Umno-led Sabah Barisan Nasional has come under attack for its 'stupid' act of denying civil activist Haris Ibrahim entry into Sabah.
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Umno-led Barisan Nasional leadership came under heavy condemnation for barring civil activist-cum-lawyer Haris Ibrahim from entering Sabah but did nothing to stem the flow of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the state.
Political activist Daniel John Jambun, who was among those at the airport to receive Haris, was fuming that the state government had barred Haris instead of illegal immigrants and criminals from the state.
“Why BN did not use this power to deny entry to those illegal immigrants? Haris came here to promote good governance and civil society.
“He is a lawyer with the people’s interest at heart.
“(Chief Minister) Musa (Aman), please explain yourself,” he demanded.
Sabah lawyer Peter Marajin said the incident proved that the leadership in Sabah is ‘paranoid and afraid of being exposed’ and being examined by civil society movements like MCLM.
“Umno is scared of its own shadow..,” said Marajin who is also a supreme council member of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).
He said the the state government had clearly failed in its priorities when exercising its immigration powers.
Haris, who is also the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) president, was denied entry into Sabah as soon as he landed from Kuala Lumpur at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport here at 3.15pm yesterday.
Haris, who had been to the state recently to help stage the anti-Peaceful Assembly Bill protest here, was met by immigration officers at the airport and handed a letter that stated he was refused entry into the state on the instruction of Chief Minister Musa Aman who is in charge of all immigration matters in the state.
Barring Haris is ‘unacceptable
When contacted by FMT while at the airport, Haris said he was least worried about the matter and warned Musa that such directives would work against the BN.
“Let me tell Musa, the message that we wanted to send to the people here would reach them.
“Though I am physically barred from entering Sabah, today’s technology will do this for us,” he said.
Civil activists in the state in unison censured the Umno-led coalition for denying entry to Haris.
Veteran consumerism and social activist, Patrick Sindu, described the government’s action as “stupid”.
He said the state’s unfettered power on immigration should have been used against unwanted people who come here “to rob Sabahans of their rights and not someone who come to educate them of their rights”.
“This is unacceptable. Yes, this is Sabah’s autonomous right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution but why use it against a promoter of civil society like Haris of MCLM and not those robbers?" said an agitated Sindu.
United Borneo Front (UBF) spokesman, Dr Nicholas James Guntobon, also said the incident was unfortunate.
“We are strengthened to note that this inherent immigration power is here to stay with us, but at the same time we must use it to protect the state interest and not to deny someone of credibility from speaking his mind here just because the ruling party doesn’t like him or her,” he said.
Luke Rintod
go damn MUSA!!!!PEGI MATI KAU MUSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK YOU OFF
ReplyDelete12/10/2011 UN Humanrights Day yet see what this idiot is doing with rightful malaysian to visit Sabah.
ReplyDeleteProtest and summon him to UNHumanrights or kick him out from his stupid act.
Go here or FB write your voice to make known to the outside world what is happening here for Najib's 1Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteMalaysian are not allowed but instead allow
those illegal and the bias to freely move around in Malaysia states.
What fcuk is he talking about as leader to malaysian?
Sabah should be given autonomous power to control the entrance of illegal immigrants into the state, instead of Federal Government having all the power.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, the action taken to bar the entrance of activist should be reconsidered.
ReplyDeleteRakyat sendiri pandai-pandailah menilai.
ReplyDeletePATI-PATI juga patut dihalang daripada memasuki negeri kita.
ReplyDeleteTo bar an activist at the airport is easier than to bar the PATI that entering the Sabah from its border.
ReplyDeleteBeri tunjuk sebab mengapa aktivis ini dihalang memasuki Sabah. Apa relevannya?
ReplyDeleteHaris recently helped stage the anti-Peaceful Assembly Bill protest here, so Musa does not want another MAY 13. It is only for security reason.
ReplyDeleteIllegals immigrants would generally will not come by air ??
We don't know that is he order or no. Don't make negative speculations.
ReplyDeleteSiapa yang masih sokong UMNO @ parti PTI adalah pengkhianat kepada Sabah tanah airku.
ReplyDeleteAllah tahu kerja satan kamurang. Jangan kamu memperbodohkan rakyat lagi @ kaki pengampu umno.
pasti ada sebab kenapa dia larang masuk, mana tau dia ni akan masa masalah kepada sabah.
ReplyDeleteapapun, biarlah hal ini diperjelaskan dulu.
ReplyDeletekemungkinan Musa ada sebab utama mengapa aktivis ini dihalang masuk ke negeri ini
ReplyDeletejadi janganlah membuat spekulasi secara melulu
ReplyDeletetentu ada sebab mengapa kerajaan negeri telah menghalang Haris dari masuk ke negeri ini
ReplyDeletepilihanraya umum akan tiba tidak lama lagi, gunakan sahaja hak mengundi sebagai alat untuk menunjukkan ketidakpuashatian kamu dan bukannya secara penghimpunan haram atau tunjuk perasaan
ReplyDeleteharap masalah PATI akan dapat ditangani secara berkesan oleh pihak pemimpin Sabah/kerajaan
ReplyDeleteThe ban of activist from entering Sabah is from putrajaya, and musa has to obey his master's order. He has no authority to decide over Sabah issues -- security, State matters.
ReplyDeleteMaking him and State Bn a puppet of putrajaya.
So sendiri mahu ingatlah... Buat apa yang patut dan bukannya hanya dipengaruhi oleh emosi.
ReplyDeletePRU semakin hampir jadi lantaklah apa yang berlaku yang penting kita gunakan peluang yang ada untuk mengubah senario ini.
ReplyDeletePRU semakin hampir jadi lantaklah apa yang berlaku yang penting kita gunakan peluang yang ada untuk mengubah senario ini.
ReplyDeleteApapun, isu pati sememangnya patut diselesaikan. Tak perlulah salahkan sesiapa tetapi beri kerjasama agar semuanya dapat ditanggani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteSemoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya dan sementara kita nantikan saja perkembangannya.
ReplyDeletepasti ada sebab mengapa beliau dilarang masuk ke sabah..
ReplyDeletemungkin ada penjelasan di sebalik kejadian ini..
ReplyDeleteis the order really from Musa Aman?
ReplyDeletemaybe it was someone else..not musa aman..
ReplyDeletehope the illegal immigrant issue in sabah will be solve..
ReplyDelete“Why BN did not use this power to deny entry to those illegal immigrants?"
ReplyDeleteHow to deny entry if the illegal immigrants curi masuk into our border.
the downside of being an activist or a politician is that you are bound to get barred from a certain place.
ReplyDeleteDia tidak masuk Sabah kita pula sibok.Biarlah dia balik KL kan aman Sabah.CM buat keputusan yang bijak kerana mungkin dia datang untuk cakap kosong saja dan cuba memperdayakan kita.Kan baik masalah kita di selesaikan sesama kita tanpa campur tangan orang seperti Haris ni.
ReplyDeleteAnak Petagas , you are stupid!
ReplyDeleteMahu tunggu berapa puluh tahun lagi untuk selesaikan semua masalah yg sudah bertimbun2 di Sabah?
Masalah Tanah Adat, Penindasan, PTI rampas hak Sabah(Projek IC)
Datu Akjan bukan saja terlibat memberi IC (Pernah ditangkap ISA tetapi dibebas semula) kepada PTI tapi terang2 lagi mengadakan majlis Pertabalan Sultan Sulu Konon!
Kini, jika kita keluar rumah saja, berlambak PTI yg merompak segala hak dan ketenteraman rakyat Sabah. Aku tidak banggapun dengan mereka yg bertopengkan agama Islam kerana mereka hanya gunakan agama untuk mendapatkan kerakyatan.
Mereka pura2 jadi pelarian konon. Yg betul mereka yg tidak pandai hidup berbaik dengan orang yg berlainan agama di negara mereka. Mereka sentiasa buat keganasan.
Apabila mereka sampai ke Sabah, mereka bawa perangai buruk mereka sehingga anak2 tempatan Sabah terpengaruh dengan budaya samseng PTI ini.
Malu ada IMM13 Konon!Ada penempatan UNCHR konon. Tahu2 tempat sarang maksiat,dadah,jenayah dan transit ektrimist.
Pulau Gaya, dulu kaum bapa saya yg majoriti . Keadaanya tenang dan bersih. Tiada pengeboman ikan, tiada sampah sarap, tiada sarang dadah. Tapi sekarang, Oh Pulau Gayaku, kau telah dikuasai oleh Pilak2 yg mengaku Bajau, Bajau CIPLAK,macam ANAK PETAGAS!
apa kesan dia masuk Sabah ka tidak. Biar la pergi tempat lain.
ReplyDeleteShould solve this as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteWell, i don't even know who is this guy but im sure there must be something wrong with this guy as he been barred entering Sabah. Why was Nik Aziz welcome here with a big smile by some of the Sabahans?
ReplyDeleteIm sick with those who blame the government but never realize their own roles to stop the numbers of PTI to get increase. I believe lots of Sabahans need PTI as one of their economic sources! I tell you, most of Sabahans who own houses to be rented, sure the PTI is their customer! They let the PTI stay! Did you guys notice that? If there's no one help them, no shelter at all, i believe they won't be here. Do you still want to stay if they treat you bad??? Of course NO!
ReplyDeleteI only want to share my point of view, want to agree or not its up to you guys. But think about it, it could be one of the reason why they growing fast in Sabah!
ReplyDeleteSiapa Haris ni?Kenapa di agungkan?Boleh ka dia selesaikan masalah Sabah atau hanya mahu berpura-pura dan buat kacau?
ReplyDeleteMusa buat keputusan tepat sekali untuk menghalau dia keluar.Jangan datang Sabah untuk buat huruhara dan memperdayakan orang Sabah.
Sekarang ini sudah nampak ada orang sudah tertipu dan sokong dia pula.Tak malu ka?
We have to stop this kind of people. He might just spoil us.
ReplyDeleteIllegals should be gone forever.
ReplyDeleteJangan persalahkan CM kerana masalah ini telah muncul sebelum beliau.
ReplyDeleteWhy blame on him? We should blame ourselves as well.
ReplyDeleteSama2 la kita menyelesaikan masalah ini.
ReplyDeleteMalaysian tidak dibenarkan masuk Sabah tetapi mengalu-alukan beratus ribu PATI di Sabah, ini tidak masuk akar sebenarnya.
ReplyDeleteBukannya kemasukan beliau boleh mengancam orang Sabahan, kenapa tidak dibenarkan masuk?
ReplyDeleteState government should pay more attention to PATI issue.
ReplyDeleteSatu lagi agenda politik. Seharus juga kerajaan memberi penjelasan.
ReplyDeleteThere must be some reason why he is barred. Hope the problem resolve soon.
ReplyDeletekalau tidak mahu kena tahan, ikut la cara bagaimana PATI masuk ke negeri ini..
ReplyDeleteuntuk apa jabatan imigresen ditubuhkan kalau jika perlu kuasa KM untuk tugas itu?
ReplyDeletekalau semua pendatang haram guna airport, ingat dorang boleh lepas ka sekatan imigresen?
ReplyDeletetunggu sajalah penjelasan dan bukannya memainkan isu ini.
ReplyDeletemungkin ada sebab mengapa dia dilarang masuk.
ReplyDeletePasti ada sebab lain kenapa perkara ini berlaku.
ReplyDeleteMula sudah ada pihak menjadikan ini isu politik mereka. Kalau perkara sebegini berlaku pasti ada sebab kenapa ini berlaku.
ReplyDeleteUntuk mengelak persoalan timbul kita mahu pihak berkuasa memberikan penjelasan berhubung masalah halangan pengerusi MCLM untuk masuk Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa takut? Itu yang mustahil bagi aku. Apa yang berlaku tidak ada kaitan dengan Musa mungkin. Maka janganlah membuat andaian sendiri.
ReplyDeleteWho gives orders to have the MCLM activist barred from entering?
ReplyDeleteI want to hear our CM's explanations.
ReplyDeletePerkara ni pun pernah berlaku di Sarawak dulu time dekat2 pilihanraya.
ReplyDeletePTI and UMNO gone forever in this coming GE13 in Sabah!
ReplyDeleteMungkin ada sebab2 tersendiri beliau tidak boleh masuk ke Sabah..
ReplyDeletePATI2 memang sama sekali tidak dibenarkan masuk ke sabah..tapi disebabkan org yg gila duit, maka itu yg menyebabkan semakin banyak mereka di sini..
ReplyDeleteLebih baik jangan benarkn masuk.takut nnti ada perkara yg tidak di ingini berlaku..
ReplyDeleteIan, PENDATANG HARAM boleh masuk beribu-ribu tetapi orang malaya tidak boleh masuk sabah.
ReplyDeleteKepala otak kamu masih ok tak? Jika tidak pergilah melawat doctor sana bukit padang.
Higher level authorised person that instructed to do so but not sure what is the motive and reason.
ReplyDeleteBarred the local people but give authority to bring in so many illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeletePasti berkait rapat dengan PRu yang akan datang. Cuma mereka yang terlibat ayng ketahui apa perkara yang sebenarnya berlaku.
ReplyDeleteHoping the government can explain what is happening now. Indeed they must be some reason to do so.
ReplyDeleteAdakah beliau terbabit dalam activiti atau sindiket yang melanggar undang-undang negara? Hairan juga ini berlaku. Semoga masalah ini tidak diperbesarkan.
ReplyDeleteHal ini tidak ada kaitan dengan PATI.PATI masuk pakai sampan Haris pula pakai kapal terbang.
ReplyDeleteKalau pembangkang serius mahu Haris masuk Sabah cuba seludup dia pakai sampan lah.Tapi jangan pada terang bulan tau.Gelap gelap sikit lah jadi tidak nampak.
Harris Salleh pernah buat seperti ini terhadap Lim Kit Siang pada era 80 puluhan. Detik itu lah diambang kejatuhan BERJAYA. Dengan PASTINYA, inilah detik KEJATUHAN/TUMBANG/HANCUR/ bersama musa-munsangnya era UMNO di Sabah pada PRU 13............................