Speaking at the State Legislative Assembly on Wednesday while debating on the State Budget 2012, Chia fervently asserted that this was only appropriate and fair to the people of Sabah, in view of Sabah's significant contribution to the nation's coffer.
Citing reliable sources, Chia noted that much of Malaysia's 83 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves, as of January 2009, comes from offshore of Sabah and Sarawak. It is known that PETRONAS contributes to about 40% of Malaysia's revenue.
She further noted that the discovery of many more new fields of oil and gas in Sabah especially this year, including significant discovery of petroleum near Kota Kinabalu, have been significant to Malaysia and PETRONAS.
"Sabah, especially with the new found fields, should therefore enjoy the benefits of this natural endowment to its people," she asserted.
She reminded that having a fixed rate on the oil royalty to the State revenue is different from having Federal allocation that can increase or decrease depending on State Federal relationship.
"Just as a reminder, the Federal allocation for the year 2012 is only RM1,520.76 million for development, which is less than 3% of the total amount development budget of RM51 billion for the whole country. But in a federal budget amounting to RM232 billion, what Sabah gets is so insignificant," she pointed out.
She further reminded that the good days will not last forever.
"The day the oil wells run dry, that day we will get nothing. Therefore, the Sabah Government should still pursue the task of getting a higher petroleum royalty, and I still maintain that we should ask for a revision of at least 20%," she said.
To back up her call, Chia noted that previous reports have indicated that Malaysia could turn into a net energy importer by 2015 based on its current trend of consumption if oil and gas (O&G) production did not improve.
The National 2011/2012Economic Report revealed that the country's oil production could fall further to 600,000 barrels per day this year. Just take note that total oil production for the financial year ended March 31, 2011, had fallen to 2.14 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) per day, from 2.27 million BOE per day in 2010.
She also expressed regret that the development of the O&G sector in Sabah was a bit too late and too little, as compared a certain non-oil producing states in the country like Pahang, Malacca, Kedah, and recently the RM60billion refinery and petrochemical integrated development (RAPID) petrochemical complex in Pengerang, Southern Johor.
It was said that this RAPID petrochemical complex was expected to create at least 20,000 jobs during the construction phase and 4,000 potential jobs for highly-skilled workers. There is also the RM5 billion independent deepwater petroleum terminal in Pengerang, which is to be the first deepwater terminal in South-East Asia. Last year, the Government said PETRONAS would play a major role in the development of Johor's southeast areas of Teluk Ramunia and Pengerang turning it into an O&G hub in the region.
"Compare to what non-oil producing state like Johor gets, what is the promise of RM45 billion for the Sabah O&G industry? We only want a fair deal from what is produced in our beloved State. We are not yet talking about what we lost in oil fields Block L and Block M and that recently PETRONAS entered into a joint production sharing contract with PetroleumBrunei.
"PETRONAS will start drilling for oil in Brunei waters and also in Block M. This joint production sharing will give PETRONAS billions of ringgit in contracts and income. And what do we get?" she asked.
She further lamented that Sabah youths have long left Sabah to work in Johor.
Touching on the oil palm sector, Chia urged the State government to tap into the vast potential of the oil palm downstream industries which is estimated to worth a whopping RM100 billion.
"{Besides oil and gas sector} The other major source of state revenue is from the oil palm industry from the collection of sales tax from CPO. The government has correctly stated it is beyond its control especially the prices and production of CPO. Changes in the prices of this commodity in the international market will affect the revenue that we expect to collect under this category.
"Therefore, we need to be prudent, and at the same time, we should look into other revenue from is sector. It has been reported that with the vast acreages planted with palm oil in the state, the potential palm oil industry downstream industries and value adding is potentially RM100 billion," she elaborated.
She continued that the Manufacturing Sector is one of the 3 sectors identified in "Halatuju of the State" and is one of the three main thrusts of development of the state.
"This sector should be greatly empowered so that it could spearhead industrial development and promote downstream activities especially in our palm oil sector.
"Can you imagine if Sabah gets to keep the palm oil produced in the state and develop the downstream activities, in additional to the potential value adding, the number of jobs that will be created?" she said.
Rakyat Sabah berhak mendapatkan royalti yang lebih tinggi, harap kerajaan persekutuan akan menigkatkan kadar royalti ini.
ReplyDeletePemimpin-pemimpin Sabah juga perlulah berusaha memperjuangkan royalti minyak yang lebih tinggi.
ReplyDeleteSekiranya lebih tepat jika unsur ni dilaksanakan atau dibawa ke parlimen oleh ahli parlimen selain diperingkat ADUN saja.Mana lagi KM ada kuasa untuk menentang karajaan persekutuan sekarang?Lemah betul!
ReplyDeletePenting juga kalau ada landasan supaya orang di kampung2 faham faktor yang benar mempengaruhi kehidupan dan status Sabah disebabkan hak milik untung dari minyak!
Ramai rakyat atau sabahan kurang faham atau tidak dapat mengerti prejuangan ini diperingkat bawah.Satu kesilapan kenapa mereka masih pilih yang tidak betul masa undi!!!
Sokong dan bahlah untuk kebaikan Sabah!
Memang rakyat Sabah berhak untuk mendapat royalti yg lebih daripada sekarang ini... hasilnya dari Sabah jg suma..
ReplyDeleteHarap KM kita akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan hak Sabah..
ReplyDeleteKM Sabah sibuk dengan rasuah.
ReplyDeleteApa dia peduli dengan rakyat susah asalkan dia boleh kahwin 4 bini dan ramai guntik untuk siok sendiri setiap malam.
Sabah adalah pengeluar terbesar minyak negara, sepatutnya Sabah mendapat byk manfaat dan royalti lebih tinggi.
ReplyDeleteSabah memerlukan lebih royalti untuk membuat pembangunan yang masih kurang di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePermintaan harus dipertimbangankan. Lagi pun Sabah semakin membangun dan memerlukan dana yang besar.
ReplyDeleteKalau KM Sabah tidak peduli rakyat Sabah kehidupan akan masih macam pemerintahan KM2 yang lalu.
ReplyDeletePotentail for RM 12b in investments, 30,000 jobs generate from The sabah oil and gas industrial park in (SOGIP) Sipitand.
ReplyDeleteIt is a good suggestion to have upstream and downstream investment if possible.
It will be good if the Rakyat can get a better share, however, people have to work hard and deliver.
sudah sampai masanya royalti minyak dinaikkan..bukan banyak pun yang diminta..berbanding dengan jumlah yang telah ditarik keluar dari sabah..
ReplyDeletepemimpin2 sabah khasnya pemimpin dari generasi lalu harus menyokong tuntutan ini...ini semua demi masa depan generasi akan datang..jika bukan kita, siapa lagi yang akan memperjuangkan nasib anak2 kita?
ReplyDeletejika royalti dinaikkan, hasil negeri juga akan bertambah..dan ini akan dapat menampung kos pembangunan yang semakin meningkat..
ReplyDeletediharap usul untuk menuntut royalti minyak dinaikkan akan diluluskan oleh DUN sabah...
ReplyDeletesabah do should get a higher oil royalty..
ReplyDeleteyes, with the new found fields, the state government should continue to demand for a higher petroleum royalty from the Federal government
ReplyDeleteSabah patut mendapat royalti minyak yang lebih tinggi, sekurang-kurangnya dapat membantu meningkatkan sektor pembangunan negeri ini
ReplyDeletesemoga permintaan ini dapat dipertimbangkan demi masa depan Sabah
ReplyDeletejikalau penambahan royalti minyak ini dapat dipertimbangkan, Sabah tentu akan dapat dimajukan dan tidak lagi tersenarai sebagai sebuah negeri termiskin di Malaysia
ReplyDeletesemoga perjuangan ini akan diteruskan oleh para pemimpin Sabah tidak kira pihak kerajaan ataupun pembangkang walaupun selepas PRU-13 nanti
ReplyDeleteSabah deserves a higher percentage of oil royalty as Sabah is a huge contributor in this field.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan pertambahan loyalty harus diteruskan.
ReplyDeletePetronas memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi negeri Sabah. Harus juga Petronas mempertimbangkan permintaan terhadap loyalties adjustment supaya pendapatan negeri bertambah untuk tujuan pembangunan.
ReplyDeleteKM seharus memainkan peranan dan bersuara untuk rakyat Sabahan. Kami berhak mendapat apa yang patut.
ReplyDeleteThis is the right time to make adjustment. Sabah deserve more loyalties to increase state revenue for continuous development and project to enhance continue economy growth.
ReplyDelete"Chia urged the State government to tap into the vast potential of the oil palm downstream industries which is estimated to worth a whopping RM100 billion."
ReplyDeleteSektor lain yang berpotensi tinggi juga harus diberi perhatian yang berkemungkinan membawa pendapatan negeri yang lumayan seperti industri kelapa sawit, getah, minyak, pelancongan, perikanan dll.
petronas perlu membantu melakukan banyak pembangunan di Sabah kerana Sabah memainkan peranan penting dalam sektor minyak dan gas.
ReplyDeleteharap petronas akan dapat memainkan perana yang lebih penting dalam membawa lebih banyak pembangunan di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePerjuagan harus di teruskan untuk kebaikkan bersama.
ReplyDeleteHarap kerajaan persekutuan akan meningkatkan kadar royalti minyak untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeletePemimpin Sabah perlulah berusaha memperjuangkan hak minyak Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNeed to ask more for us.
ReplyDeleteDon't let Sabah get nothing less again. We deserve better..
ReplyDeleteNaiklah royalty bagi kita.
ReplyDeleteThe State government should continue to demand for a higher petroleum royalty from the Federal government, said Luyang State Assemblywoman, Melanie Chia.
ReplyDeleteI agree. They can't let us go on like this, we'll have to live in the same condition again and again.
Kerajaan harus memperjuangkan apa yang patut untuk orang Sabahan.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan ini harus diteruskan agar kadar loyalty ini dapat diperbaiki.
ReplyDeleteLoyalties tersebut membawa pembangunan yang berterusan. Kerajaan Sabah berhak mengendalikan kewangannya sendiri.
ReplyDeleteApakah punca Petronas gagal menaikkan kadar loyalty untuk negeri Sabah? Seharus perkara ini dipertimbangkan agar kerajaan negeri berdikari dan berkeupayaan mengendalikan pembangunan dan perkembangan ekonomi negeri Sabah.
ReplyDelete"This sector should be greatly empowered so that it could spearhead industrial development and promote downstream activities especially in our palm oil sector.
ReplyDeleteSektor kelapa sawit memang satu industri yang amat berpotensi tinggi selain minyak & gas, harus juga diberi perhatian dan perkembangan agar pendapatan negeri bertambah dan peluang pekerjaan juga bertambah.
Actually I kinda agree this
ReplyDeleteKalau dah tertulis dalam kontrak, nak buat mcm mana?
ReplyDeleteWait and see.
ReplyDeletegue has left a new comment on your post "Sabah should get a higher oil royalty":
ReplyDeleteKalau dah tertulis dalam kontrak, nak buat mcm mana?
If the contract is lop sided deal and it can be revoked.
It is the same like the unfair contract between Singapore and Johor.
Sabah people should decide how much we give our oil to malaya but not other way round.
Mcm mana juga mahu bising kalau semuanya sudah tertulis dalam kontrak???
ReplyDeleteIngat senagkah mahu buat perubahan??? Hal ini perlukan masa dan juga budi bicara daripada pihak2 berkenaan.
ReplyDeleteTapi sebagai rakyat Sabah, saya pun harap royalti minyak dapat dinaikkan.
ReplyDeleteKalau tak pun, lakukanlah sesuatu bagi meneutralkan senario ini. Kesian Sabahan kalau hal ini tak dipandang serius.
ReplyDeleteSemoga suara Sabahan dapat didengar dan diberi perhatian sewajarnya.
ReplyDeletekenapa tidak demand masa YTL jadi ketua menteri?
ReplyDeleteYTL pernah demand masa dia jadi KM Sabah. Itulah sebab SAPP keluar BN sebab pemimpin malaya tidak peduli ada pemimpin nak.
ReplyDeleteKamu pura2 tidak tahu atau buat bodoh saja.
Apa bos kamu Musang buat selama 9 tahun sebagai KM Sabah selain menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia?
Jika di jipun, musang telah letak jawatan sebab dia tidak boleh pakai punya KM Sabah.
We should get higher oil royalty, but will we get it?
ReplyDeleteLeaders should be more aggressive to demand higher oil royalty.
ReplyDeletesaya rasa semua negeri2 pengeluar minyak di negara ini pun menuntut untuk kenaikan kadar royalti minyak. kerajaan patut semak semula Akta Petroleum 1974 dan lihat adakah ia masih relevan untuk digunakan dengan keadaan semasa ini.
ReplyDeleteSabah dan Kelantan antara dua dari negeri pengeluar minyak namun apa yang menimbulkan persoalan kenapa kedua2 negeri ini merupakan negeri yang miskin di Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteItu sudah semestinya Sabah patut memperolehi Royalti lebih. Tapi jika Petronas dapat memberikan lebih banyak pembangunan kepada Sabah rasanya Royalti itu sudah memadai.
ReplyDeletePerkara ini perlu dikaji semula. Tambahan persetujuan ini telah dilaksanakan semasa pemerintahan Datuk Harris. Tapi bukan salah pemimpin sekarang.
ReplyDeletesaya setuju sekiranya tuntutan royaliti minyak dibuat...sebab Sabah negeri yang besar...so banyak development yg perlu di buat..bukan di kawasan bandar sahaja....kawasan luar bandar tidak terkecuali
ReplyDeletepembahagian royaliti minyak di Malaysia harus di bagi secara samarata ....itulah konsep 1 malaysia yg sebenar2nya...bukan hanya menjurus kepada perpaduan rakyat..
ReplyDeleteSelagi pemimpin Sabah sekarang tidak ditukar,jangan haraplah mo dapat royalti lebih.Sebab pemimpin yg dipilih sekarang semuanya penjilat-penjilat buntut najib...masamana mo dapat lebih??