PENAMPANG: Having a single party to rule a state or government is nothing new as Sabah is one of the three states in Malaysia which have done that.
"It is possible ... there are only three states in Malaysia which have had a single party government. Sabah during Berjaya and PBS as well as PAS in Kelantan and Terengganu. It has happened before and it can happen again," Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said.
Yong said this when asked to comment on Parti KITA national chairman Datuk Pengiran Rauf's statement urging Sabahans to lead the way in giving the mandate to one party, instead of a coalition to form the next government.
"This is because component parties in a coalition are busy quarreling among themselves as everyone wants to be on top and therefore have no time to resolve issues affecting the people,” Pengiran Rauf who is also Parti KITA Sabah liaison chief said.
He pointed out that even now, members of Political coalitions were quarreling among themselves over issues such as seats allocation for the 13th general election and added that in the past, Sabah was ruled by a one party government, Berjaya and this is what Sabahans should consider before casting their votes in the coming election," he said in a statement on Monday.
Yong when asked for his opinion if a single Party government was better than a coalition, stressed that both had their Pros and cons.
"But if a single party running a state or a government with a very focused program like in the case of SAPP where we are talking about Sabah autonomy, then we are looking at a very focused agenda. It can happen," he stressed.
When asked to comment on KDM Malaysia which has a similar objective as SAPP on the native land issues, Yong who admitted that he was not the best person to comment on it, pointed out that the NGO was linked to Umno.
“KDM Malaysia as far as I know, is Umno linked and I think the basic problem with land issue today in Sabah has mainly to do with Umno leaders as they are part of the problem of the land issues.
"So KDM Malaysia is an Umno off-shoot from its Penampang division, so for them to say that they will solve the land issue does not hold water," he said when met after the launching of SAPP's Sabah Land Reforms here yesterday.
SAPP is nowhere near Berjaya or PBS.Berjaya had the support of all races and PBS had the support of KDM and the chinese.SAPP do not have the support of KDM and the bumiputra moslems.Worst still it enjoys only a small fraction of the chinese community support and thats why YTL finished last in Batu Sapi by-election.How could SAPP dreams of capturing more than 30 seats when its own leader lost badly in Batu Sapi?
ReplyDeleteKasian kau Mp Govind/Biris punya Biris...apa apa yang dibuat oleh SAPP untuk rakyat kau tentang...kaulah pengkhianat bangsa sabah sendiri...bagus kau dibuang negeri saja..engkau pikir engkau bijak tapi sebenarnya palui bah.....kau hanya cari makan dengan cara keji iaitu menghina saja....saya sumpah kamu mp govind/biris punya biris dan juga keturunan kamu akan susah kerana penghinaan kepada anak watan sabah sendiri.....BODOH punya MP GOVIND/BIRIS PUNYA BIRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSaya sokong SAPP kalau menggunakan pendekatan ekerjasama tapi kalau secara solo tidak!
ReplyDeleteSebabnya sewaktu PBS dan ERJAYA dahulu, belum ada UMNO masuk Sabah dan BNpun belum wujud lagi
Comeon, SAPP! Be wise! Jangan arrogant! Matlamatnya ialah untuk tumbangkan BN/UMNO! Tidak sedarkah yang Sabah is full of PTI made Citizen di Sabah? Jangan mimpilah SAPP boleh Single Party konon!
So thats why, kebijaksanaan adalah kunci utama untuk menumbangkan BN. Macam kerajaan Selangor dan Kelantan atau Kedah.
Cubalah para penyokong SAPP nasihatkan pucuk pimpinan SAPP untuk gunakan pendekatan ertoleransi. Kalau tidak, SAPP akan kehilangan sokongan kerana bersifat kurang bijak dengan keegoan yang melampau. Ingat, PR hanya diadakan 5 tahun sekali, bukan mudah dapat peluang bekerjasama. Bersyukurlah kerana masih ada yang menasihati atau memberi teguran yg membina demi untuk kebaikan bersama. Fikir2kanlah.
All locals should give their full support to SAPP and stop the arrogant West Malaysian parties trying to spoil and destroy Sabah and their autonomy.
ReplyDeleteSAPP YTL suka 1Kuasa 1Karajaan 1Sabah ponya style?
ReplyDeleteSAPP does not deserves Sabahans trust after what he's done to the people.
ReplyDeletePower hungry Yong Teck Lee would love to become CM again. Wonder what will become of Sabah if he comes into power?
ReplyDeletedulu YTL pernah jadi KM, tapi pencapaiannya tidaklah begitu membanggakan.
ReplyDeleterakyat pandai-pandailah membuat pilihan dengan bijak.
ReplyDeleteSAPP has the majority support of all Sabahans. Only those racist politikus from party malaya are trying very hard to divide and rule Sabahans by using the name of religion and race in vain.
ReplyDeleteWe Sabahans are not stupid!
parti KITA saja mau berkempen ba tu.. sebab parti KITA ni pun kategori single parti.. bukan macam BN atau Pakatan..
ReplyDeleteAll the ordinary Sabahans knew those bumiputra who voted BN was because of $$$$$. I wonder these bunch of traitors to Sabahans with so cheapsket with a price tag stick on their head worth only RM50-100 in every 5 years and they can sell their pride and dignity for the thief @ party import from malaya!
ReplyDeleteWithout using money to entice the poor Sabahans, party malaya can close shop in Sabah. God's know!
tgklah nnti, parti mana akan memerintah selepas ini.
ReplyDeleterakyat pasti tau nak memilih mana terbaik.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, just be realistic.
ReplyDeleteSingle party rule can happen again-Yong
ReplyDeleteProve it for this coming GE.
dream on Yong!
ReplyDeletenantikan keputusan PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteAku percaya SAPP akan memerintah Sabah. Aku TAK NAK parti import dari seberang!
ReplyDeleteorang malaya kata orang sabah bodoh dan senang dibeli. Kasih dia minum mabuk dan RM50, mereka sanggup gadai apa2 saja biarpun generasi mereka diseksa, dihina, jadi kuli dan hamba selama 48 tahun kepada orang malaya.
ReplyDeleteBetul! Tapi kerjasama masih penting . Especially di Sabah yang pengundi PTInya sudah tersedia dengan rapinya. So tolong jangan degil. Kita semua mahu singkirkan BN tapi bukan mudah menyingkirkan BN/UMNO yang sudah terbukti kelicikan mereka. Dari Immigration, SPR, JPN dan PDRMKehakiman semua mereka punya. Barisan pembangkang akan kuat jika bersatu. Yang penting, BN tumbang bah!
ReplyDeleteBoleh bahkan? Tq
Rasanya ramai yang kelihatan tidak begitu menyokong Yong.. Apa sebabnya?Yong bukan yang terbaik untuk Sabah.