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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Christians seething in silence

By Raymond Tombung

Anti-Semitism in Malaysia has pushed Christians to a corner and put their leaders in Pakatan Rakyat and in Barisan Nasional in a fix.

While there is now a freewheeling attack against Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim for his alleged support of Israel, many Malaysian leaders, either in the Barisan Nasional or in the opposition, are not aware that the strong anti-Semitism in Malaysia is putting the Malaysian Christians in an awkward position.

Anti-semitism in Malaysia is a problem and we need to take a sober look at the issue if we truly believe in a just, transparent, and honest national policy on racial and religious integration.

We are being very hypocritical with our attitude when we speak of Malay special rights and go into racial extremism and religious radicalism in the fashion of Perkasa.

We’re supposed to be a peaceful, heterogeneous society promoting inter-racial and inter-religious tolerance and harmony in the name of 1Malaysia.

We are serious about going for interfaith dialogues, legislating the Racial Relations Act, having freedom of religion and so forth.

But the strong anti-Semitic attitude is stoking feelings of resentment and frustration among the already beleaguered Malaysian Christians.

Why the anti-Israel stance? Why the resentment and frustration?

We need to understand clearly that Christians have strong spiritual ties to Israel, ties that go back 4,000 years to Abraham.

Christians in a quandary

Even before the birth of Ishmael and Isaac, the divine covenant between God and Abraham, which would be inherited by his Abraham’s descendants through Isaac, was instituted, as recorded in Genesis 17:4-7: “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come…”

Then there is also the commandment for believers to bless, and not to curse, Israel!

PAS’ stance that the very existence of Israel is “haram” puts the Christians in a very awkward position, even more the Christian politicians in Pakatan Rakyat who are in a quandary as to what they should do, or what position they should take, vis-a-vis their spiritual obligations.

How would a parliamentarian in the BN or in a possible Pakatan government decide in a call for votes to censure, or worse, condemn Israel?

Would not a punitive action on a wayward Christian MP be considered a form of religious persecution?
Anwar is taking the balanced approach to the problem by proposing recognition of both Israel and Palestine, perhaps partly for peace in the Middle East.

But PAS is spewing derision and BN is wasting no effort to go on a feeding frenzy at Anwar’s “blunder”
Meanwhile, the Christians in their forgiveness and forbearance restrain from voicing out their regret.
And so, the world knows little or none of their continued frustration.


  1. Why many always have themselves in different group or support those did of nonsense or trouble on earth?
    Be it Islam or Christian or other!!!
    Are they not taking in the same air from the noses and have similar blood flowing in the body?

    Humans foolishness can be seen through those lack wisdom but searching more trouble than understanding as beings on earth!

  2. Stop the religious extremism and promote inter-faith and inter-racial tolerance.

    1. Should stop to feel superior on the other religions and races. Respect and tolerate.

  3. Stop focusing on the Palestine-Israel issue and start focusing on the critical problems the country is facing.

    1. yup.we need to focus more in critical problem in our country.

  4. Correct...thieves come to steal evils come to stir more trouble and hatre!
    But He comes to tell all the important of 'LOVE'.
    Wake up and do love thy neighbors or enemies as thyselves!

  5. we don't want racial extremism and religious radicalism in Malaysia.

  6. Islam UMNOBN adalah islam palsu dan zalim! Tapi agama islam sebenar adalah agama yg baik!

    Hassan Ali=Ibrahim Ali=Najib+Kerismuddin+ Muhyidin+ Nazri +Mahataik! dan semua pemimpin tua UMNO= Islam UMNO yg Jahat.

    Islam PAS dan Keadilan serta yg bukan penyokong UMNO adalah mereka yg beragama Islam Tulin!


    1. Jangan menghina agama Islam kerana politik dan memecahkan ummat Islam sesama sendiri.Semua penghanut agama Islam adalah bersaudara dan akan mempertahankan agama hingga ketitisan darah terakhir sekiranya di cabul oleh sesiapa pun.Pada masa yang sama Islam menghormati agama lain dan penuh toleransi atas hak mereka untuk mengamal agama mereka dengan aman dan bebas.

      Saya bukanlah seorang ulama tapi faham bahawa pengetahuan Agama Islam adalah sungguh jauh dan mendalam dalam keilmuannya oleh itu janganlah pula umat itu sendiri cuba memperlekehkannya kerana takut pula perbuatan tersebut akan memakan diri sendiri dan di laknati ALLAH.Allahualam.

  7. Agama Islam adalah agama yg paling teragung di Malaysia sedangkan agama Kristian sering kali dianggap agama kafir dan haram oleh orang Islam yg arrogant.

    God Bless Christianity in Sabah and Malaysia!

  8. Allah itu lebih memahami dan lebih berkuasa dari manusia, itu adalah kepercayaan para penganut kristian. Tiada manusia yg boleh menghakimi manusia lain khususnya dalam hal agama!

    Penganut2 kristian telah banyak bersabar sejak islam menjadi angkoh, sedangkan Allah itu tidak pernah angkoh! kepada semua umatnya kerana semua umatnya berasal dari adam dan hawa.

    1. Semua agama (kecuali ajaran sesat) mengajar ke arah kebaikan. Namun, ia seringkali disalah tafsir oleh penganutnya sendiri dan golongan ini yang mencemarkan kesucian agama mereka.

    2. Islam tak pernah mengajar umatnya menjadi angkuh dan menghina agama lain. Islam agama yang membawa kepada kebaikan.

  9. just stop about this anti-Israel.. there are many issues that really need high concern from those who fighting with this Israel issue..

  10. I fed up with the Israel and Palestine issue. So, stop talk about it any more.

  11. Raymond Tombung, penulisan yang merepek. Lebih baik cari issue yang benar2 berkaitan dengan Sabah dan boleh memperjuangkan hak Sabah.

  12. Isu Isreal-Palestine adalah isu dalaman kedua buah negara. Sebagai orang luar, kita di Malaysia tidak harus bersikap judgemental. Yes, demi Islamic brotherhood dan demi Christian brotherhood juga kita memang terkilan tetapi alangkah baiknya kita biarkan mereka selesaikan dulu masalah dalaman mereka? Tentu kita akan marah apabila pihak luar cuba mengata tentang negara kita wal hal mereka tidak mengetahui secara detail tentang masalah yg kita hadapi kan? Niat tulisan ini bagus tapi tidak semestinya membawa kebaikan. Saya katakan demikian kerana ini boleh membuka minda pemimpin kita untuk melihat impak tindak tanduk mereka kepada rakyat mereka. Namun ia akan menjadi tidak bagus apabila di 'percieve' secara negatif oleh golongan fanatik (Islam atau Kristian).

  13. Kita perlulah menghormati apa agama sekali pun kecuali ajaran sesat. Janganlah kita menghina agama orang lain, kerana agama adalah satu perkara yang sensitif untuk kita.

  14. Isu keagamaan tidak seharusnya diperdebatkan. Seharusnya kita menghormati agama orang lain seperti mana kita mengharapkan orang lain untuk menghormati agama kita.

  15. Semoga rakyat Malaysia dapat mengawal keadaan dan tidak mewujudkan masalah besar yang berkaitan dengan agama.
