A lecturer from the Monash University rated our politicians' performance in 2011 at 59 points which he said was one mark below a Credit in the university's examination system.
This piece was originally intended as a salute to parliamentarians who in the past year have given Malaysians a good enough reason to root for their survival in the 13th general election pipped to be held in the first quarter of 2012.
These individuals would be those who have tirelessly chased down both high profile as well as bread and butter issues.
Those who tossed out ideas, opinions and recommendations that were startling in their boldness but instrumental in setting the nation on the right track.
Those who strode into raging rivers of controversy to stand beside the people even if it sometimes meant standing opposite their party leaders. And those who bravely hoisted the people’s call and hope for change upon their shoulders.
With 222 parliamentary seats political observers shouldn’t have been hard pressed to name a decent number of political beacons across both camps.
This is especially so considering the year’s events and the politicians who were exalted by the public for the above mentioned traits.
And yet two political observers approached by FMT were adamant that not a single politician this year had given a performance worthy enough of a re-admission into Parliament after the next general election.
‘Incapable politicians’
Khoo Kay Peng was unforgiving in his assessment of both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat of having dodged critical issues to indulge in superficial ones.
“What the people really need to know is the state of our economy, a potential second dip, the outflow of illegal funds and our global competitiveness,” he said.
“Instead politicians are assuring us that all is well.”
These glib words have infuriated Khoo who warned that Malaysians are more concerned today about the state of the nation than that of political parties.
“Our politicians are oblivious…When they awake in the morning their first thought is about who will win the next general election. They don’t think about how to bring the country forward,” he added.
Khoo also observed that Malaysia is moving towards a socialist state through the manner in which politicians chose to resolve national dilemmas by stuffing money into the widening gaps.
“A new generation of urban poor has emerged but you won’t find it in the government’s flimsy data.
“Ultimately our politicians are incapable of solving the country’s real issues. It’s hilarious, really, ” he said.
Below average performance
James Chin of Monash University was kinder in passing judgement saying that no event stood out enough this year to challenge the politicians’ mettle.
Calling 2011 a “holding pattern year” he pointed out that Umno was still playing the racial card while Pakatan had its sodomy and Islamic state soundtracks on repeat.
“Bersih 2.0 was significant but overall it didn’t make a strong impact as it was about civil society pushing for change.
“At the end of the day it doesn’t matter who people want to see win the next general election.
“It will all boil down to the one winner for each camp who will either be (Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak) or (opposition leader) Anwar (Ibrahim). Those are the only two we need to watch for,” said Chin.
His colleague, Wong Chin Huat, meanwhile rated politicians’ performance at 59 points which he said was one mark below a Credit in the university’s system.
“On one hand we have the ruling party’s arrogance in pushing controversial views,” he stated.
“On the other we have an opposition that isn’t up to par because it is too focused on the destination instead of the journey.”
Wong came down especially hard on the opposition’s walkout during the passing of the Peaceful Assembly Bill in Parliament. The coalition had walked out in protest after claiming that they were not allowed a voice in the debate on the Bill.
“I’m angry that they chose to walk out rather than cast a protest vote,” Wong said.
“No doubt their vote won’t change anything but they could have used that against BN.”
“And the BN backbenchers have failed the nation by acting as nothing more than a walking machine in Parliament,” Wong said.
Saifuddin and Pua are tops
When persuaded to throw out a couple of names nonetheless, Chin declined but Wong and Khoo interestingly enough had two matches.
They both picked Deputy Minister for Higher Education and Temerloh MP, Saifuddin Abdullah, and Petaling Jaya Utara MP, Tony Pua.
Saifuddin was lauded by pro-opposition student groups last week for his pledge to defend the rights of all students to assemble and voice their views.
He is also in favour of amending the controversial University and University Colleges Act (UUCA) and had in the past championed other similarly thorny issues.
“Saifuddin is a Class A politician,” Wong enthused. “He has a backbone.”
Khoo gave Saifuddin a nod of approval but cautiously expressed hope that the outspoken Cabinet Minister was “for real”.
Pua meanwhile earned the accolades “politician with a national perspective” and “hardworking politician” from Khoo and Wong respectively.
Most of our politicians have no quality, substance and integrity like an Empty Tank!
ReplyDeleteto me people below are good politicans and leaders worth mentioning........
ReplyDeletePAS Khalid Samad and Dr Dzul
DAP'S Tony,Anthony Loke
PKR's Nasution,Nurul,Asmadi,
“Our politicians are oblivious…When they awake in the morning their first thought is about who will win the next general election. They don’t think about how to bring the country forward,”
ReplyDelete'Malaysian Idol' personality scumbag!...shd work for the people not fame.
Dr. Dzul and Tony Pua have my votes. Both are level headed and speak with datas. Except for Saifuddin if he is "sincere and real" the rest on the goverment bench are scumbags. Most disappointing are the MPs from MCA the likes of LTL, NYY and Donald duck.
ReplyDeleteIn politics,no such business as for people.
Even the most faithful or those who served for years will have to withdraw one day.
Why...so simple as putting up a smiling face to face the people...to shake hands and buy you drink whenever they need something...a vote in your hand!Not more not even with their families too or related but mere political talks.
A judgement day will come and as often from the attitude of losing faith with action to change party or hoping before election.Why?Do not blame or accuse your supporters or people but check your mistake.Are you sincerely playing your role or masking with a false face.
Change is often a voice hear from people now before election with no exception to SAPP!Do aware of your attitude towards peopel and serve more sincerely.
I only salute SAPP YBs and MPs who dare to walk the talk by relinquish all their government minister posts and perks to fight for Sabah political autonomy and for the people.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO Party in Malaysia to quit from the government to become opposition to fight for the people of Sabah.
PBS last time quit BN but they are still Sabah government even though they are in opposition.
SAPP is not like others who jumped out from opposition to join the BN government like the kataks from DAP and PKR in Perak case which caused the downfall of PR Perak government.
My vote will surely go to SAPP this time. I do not trust any party import from malaya to mess up my beloved Sabah.
What is politics,politician or people for???
Ahli politik perlulah meningkatkan usaha mereka dan berusahalah membaiki kelemahan diri.
ReplyDeleteKita amat memerlukan parlimen dan kerajaan yang lebih berkesan dan berkemampuan.
ReplyDeleteyang kita mau adalah pemimpin yang besar2 berkaliber dan dpt berkhidmat dgn baik kepada rakyat dan negara.
ReplyDeletesemua pemimpin harus tingkatkan kualiti perkhidmatn mereka.
ReplyDeleteLeaders, please take note lah. Don't only syok sendiri.
ReplyDeletesetiap ahli politik harus berusaha untuk memperbaiki sebarang kelemahan yang ada.
ReplyDeleteahli politk harus labih fokus terhadap tanggungjawab mereka kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeletekalau mahu jadi class A politician, mesti rajin turun jalan raya dan ajak student berdemo..
ReplyDeleteuntuk jadi class A politician, tidak perlu tahu soal ekonomi, urus tadbir negara dan sebagainya.. hanya perlu tahu bagaimana menganjurkan demonstrasi..
ReplyDeleteUMNO Class A politikus macam monyet bung moktar. Inilah kualiti anjing UMNO yang gila perumpuan.
ReplyDeleteMacam mana pengundi mahu undi. Pemimpin harus menunjukkan keperibadian yang positif dan kepimpinan yang berkualiti.
ReplyDeleteBetulkah? Buktikan bahawa kerajaan boleh mentadbir negara dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteTidak kira apa pun pandangan orang yang perlu adalah kerajaan melaksanakan apa yang patut untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteahli politik mempunyai bermacam2 cara kepimpinan. rakyat sendiri dapat menilai mana yang benar2 memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat dan mana yang tidak.
ReplyDeleteThose politicians who performed bad should rejected by rakyats.
ReplyDelete哇。。。假期已过,2012 年到来。。。
rakyat reject saja mereka PRU nanti. tukar dengan pemimpin yang benar2 layak.