SAPP Treasurer General Dullie Marie said Harris had clearly admitted it during the latter's press conference, which was published in local dailies on Nov 16.
"In his first statement published on November 12, Harris claimed that SAPP President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee as Chief Minister between May 28, 1996 and May 27, 1998 withdrew the Yayasan Sabah share certificates in 1996.
"When pointed out to Harris that his own book published in 1996 had stated (three times in the book) that it was the 1990 PBS era (not Yong as CM in the BN era) that withdrew the YS shares certificate, he even denied that the 1996 book was his. He even said that "even a blind man can see that it was a government publication". But now he admitted that the book was his," Dullie added.
Dullie further said that Harris went on accusing Yong of a "mistake" in NBT shares causing Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) to lose RM 300 million.
"Harris even said that, if in China, it is a shooting case. When Yong offered to shoot himself if Harris's accusation is true, Harris quickly abandoned the SAS issue and repeated his earlier mistake that the 1996 ARNS issue was actually the 1990 YS shares certificates issue," Dullie said.
He said Harris is in no position to speak for the PBS Chief Minister in 1990 or the current CM on either the Yayasan Sabah shares certificate issues or the Amanah Rakyat Negeri Sabah (ARNS) issue.
"If Harris is so convinced about having Yayasan Sabah shares certificates or the new ARNS certificates, there is nothing to stop this government from issuing YS shares or ARNS certificates, whatever you call it," Dullie added.
He said, for the record, Yong did not comment on the records of our early leaders, irrespective of their educational backgrounds. The comments on early leaders were made by Prof. Danny Wong and local columnist Tan Sri Herman Luping, which were published in local dailies.
Dullie added that all Yong wanted was to correct another lie being spread about him.
"Yong's offer to shoot himself was a direct response to Harris's false accusation that the so-called SAS RM 300 million losses debacle was caused by the so-called NBT/Warisan Harta share swap. It had nothing to do with Yayasan Sabah. But if Harris really wants leaders to shoot themselves or commit harakiri, then he does not have to look far around him," he said.
He said after the idea "shooting oneself" came out, many people are now saying that the culprits who caused the issuance of hundreds of thousands of dubious documents to illegal immigrants should be shot instead.
Membatalkan SAHAM YS itu 1 langkah yg bijak untuk masa dapan Rakyat dan Negeri Sabah itu sendiri. Jika d bandingkan dengan penyerahan sebuah Pulau seperti Labuan kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan.....
ReplyDeleteWhether abolishing Amanah Rakyat Sabah or not doesn't matter....it can be revive anytime so why the fuss...If the state has money, so get every eligible sabah citizen to have the shares...I don't any problem why Harris keep harping on this non-issue thing.
ReplyDeleteHarris should get shot by all the Sabahans by giving away Labuan to malaya, giving away 95% of our oil to malaya and imported PATI to flood Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAfter what Harris explained, do we still need a white paper?
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, YTL still needs to take responsible for promising the share prices will not drop lower than RM1.
ReplyDeleteI thought Salleh who said it government will compensate if dropped below RM1 but why the Anon above accusing YTL by putting salleh words into Yong's mouth?
ReplyDeleteThe Anon above must love to spread lies .... I reckon you better repent.
From the truth of SAS, it seems that Salleh and Anifah are the real culprits swapping Repco shares with SAS thus leaving SAS empty.
ReplyDeleteIs it going to be another court case between Harris and Yong?
ReplyDeleteWant to gain politcal mileage ?
all the Sabah umno should be charged for treason, lies, corruptions, imported PATI to flood Sabah, siphon Sabah money out from Sabah.
ReplyDeletewhat else?
ReplyDeleteHe said after the idea "shooting oneself" came out, many people are now saying that the culprits who caused the issuance of hundreds of thousands of dubious documents to illegal immigrants should be shot instead.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
YTL kena bertanggungjawb atas SAS.
ReplyDeletetak perlu lah YTL nak dolak dalik.
ReplyDeletekili = supra = umno's puppet = sokong pti = Pengkhianat!
ReplyDeleteYTL shouldn't had promised to the people that the share prices will not drop lower than RM1 in the first place.
ReplyDeletenampak kili punya komen....paling palui.Cubalah sebagai penyokong BN desak Musa/salleh keluarkan kertas putih. Jangan bodoh sangat disebahkan projek atau kedudukan.Malilah sikit jgn tunjukkan kebodohaan.
ReplyDeleteanonymous agreed.....I think your are referring to KULI and Durian right. What do you except, their comments can tell you. I share the frustration of those loyal Sabahans that stand for our rights and the future OF OUR generations. May the ALMIGHTY sympathies and blesses us. AMEN
ReplyDeleteAnonymous.....u also palui...suka ati urgla..sepa dia mau sokong..dia pilih bn..up to kili la...ko sokong ja parti yg ko au menang...gitu la adil...
ReplyDeleteisu ini semakin panas diperkatakan....harap kebenaran akan terbongkar..
ReplyDeletegarry bukan pasal siapa dia sokong...itu hak sendiri...tapi komen itu ada tidak ada asas.Jangan kita jadi paluai dan bodoh macam dia.....senang dijual kpada Malaya nanti.
ReplyDeleteitu pendapat dia...lain urg lain la pendapat masing2... gini la politik...
ReplyDeletetidak bermaksud, siapa yg sokong BN, mau Pati terus berada di Sabah... semua mau Pati dihalau dari Sabah..
ReplyDeleteIts bout time the white paper come out.
ReplyDeletekita sebagai rakyat, tunggu dan lihat sahajalah perjalanan isu ini...harap dapat diselesaikan dengan adil..
sokong umno = sokong PATI.
ReplyDeleteSudah terbukti berpuluh-puluh tahun.
Jangan kamurang kaki pengampu umno menafikan kerja setan umno. Allahku tahu.
Jangan kaitkan Allah dengan politik walau macam mana terdesak pun cari undi dan simpati.Sudah kena cuci otak oleh SAPP ka?
ReplyDeleteWhat I see is an old man Harris, who recently got his Tan Sri with Musa's recommendation trying to repay Musa's 'kindness' or rather bribe to come out and attack Yong out of the blue on old and irrelevant issues.
ReplyDelete"He said after the idea "shooting oneself" came out, many people are now saying that the culprits who caused the issuance of hundreds of thousands of dubious documents to illegal immigrants should be shot instead."
ReplyDeleteNo need to shoot, just send them to jail were do.
Aku hanya bagi tahu kepada kaki pengampu umno apa dosa yang kamu buat, Allahku tahu! Jangan kamu menafikan dengan sikap setan kamu.
ReplyDeleteNo point to keep discuss about this matter. Just go ahead with white paper, let white paper do his job to reveal the truth.
ReplyDeleteAku sokong umno sudah 15 tahun tetapi aku tidak percaya lagi umno sebab Pembohong, Penipu, Kaki Rasuah!
ReplyDeleteYong challenge his life with SAS case, lets see how the people judge it.
ReplyDeleteYong juga membuat keputusan yang kurang bijak sebenarnya. Harus mengaku kesilapan dan kelemahan dalam isu SAS.
ReplyDeleteHow Yong can promises the share price which is beyond his control also. Let see what the best Harris & Yong can do.
ReplyDeleteKenapa pula kerajaan gagal dengan proposal "white paper"? Jangan sembunyi sesuatu dari rakyat..
ReplyDeleteHarap isu SAS ini boleh dijelaskan dengan sebaik mungkin.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah dan lihat bagaimana nanti.
ReplyDeleteHow can SAS price dropped after selling NBT shares with profits except there is some hidden hands behind that we called insider deal.
ReplyDeleteWhy no one talking about REPCO chairman and SAS chairman Salleh?
Why SAlleh buy a overly rated REPCO share using SAS money?
Securities commission should have all the transactions records.
YTL is clean as I can see. Only those BN goons who afraid to issue WHITE PAPER are the MAIN CULPRITS!
setiap orang ada pendapat masing-masing dalam isu ini..terpulanglah untuk menyokong pihak yang mana.
ReplyDeletesetiap orang perlu menilai dengan bijak..
ReplyDeleteThis issue will never be end..
ReplyDeleteYong menjudikan nyawa beliau untuk menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran, masing-masing menilaikannya.
ReplyDeleteIf white paper can help to resolve problem, please do not hesitate.
ReplyDeleteMemang jelas kerajaan melindungi seseorang.
ReplyDeleteKerugian telah berlaku, apa yang boleh dibuat lagi? Siapa yang perlu bertanggung jawab? Adakah duit rakyat akan dikembalikan?
ReplyDeletenasib kamu la sapp.. apa boleh buat bencana sas berlaku masa YTL jadi KM Sabah.. saman saja kalau tidak betul..
ReplyDeletePenduduk Sabah pasti sudah memaafkan Yong atas apa yang berlaku dengan SAS dahulu. Tapi Yong perlu ingat. Penduduk Sabah tidak akan dapat menerima Yong lagi untuk menjadi KM yang kedua kali kerana takut perkara sama berulang kembali.
ReplyDeleteYTL perlulah sedar dengan apa yang sudah berlaku janganlah asyik menafikan kebenaran yang ada. SAPP rasanya tidak dipandang penduduk Sabah langsung..Alangkah baik jika masalah rakyat diselesaikan daripada bising sana sini...
ReplyDeleteJust show the white paper. No need to make things complicated.
ReplyDeleteHarris only want to divert his attention about the double 6 tragedy, gave away labuan and gave away 95% of Sabah oil to malaya.
ReplyDeleteHarris also should be charged for treason by imported PATI to flood Sabah.
YTL is right!
masing2 pemimpin ada kelemahan dan kesilapan. yang penting sekarang mereka perlu perbetulkan keadaan dan bertaubat sebelum terlambat. bukan asyik menafikan hingga isu ini jadi besar tapi tiada penghujung.
ReplyDeleteentah siapa yang berada di pihak yang benar. hanya Tuhan yang tau. yang salah tu harap akan menerima hukumannya bila masanya tiba.
ReplyDeleteHarris vs YTL..will never ended.
ReplyDeleteSekrang kes pasal 666 tu lagi.
ReplyDeleteNow Haris wanted to sue Yong Teck Lee, wonder what's next.
ReplyDeleteThe truth will be revealed, we'll just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteThe world ends begin.
ReplyDeleteThen why now?
ReplyDeleteJadi bagaimana?
ReplyDeleteharris cannot be trusted...
ReplyDeleteharris sudah bersara...tidak perlu menyibuk dengan isu2 yang berlaku di sabah..buat kacau saja..rakyat sudah tidak percayakan harris salleh si pengkhianat kerana memberikan labuan kepada persekutuan tanpa persetujuan rakyat sabah.
ReplyDeleteYTL is a liability to SAPP..get rid of him ASAP..
ReplyDeletepeople do not trust you anymore YTL and harris the traitor..be queit and enjoy your old days and seek for forgiveness for your sins against sabahan.
ReplyDeletefed up with the SAS issue..
ReplyDeletepastinya, ada pihak yang temberang dan menyembunyi sesuatu dari diketahui awam...kita nantikan sahaja kebenaran sebenar..
ReplyDeleteyang terlibat/tertuduh, masing-masing mempunyai pendirian sendiri, kita tunggu dan lihat keputusan seterusnya
ReplyDeletesemoga ada penyelesaian dan penutupan dalam isu ini..
ReplyDeletedan harap pihak kerajaan berani tampil ke depan untuk memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat Sabah
ReplyDeletesetakat ini, pihak kerajaan Sabah hanya berdiam diri tanpa memberi kenyataan mereka mengenai isu SAS ini
ReplyDeleteHarris, you are a cheapscate paki idiot.
ReplyDeleteFor 1 million to kita, you sold your soul to an even more cheapscate paki trash musa aman, who then gave you a tan sri ship. Now you are kissing Musa's ass by even attacking shafi abdal by supporting DAP HIEW, who is coincidentally, a CONSULTANT for a lot of MUSA's cronies projects.
-Spirit of Borneo