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Thursday, December 8, 2011

MCLM chief barred from entering Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysia Civil Liberty’s Movement (MCLM) chairman Haris Fadilah Mohd Ibrahim received an ‘unwelcome’ treatment from the state government upon his arrival at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) Terminal 2 here yesterday.

Harris, a Malaysian blogger and believed to be a close friend of Malaysian blogger Raja Petra, was prevented from entering Sabah upon his arrival on AirAsia flight AK 5106 at 3.10pm at the KKIA Terminal 2.

It was learnt that upon arrival, Haris was immediately taken to the airport Immigration office by an immigration officer and was served with a notice.

Speaking to reporters through a handphone of one of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) members, Haris said the notice was addressed to him, dated December 7, on behalf of the Sabah Immigration director.

“I have just been handed a notice of refusal of entry into the state of Sabah, dated today and address to me on behalf of the Immigration Sabah director.

“The notice says that the reason that I have been barred is that pursuant to Section 65 (1) (a) of the Immigration Act 1959/63, the state authority has directed that no pass be issued to me to enter the state of Sabah as such part required under Section 66 for me to enter the state.

“The reason for my refusal to enter Sabah today is because the state authority has directed that no pass be issued to me,” he said through the handphone.

According to Haris, the officer who spoke and handed the notice to him claimed that the instruction came from the Immigration Department and they do not know the reason why he was refused a pass to enter.

“They also did not explain to me what the section is about, only that I have been refused to enter the state of Sabah,” he added.

In a disappointed voice, Haris asked why he, as a Malaysian was barred and prevented from entering another state in Malaysia?

“Why a Malaysian cannot enter Malaysia?”

“Why is the Sabah government afraid of? Why are they afraid of one person from Peninsular Malaysia that they have to refuse me from entering Sabah?” he asked.

It was learnt that Harris was invited by SAPP members to exchange and learn about the struggle of MCLM.

Haris also said that this was the first time he had been barred from entering Sabah and twice being barred from entering Sarawak, during the Sarawak state election.

“The reason I flew into Sabah is to deliver a message to the people of Sabah and now we will show the Sabah government that with technology, we can deliver our message to the people without me being physically present,” he said.

Harris was then deported back to Kuala Lumpur on the next flight at 4.20pm the same day.

Meanwhile, SAPP deputy president and Likas assemblyman Datuk Liew Teck Chan with about 15 SAPP members were earlier, at the KKIA Terminal 2 to great and welcome Harris.

After learning that Haris was prevented from entering the state, SAPP members then staged a five-minute peaceful protest in front of the arrival hall at Terminal 2 before they dispersed peacefully.

According to Liew, the party had invited Haris to gain more understanding of the MCLM’s movement in regards to politics and economy.

“He, Haris, has been in the United Kingdom for some time, so we want to learn from him as he is well knowledgeable,” said Liew.


  1. W.Msian been blocked by entering Sabah but UMNO welcome all the Illegal Immigrants come to Sabah and issue them free MyKAD with bumiputra status.

  2. Those fools always humiliate righteous malaysian in the eyes of other in the world!

    Are they out of mind to use such silly act or abuse because of pulling their nose and mislead by few stupid politicians in Sabah?

    Explain to the world what you are afraid of this man?

    Only barbarian can do this though to own citizen within the nation!

  3. Are malaysian not ready in dealing with Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement after this happening?

    Must change and whack those few injustice in our nation!See that one day they will be judged by people.

  4. Waduh! Orang warga sendiri kok dihalau!
    Aneh ya! Cuman aku heran ya, karena orang asing sih dijemput rame2 menjadi warga Sabah (BUGIS BONE=Nelayan di Batu 3 Sandakan) 30 tahun lalu cuman 5,000 tapi kalu mereka ada enam orang anak satu keluarga dan kini anak2nya mereka pula udah berkeluarga dan beranak-pinak juga, wah! Lumayan ramenya.

    Itu belum kira lagi yang datangnya hari2.
    Dari pelbagai negara asing lagi!

    Aku sih, dateng ke Sabah sejak tahun 80an tapi ya, cuman nyari rezeki aja. Sabah tahun aku dan keluarga balik ke INDON (AMBON). Nggak mahu deh, ngambil kesempatan atas situasi suli segini di Malaysia!

    Aku cuman, berpesen pada warga Indon yang udah jagi warga Malaysia agar hati2 dan jangan menginjak2 maruah dan harga diri orang Malaysia di Sabah.

    Undi ya undi, tapi kalian mesti liat deh, situasi semasa , maksud gue, sekarangkan partai pembangkang mendapat sambutan yang lumayan dari warganya malaysia, jadi udah ,undi aja partai pembangkang!

    Kalian nggak usah banyak alasan deh! Inget, kalian itu asalnya gimana? Pake otak, . Jangan rampas hak warga Sabah sewenangnya. Inget, Allah itu maha mengetahui.

    Aku nggak sampe hati deh ninggalin kewarganegaraanku sendiri.

  5. Hope that there are explanations regarding why he was barred from entering the state.

  6. If the MCLM activist can still use technology to spread his message, then why didn't he use that the first place rather than flying in?

  7. harus ada penjelasan mengapa dia dihalang dari masuk ke Sabah.

  8. rakyat Malaysia ada hak untuk pergi ke mana2 sahaja dalam negara mereka.

  9. Apa sudah jadi dengan otak2 UMNO/BN? Nampak macam sewel, biul dan rosak akibat gila kuasa...

  10. Apa sebab aktivis Haris dihalang? Apa yang beliau ada sampai terpaksa dihalang masuk ke Sabah?

  11. Penjelasan yang relevan diperlukan untuk elakkan leih banyak spekulasi.

  12. sebaiknya penjelasan diberikan. mungkin ada sebab mengapa dia dihalang memasuki Sabah.

  13. pigi la jumpa terus pegawai imigresen di lapangan terbang.. buat protes di sana..

  14. dulu, di Sarawak pun terjadi juga perkara seperti ini. mesti ada sesuatu yang bahaya dengan si Haris ni.

  15. Gue Warga INDON+Malaysia.December 9, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    Ngapain juga Anon perduli ama masalah Malaysia segala? Kalian udah lupa ya, mau siapa deh jadi warganegara Malaysia segala?
    Kitakan dipaksain! Ya, siapa yang nolak, coba?

    Mendingkan lu diem aja deh. Kalu lu nggak mau ambil peluang yang ditawarkan udah! Nggak ada yang maksain lu kok.

    Pokoknya, kitakan masih bisa mengundi di tanah air kita. Kita beruntung deh, siapa yang seitimewa kai kita warga asing di Sabah. Malahan di Tanah Semenanjaung juga!

    Inikan namanya tuah, .
    Inipasti gara2 ngambil tanah milik Indon . Ya, wajarlah kalu warga Indon menuhin Sabah. Apa salah?

    Lu pikir deh, jangan kai penasihat! Udah biarin aja, usah sibuk deh! Biarin pemimpin2 Malaysia urusin masalah ini.

    Kalu dipikir2 ya, kita ini sebenarnya jadi mangsa kerakusan politik mereka. Udah2, usah masuk campur urusan orang Malaysia.

  16. Bongo punya BN/UMNO. Mulau !
    Mampus2! BNUMNO.

  17. ni yang lucu ni. ada sudah commenter indon di sini. sungguh hebat.

  18. Mungkin ada masalah yang dihadapi oleh Harris ketika itu.
