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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shafie’s Semporna is ‘badly neglected’

Selvaraja Somiah

Semporna MP Shafie Apdal is "completely disconnected" with his constituency in Sabah which is buzzing with illegal immigrants from nearby Mindanao, Philippines.

I have been telling all along that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s blue-eyed boy, Shafie Apdal who is the Minister of Rural and Regional Development and one of the three Umno vice-presidents, is a failure in his Semporna constituency.

I wrote about Shafie in July last year and even touched on the actress Zahida Rafik who he was then rumoured to have married in London. Shafie, of course, denied all this.

And I had in that same blog posting said “lets wait and see how this story takes shape”.

Recently following a burst of allegations of power abuse by Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, came reports that Shafie had allegedly lavished RM1.5 million over a 4-month period on Zahida.

In a country that is no stranger to sex scandals in politics, the latest flare-up has been one of the strangest of all.

Most notably because Shafie had made a plaintive declaration that there had been “no” scandal at all to begin with.

Shafie brought the issue into the glare of national attention when he issued a statement seeking to end “continued and hurtful speculation” prompted by political bloggers concerning his alleged affair with Zahida and his RM1.5mil indulgence.

But what was strange in the story is that it was Zahida herself who started the commotion when she lodged a police report against her driver Nor Azman Azemi for absconding with RM200,000.

The driver to clear himself, then lodged his own report, revealing all details about his occupation and that he was hired by Shafie and told to monitor Zahida’s movements.

And that was when the fireworks started big-time and Shafie stepped it with his statement claiming that all that was stated by his alleged driver Noor Azman in the police report was untrue and there ends the scandal for now.

Semporna in neglect

Back to Shafie and his constituency Semporna. When Shafie was elected as MP for Semporna in 1995, east-coast Sabah dreamily believed that the numerous maladies in the community would cease to exist.

They believed that his election was indicative of a vigorous wind of political and social change that was blowing across Tawau, Lahad Datu and Semporna.

Shafie himself vowed that his election would demarcate the conclusion of grisly “politics as usual” from the commencement of political and democratic freshness.

However, as Shafie continues on, it is abundantly clear that he has not only failed to deliver in a general sense, but he has also completely betrayed his most loyal constituency — Semporna.

Semporna is badly neglected until now. The unemployment rate continues to rise and crime rate is not getting any lower.

There is no major development projects in Semporna. Drug related crimes are on the rise.

Semporna is infested with illegal immigrants, mostly Suluks from the nearby Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines. These illegals rule the town as though Semporna is part of Mindanao, in Philippines.

Shafie himself is a Suluk, but over the years he has completely disconnected with the Semporna community.

Sabah not Shafie’s concern

He has failed to articulate any policy that would deal with the crisis that is evident in Semporna.

Rather, Shafie is much more focused on articulating and enacting policies about issues that are close to his heart – such as becoming the next Chief Minister of Sabah.

He is now a potent mouthpiece to annihilate Musa’s vision to bring development and create economic prosperity to Sabah.

Looking at Semporna, any intellectually honest person in Sabah will come to the unavoidable conclusion that Sabah is the very least of Shafie’s concerns.

So obvious is this fact that even some of Shafie’s most ardent supporters in Semporna have begun voicing strident denunciations of their MP.

The latest assault on Shafie from his Umno Sabah compatriots is evidence of this phenomenon.


  1. Semoga Shafie Apdal akan meletakkan perhatian beliau pada pembangunan Semporna kerana ini adalah tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin.

    1. Semporna perlukan pembangunan, ia amat mundur, jika kita pergi pekannya saja dah nampak kemundurannya.

    2. Semporna terlalu banyak PATI, adakah wajar kita membangunkan kawasan itu untuk kebaikan PATI?

    3. Semporna ada 3 ADUN,1 MP. tidak patut terpinggir dari pembangunan kalau semua pemimpin berfungsi.

    4. sekarang pula sibuk dengan skandal bersama Zahida.

    5. Mungkin sebab Shafie selalu outstation. Jarang2 ada di tempat sendiri.

  2. Tidak mungkin Shafie boleh menjadi KM Sabah, bagaimana beliau boleh mengurus sebuah negeri dengan baik bilamana Semporna pun belum dapat diurus.

    1. Betul tu, baik serahkan Sabah kepada mereka yang lebih sesuai dan layak untuk membawa Sabah ke arah pembagunan.

    2. Pandangan rakyat ada yang kata Shafie tidak mungkin dapat jadi KM tapi itu bukan sesuatu yang mustahil kalau betul2 dia berniat mahu jadi KM.kena hati2 tu..

    3. Masidi is more preferable than Shafie.

  3. semporna kawsan pelancongan, tapi keadaannya masih mundur, ia mmg menjejaskan imej Semporna.

    1. Kemundurun mungkin disebabkan ramai warga asing/PATI di Semporna ni.

  4. Ini menunjukkan bahawa Shafie tidak sesuai menjadi KM Sabah, masih belum layak lagi.

    1. Kenapa mesti Shafie? Seandainya Musa diganti, diharap yang akan gantikan beliau boleh melakukan tugas sebagai KM dengan lebih baik sepertimanana yang dilakukan oleh Musa selama ini.

  5. BN publicity & information bureau must be prepared to counter the opposition’s lies and allegations so that the people will not be cheated by those who are desperate to topple the government.

  6. The responsibility of BN leaders towards listening to problems faced by the people and efforts to resolve them is not seasonal but rather a continuous process said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman. He assured that the people of Sabah will continue supporting the BN to ensure a huge victory for BN in the coming 13th GE.

  7. He has to take care of where his responsibility lies as a commitment to the people.

  8. Need to prove he is worthy to be leader of the people.

  9. Semporna as a place needs development and proper management.

  10. It isn’t about developing the place for illegals but a change for the people over there.

  11. Do something and not tarnish the image it postulates.

  12. If Shafie is serious about becoming the CM in sabah, he should make an effort to prove to the people that he is capable in leading sabah.

  13. Keadaan Semporna membutki kelemahan pimpinan WR di sana.

  14. Peruntukan harus diguna dengan wajar untuk membangunan Semporna yang jauh lebih mundur jika dibandingkan.

  15. Sokongan awam untuk Musa masih kuat lagi.

  16. Jangan pula Shafie abaikan tanggung jawab kepada rakyat di Semporna?

  17. Masalah bagi Shafie semakin menjadi-jadi isu yang semakin hangat diperkatakan sekarang ini mengenai skandal artis dengan Zahida. Namun masih tidak ada kata yang boleh dipercayai mengenai perkara ini.

  18. Penduduk di Semporna menantikan pembangunan yang terbaik untuk mereka. Pembangunan mega itu tidak begitu penting yang penting dan utama sekali adalah pembangunan kemudahan asas seperti Air, elektrik dan juga perhubungan.

  19. Kerajaan Negeri akan memastikan setiap kawasan akan mendapat apa yang terbaik kepada mereka. Datuk Shafie haruslah menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai pemimpin dan wakil rakyat dikawasan semporna.

  20. macam mana la kalau Najib tahu reputasi dan prestasi si Shafie ni.. rekod si Shafie ni sepatutnya sudah layak untuk ditendang dari jawatan yang dia sandang sekarang..
