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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pairin needs Najib ‘direct’ endorsement

Luke Rintod

Rattled by a surging State Reform Party (STAR) led by his brother Jeffrey, Sabah deputy chief minister Pairin Kitingan has sent Najib Tun Razak an SOS.

KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who had been to Sabah twice this year, is coming again to this state most likely at the end of this month to help steady “paramount chief” Joseph Pairin Kitingan and his under threat Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

Najib will travel to Tambunan and Keningau. Security protocol is already busy preparing for the “important one-day trip”, party insiders claim is at the request of the ageing and embattled Pairin, the long-serving Huguan Siou of the Kadazandusuns in Sabah.

Pairin who is a deputy chief minister under Musa Aman, has been under pressure to turn the tide against his once mighty PBS and the Barisan Nasional.

All PBS seats, including Pairin’s Tambunan and Keningau, are now said to be under serious threat from a surging State Reform Party (Star), led by his younger brother Jeffrey.

Sources said local organisers have been busy preparing for Najib to officiate at the ground-breaking of the PBS-initiated KDM College in Tambunan. They are also preparing for Najib’s possible visit to the iconic Rumah Besar OKK Sodomon in Bingkor, Keningau which once hosted his father Razak Hussein.

The Rumah Besar, the home of OKK Sedomon Gunsanad, a revered interior leader, hosted Razak in 1962 when he came to Keningau to explain the proposal to create a new nation called Malaysia to the native chiefs and community leaders in the Sabah’s interior.

At that time the “interior” meant the whole areas of Keningau, Tambunan, Pensiangan, Nabawan, Sook, Ranau, Tenom, Sipitang, Beaufort and even Labuan.

The Gunsanad family gave Sabah one other great leader in Samson Sundang, Sedomon’s younger brother, who is more popularly referred in books as GS Sundang. Sundang went on to become Sabah deputy chief minister in the early Malaysia years.

Both of them represented the overwhelming view of the interior and other parts of then North Borneo, who rejected the Malaysia proposal and instead opted for a different path to independence and possibly create a new federation with other states.

They were eventually won over by assurances and pledges that Sabah was to be a sovereign nation within the new Malaysian federation with the 20 Points laid out as “conditions” for Sabah’s agreeing to federate.

Razak also made several pledges at the Rumah Besar in 1962, trying to convince the skeptical interior leaders of the Malaysia idea. The 20 Points is still considered the very foundation of all “agreements” that culminated into the signing of a simple one-page Malaysia Agreement in London in 1963 that paved the way for the birth of a “new” federation.

Pairin’s deadline

Initially Najib’s visit was to be carried out sometime next week but top political players in the state have now planned for it possibly during the Harvest Festival or “Tadau Kaamatan” which climaxes at the Hongkod Koisaan, the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association building in Penampang near here on May 30 and 31.

PBS leaders would see it as a coup if they could get Najib to go on his popular handshaking walkabout at the various stalls in the compound of the building on Kaamatan day which would be filled with revelers.

They believe it would be the perfect opportunity for Najib to belatedly announce the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the issuance of MyKad to thousands of illegal immigrants in Sabah.

Time is running out for Pairin as well as his ’2012 solve-by-date’ deadline to the federal government to solve the issue of thousands of illegal immigrants having been allowed to make the state their home by being offered citizenship and voting rights.

Any concession by Najib and the federal government would allow Pairin to bask in a pyrrhic victory on the state’s illegal immigrant issue and raise the fortunes of his doddering party.

But any concession will come at a cost as Najib is also expected to reveal some insight into the term of reference (TOR) for any such RCI which skeptics say would castrate it.


  1. Here for Pesta Ka'ámatan and 'BROM' but not BR1M for natives bah!

  2. PBS is finished after GE13!

    1. That has yet to be seen, why don't we wait for the next general election and see what happens?

    2. Don't talk nonsense la.

    3. PBS masih kuat dan relevan..

    4. I don't think so. they still have many supporters.

    5. PRU akan memberi jawapan sama ada PBS masih relevan. Rasa-rasa parti ini masih mendapat sambutan.

    6. We shall see about that.

  3. PBS still have a steady group of supporters in Sabah, this is one of the parties that focused on the rights of all races.

    1. Parti tempatan sepatutnya lebih banyak mendapat sokongan daripada rakyat.

    2. Semoga misi PBS masih kekal untuk membela nasib orang Sabahan.

    3. Unlike other parties, PBS focus on the rights of all races. This is what sabah needs.

  4. Another fallen "Harris" in the making....Pairin life will be short lifted this GE13...

    1. Harris has fall once but now he is living with wealth.

    2. Wealth is nothing when he died.

  5. Pairin must prove to the rakyat that he is still relevant if he wants the support. Maybe he needs to be more vocal.

    1. pairin sebagai Huguan Siou harus buktikan dia dpt membela nasib rakyat terutama masyarakat KDM.

    2. Maybe its time for Pairin to get retire.

  6. Bagus ko pencen ja la Pairin, tiada sudah suara/tindakan ko skrg untuk membela rakyat sabah. Hidung ko sdh kena pegang oleh umno, mulut teda keluar suara sdh. Apa guna jadi huguan siou kalau tidak dapat membela rakyat. Sabah dipenuhi pti, rakyat masih mengharapkan air hujan, jalan gravel,harga barang makin mahal tidak seimbang dgn malaya.Sabah tidak sepatutnya terletak diantara negeri miskin kerana kita kaya sumber minyak, kelapa sawit, getah, koko etc.

  7. sememangnya RCI merupakan isu yang paling 'panas' bagi Sabah...

  8. kebanyakan rakyat Sabah telah menyatakan keinginan mereka untuk melihat RCI dilaksanakan sebelum GE13

    1. The government is aware of the people's voice in wanting to have RCI to be set up in sabah. The government will have no choice but to set it up before the people cause havoc. We seen what the people could do during the bersih rally in peninsular malaysia.

  9. ramai yang menyatakan kebimbangan mereka jika RCI tidak dilaksanakan, kerana tanpanya, PRU tidak akan berlaku adil dan tidak akan ada masa depan lagi bagi Sabah

    1. RCI is our only hope for a clean and fair election.

  10. jika kerajaan prihatin akan masalah PATI/PADI yang dihadapi oleh Sabah, maka, kerajaan harus digesa tubuhkan RCI sebelum PRU-13

    1. The government will surely set it up but it just matter of time. I just hope it wouldn't be set up after election.

  11. harap ada berita mengenai TOR yang sedang dirumuskan oleh pihak Najib

    1. An update from the PM regarding the TOR process would be greatly appreciated.

    2. Most probably the PM will announce on his next visit to sabah.

  12. Seharus Pairin membuktikan kebolehan beliau untuk bersuara untuk rakyat terutama rakyat yang nasibnya tidak dibela.

    1. THere is still time for pairin to prove himself before election comes.

  13. Tidak mungkin kerajaan persekutuan tidak tahu kepentingan untuk menubuhkan RCI?

  14. Pairin harus jelas dengan hala tujuannya.

  15. lain kali ja la gaman..ha ha ha

  16. penubuhan RCI tanpa tindakan yg jujur oleh pagawai nanti boleh menyebabkan PATI bartambah ramai...last last ....u all fikil ja masa dapan anak susu sisit kita .....bye bye bye gaman

    1. Pelaksanaan tegas harus dalam RCI supaya berjaya

    2. I'm sure the federal government are feeling the pressure to set up RCI. PBS and UPKO has been pushing the government to set it up.

  17. Parti PBS sentiasa konsistent dalam memperjuangkan RCI

    1. We need leader like Pairin who has always been consistent and never jump from one party to another party like Jeff. So PBS is definitely a good choice of party to continuously support.

  18. JKR recently recruited 20 engineers, among whom only 1 KDN, 0 Chinese. This is Pairin's Ministry, Pairin of today can't even do things fairly, don't talk about fight for his community's rights, what more Sabah's rights. It is a pityful Pairin I m sorry to say.

  19. siapa individu yang masih bodoh untuk percaya pemimpin yang kna kuda2 org luar ?? Takut kna kc sabotaj kapal ko ka time mw jalan p negara len ? takut ko jatuh miskin di negeri ko sendiri ?? Pemimpin yang penakut mcm tu nda layak jadi ketua .. MAlu saya mw menagaku dia sbg pemimpin

  20. PBS dan PBRS haruslah mengekalkan perjuangan mereka untuk memastikan kepentingan penduduk Sabah akan dapat dibela.

  21. Sebagai seorang pemimpin di Sabah. Beliau percaya kerajaan Pusat sedar serta memahami tentang keadaan ini dan kita mengharapkan agar penubuhan RCI akan menjadi realiti dalam masa terdekat," kata Presiden PBRS Tan Sri Joseph Kurup.

  22. Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) mahu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) bagi menyelesaikan isu pendatang tanpa izin (PATI) di negeri itu.

    Pendirian PBRS dalam perkara ini amat jelas iaitu mengharap dan mempunyai keyakinan penuh agar kerajaan Pusat menyegerakan pewujudan RCI (Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja) untuk mencari penyelesaian masalah tersebut.

  23. Datuk Nazri telah membentangkan draf kasar rujukan RCI untuk perbincangan. Semua ini adalah bagi meminta maklum balas dari kerajaan Negeri mengenai perkara ini. Kita tidak mahu operasi besaran ini gagal. Maka perlukan kajian terperinci.

  24. Memang kekecewaan melanda penduduk Sabah dengan kehadiran PM ke Negeri itu. Walaupun dijangka PM akan mengumumkan RCI pada 16 Februari, namun beliau masih lagi belum bersedia untuk mengumumkannya. Ini bagi memastikan RCI ini benar-benar berkesan.

  25. ba kalau tidak puas hati, bawa saja ba ke peti undi.. nanti minta pembangkang pula tunaikan RCI untuk Sabah..

  26. Clearly that Star is now playing what they deemed as a "historical facts" by twisting it to their own agenda. Apart from that, they too are using certain leaders' 'family ties' to past leaders during the foundings days of Malaysia to justify their cause.

  27. Barisan Nasional’s (BN) publicity & information bureau must be prepared to counter the opposition’s lies and allegations so that the people will not be cheated by those who are desperate to topple the government.

  28. The bureau should always equipped itself with knowledge and ability to explain to the people about the government’s policies and promises fulfilled by the party.

  29. The publicity and information bureau is the BN’s font liner in disseminating accurate information to the people at the grassroot.

  30. All the allegations or issues raised by the opposition, who will constantly try to confuse the people must be countered with the correct information.

  31. Clear and accurate information given to the people, especially in Sabah, would ensure continuous support for all the efforts taken by the BN-led government.

  32. The people of Sabah knew how to show their gratitude to the government, especially when their needs and wellbeing were being taken care of.

  33. It is warranted that gratitude are to be expressed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for his continuous ideas to ease the people’s burden.

  34. This is an example of a caring government and a leader who is concerned about the wellbeing of the people

  35. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan, who is also Umno Information chief, hoped that all publicity and information chiefs at the divisional levels, would make optimum use of the face-to-face, print, digital and electronic media in disseminating information to the people.

  36. This can be done now. We don’t have to wait for general election because we have enough evidence on the success stories created by the BN government.

  37. “We just need to remind the people again and again so that they will not fall victim to empty promises given by the opposition,” he explained.
