteThe Federal Government must implement the RCI to show that they are sincere in resolving the illegal immigrants issue.
ReplyDeleteDelaying the RCI will only create more anger among the Sabahans.
Deleteya...melambat-lambatkan penubuhan RCI hanya akan mengundang kemarahan rakyat sabah.
Deletepasti bagi pengaruh yang besar kepada undi rakyat Sabah PRU nanti.
DeleteBN harus bertindak ikhlas.
DeleteWhat makes the RCI formation took so much time? Sabah leaders have been propose to investigate this matter since like for ages.
ReplyDeletenazri cakap proses penyediaan TOR sudah dimulakan..mungkin proses itu yang mengambil masa kerana mengambil kira dari pelbagai sudut.
DeleteIsu penubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja (RCI) melibatkan banyak undang-undang, termasuk Akta Imigresen, Akta Pendaftaran Negara, Akta Polis, Akta Acara Jenayah, Kanun Keseksaan dan sebagainya, maka keputusan Kabinet Malaysia berhubung isu ini hanya sesuai dibuat di dalam sidang Parlimen dan pastinya mengambil masa yang agak lama.
DeleteKerajaan Sabah harus berjuangkan RCI demi kepentingan dan ketenteraman Sabah.
Deleteharaplah RCI akan diumumkan tak lama lagi. ia amat perlu nak selesaikan isu PATI.
ReplyDeletePM harus segera mengumumkan penubuhan RCI kerana menurut nazri kabinet telah bersetuju.
Deletedalam kebanyakan kes PTI = UMNO, UMNO = PTI
RCI harus ditubuhkan dengan segera..
ReplyDeleteisu PATI makin meruncing di sabah..
ReplyDeleteMemang benar. kebanjiran rakyat asing ni dikaitkan juga dengan kadar jenayah yang terdapat di Sabah dan hak2 rakyat Sabah yang ori semakin terhakis.
Deletedulu hariss bilang.....itu dusun senang mau susun itu murut kasi urut-urut undi berjaya durang, itulah TENOM majoriti murut haris dapat jadi ketua menteri. dia bilang lagi, kasi tabur saja ikan sadin, beputusan selipar durang berabut....lagi RETORIK , umno senang-senang dapat masuk sabah, dan tingu lah siapa kaya ? macam di semenanjung umno bukan lagi parti membela tapi parti menindas, cuba tingu bangunan umno mana-mana ada dari mana itu duit? ahli dia pun kana taja banyak, ah ha hah....itu lagi parti numbur satu RASUAH di planet bumi ini.
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ReplyDeletesememangnya, isu PATI/PADI wujud dan perkara ini tidak boleh disangkalkan lagi, meminta agar kerajaan mengambil berat akan masalah ini yang semakin ketara di Sabah/Malaysia
ReplyDeletejika kerajaan prihatin akan masalah PATI/PADI yang dihadapi oleh Sabah, maka, kerajaan harus digesa tubuhkan RCI sebelum PRU-13
ReplyDeleteperkara ini bukan sahaja berkaitan dengan isu politik tetapi ianya soal sosial, perlembagaan, kebudayaan, keselamatan dan isu-isu demografi yang perlu diselesaikan secara positif
ReplyDeleteBetul kata kenex, PATI menjejas perkembangan ekonomi yang berterusan. Golongan ini semakin banyak dan ada juga beranak di sini yang tidak tahu apakah warga negaranya?
Deletejika tidak, ia hanya akan menghantar mesej yang salah kepada orang ramai bahawa ada double standard dalam penguatkuasaan undang-undang di negara ini
ReplyDeletesemoga ada perkembangan positif mengenai penubuhan RCI ini
ReplyDeleteI hope RCI will be held before election comes.
ReplyDeleteWe need RCI in order to ensure a clean and fair election.
DeleteIf the case of PTI is not dealt with promptly and thoroughly, worry the bloody unrest maybe soon will happen in sabah!!!!
ReplyDeleteSelagi masalah PATI/projek IC tidak diselesaikan, PRU tidak akan adil dan bersih.
ReplyDeleteBetul itu kau cakap kumar....
DeleteTidak boleh salahkan perhimpunan Bersih sebab golongan ini bertujuan baik untuk memastikan PRU yang bersih dan transparent.
ReplyDeleteTujuan memang bersih tapi kalau sampai merusuh apa macam tu
DeletePersekutuan harus serius dalam penubuhan RCI di Sabah
ReplyDeleteI don't trust they will be serious in handling this PROBLEM. Every people in Sabah know that this had already happened a long time ago and the federal government never takes this matter seriously, they state government which is under the federal gov also doing the same thing. I call upon every people in Sabah to wake up and take a concrete action this year, especially when there's a lot of opportunity to change our current corrupt government .. the first step however is to be united and take a serious action !
ReplyDeleteSaya percaya kerajaan Pusat sedar serta memahami tentang keadaan ini dan kita mengharapkan agar penubuhan RCI akan menjadi realiti dalam masa terdekat," kata Presidennya Tan Sri Joseph Kurup.
ReplyDeleteIni adalah antara pemimpin Sabah yang memperjuangkan RCI untuk Sabah. Maka kita harap sebagai penduduk Sabah kita perlulah menyokong pemimpin kita untuk berjuang bersama-sama.
Sebenarnya ada sebab kenapa Datuk Najid sebagai Perdana menteri kita tidak mengumumkan perkara ini. Beliau tidak mengumumkan pengwujudan RCI semasa lawatannya ke sini minggu lepas adalah bagi mendapatkan maklumbalas parti komponen BN di Sabah dan kerajaan negeri tentang terma rujukan dan komposisi panel. Ini bagi memastian keberkesanan pada penubuhannya nanti.
ReplyDeleteJangan lupa, isu ini telah menjadi isu yang hangat dan hebat diperkatakan oleh parti politik pembangkang. Semua orang bercakap mengenainya. Dan (isu) telah berlanjutan bertahun-tahun. Maka Datuk Najib tidak boleh membuat kesilapan dan pengumuman tanpa sebarang butir tambahan yang lengkap takut memakan diri sendiri. Sebab itulah kajian terperinci dibuat mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeletePennjelaskan mengenai perkara ini juga sekiranya Najib mengumumkan pembentukan RCI itu ketika lawatannya, beliau akan dikritik kerana gagal memberikan jawapan yang jelas terhadap skop penyiasatan panel dan ahlinya. Maka sebab itulah perkara ini perlu disiasat terlebih dahulu. Jadi kita tidak perlu terlalu gelojoh memaksa jika tidak tahu apa-apa terutamanya dari pihak pembangkang yang hanya tahu berkata-kata.
ReplyDeletePM telah membincangkan perkara ini, namun terma rujukan belum muktamad kerana Kabinet maklumat yang masih belum lengkap dan juga bantuan yang dimahukan bagi input lebih daripada parti BN di Sabah dan kerajaan negeri Sabah sendiri.
ReplyDeletenanti kalau kena annouce, dikatakan pula wayang kulit.. kalau benar2 ditubuhkan, pun dikatakan wayang kulit.. kalau masalah ini selesaipun tetap akan dianggap sebagai wayang kulit.. melainkan pembangkang berjaya merampas kerajaan.. barulah bukan wayang kulit..
ReplyDeleteThe government has agreed to set up a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced today.
ReplyDeleteHe said the government was committed to resolving the issue as it could affect the well-being of the people of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIt is hoped that the people of Sabah will take advantage of this RCI and together with the government find the strategies and best approaches to tackle the problems concerned.
ReplyDeleteNajib said the decision was made after taking into consideration the views from all quarters.
ReplyDeleteThe Attorney-General's Chambers has been entrusted with the responsibility to come up with the terms of reference and the initial draft has been prepared.
ReplyDeleteTo ensure the RCI functions smoothly, the AG’s Chambers to get views and feedback from all quarters on the draft before the TOR is finalised.
ReplyDeleteThe prime minister said the setting-up of the RCI was a manifestation of the determination of the governnment in upholding the constitution and the rule of law.
ReplyDeleteIt is reported that the number of illegal immigrants in Sabah is estimated to be above 500,000 people.
ReplyDeleteScience, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said. said Najib was expected to make the announcement of the specific terms of reference of the RCI when he visits the state during the Pesta Keamatan (harvest festival).
ReplyDeleteHe said the RCI was expected to ensure that all problems associated with illegal immigrants in Sabah are resolved in a comprehensive manner.
ReplyDeleteThe setting up of the RCI has become an important issue following apprehension among the people and NGOs in Sabah over the existence of illegal syndicates supplying identity cards to illegal immigrants, resulting in the alleged rise in their number in the state.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabah Barisan Nasional Citizenship Committee, chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, had been entrusted with the responsibility of coming up with the terms of reference of the RCI.