"There must be a political will to solve this problem and this was agreed by Tan Sri Simon Sipaun in his talk in the recent symposium on native land. This is enforced by SAPP with its Land Reform policy," he said.
He said the chief minister statement "to study on need on Native Title Tribunal on Sabah disputes" was of no value and redundant.
"SAPP not only has plans but also have the action to solve the land issue. We have this Land Reformation to settle this due pertinent problem," he said commenting on the statement by Chief Justice of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum that "may be in 10 years based on Sabah population growth estimate, the acreage of native land will drop to 40 per cent or even zero per cent."
"What happen on the land grab in Kudat area such as the 12,000 hectares lands which are occupied by natives planted with crops and houses as well as burial ground, in Sukau, Sandakan, our natives proven to have NCR status, similarly in Kampung Tangkarason the natives are evicted from their NCR land with force.
"These threats are on-going due to present leaders who are narrow sighted and only aimed at becoming instant rich to the expense of our rakyat such as in Kampung Loro Kecil, Kudat where the land has been approved to a company associated with a certain politician," he said.
Musang bin tidak aman adalah Lanun terbesar dalam sejarah Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusang bin tidak aman adalah KM Sabah yang paling TIADA GUNA yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia.
not entirely true. The main contribution to the increase of sabah poverty rate is due to those PATI. Each year the number of pati increases in sabah. When the number of pati increases, so is the poverty rate in sabah.
DeleteIt is very unfortunate to have this PATI living and breeding in sabah. The entering of this pati started long time ago, way before MA was the cm.
DeleteTrue, the illegal immigrant issues have been a problem before Musa became the CM, it goes back before Harris time.
DeleteThe only way to bring the downfall of UMNO is to focus on the CM.Sabah is now on the threshold of dynastic politics where family members control the power of the state and its wealth.Sabahans should not allow this to happen and must stand united to oppose it by exercising the power of their votes wisely.Its no small matter.The power of the state should not be in the hands of the few elites,sharing it between them generation to generation.It ought to stop and Sabahans must hold firm to their beliefs that dynastic politic is rejected and unwanted.Enough is enough.We do not want in ten years or so another leader from a particular party is trying to claim the government not because he is capable but do so in his capacity as the son of a previous leader.This is what happens now to USNO.The son of Tun Mustapha is trying to revive a party which he believes is his right to lead.It could happen to PBS,UPKO and UMNO in Sabah.They have the money which we as fools allow them to have by continuing to support them in spite of knowing how they amassed their wealth.The people are afraid to stand up against them and tell them to 'fuck-off' with their money but instead happily and even graciously accept a small token sum to vote them into power.Unlike America perhaps where citizens donate to the political campaign fund Sabahans would go around their corrupt political masters expecting generousities and sympathies.Such is the scenario in every election that leaders are bound to manipulate their ways in sweeping govt projects,seek hands-out from their political donors whom again the political leaders will owe their allegiance to and repay them in various forms and acceding to all their demands after winning the election.This is the kind of politics we face and knowing and learning from it can do you no harm.
ReplyDeleteSabahans must now seriously consider their options.Like the wise man says,' Listen to your counsels but follow your instincts.'Sabah is now a 'dead state'without much opportunities to progress.'Small cakes' are being made for a big party and at the end of it many are not even able to see the cake much less eat it.The 'cake' is meant for the dignified few and not for the 'ordinary guests' many of whom are even considered as scavengers ironically thinking all the while that they are the privileged guests.
I myself is privileged to notice in many occasions the attitudes of those who in their desires to go up the ladders of power and wealth are willing to sacrifice their dignities and self-esteem in public eyes to shoe-shine their political mentors.Its funny sometimes and most of the time you have 'butterflies in your tummy' just by noticing such humiliating acts of subjugating oneself to another human beings who in all forms and manners are similar to you perhaps worst.They are not gods,not emperors,not kings or queens but having the same mode as you.We do not put leaders on the pinnacles of power so that we can be slaves to them.We are the masters and if we can put them there we also have no qualms in throwing them out to where they originally belongs.
Saya tidak terkejut atas komen CM ini.Sebenarnya yang merosakkan semua system dan kaedah pengurusan Tanat Adat Anak Negeri telah disabotajkan oleh MUSANG bin AMANG.CM ini melalui Osamang Jamal telah berbuat sesuat dimana CM yang tidak berani buat dengan merampas tanah tanah.
DeleteAntara tahu atau tidak,orang orang Bugis ini telah mendapat tanah paling luas melalui Persatuan Bugis Sabah.Tanah tanah ini dicagar untuk mendapatkan firma firma Bas dan seterusnya dibuat ladang.
Ini bugis bila sampai di Sabah sehingga orang Dusun KDM,Bajau,Sungai,Berunai dan Tidung cuma putih mata.Ini kerja Musang Amang dan Osman Jamal.Pergi ke JTU...
Ini sebab mereka orang kuat UMNO BN,kita cuma komponen...Fikir fikirkan lah.
Bumiputera Asal
Ini bumiputera ada akal ke? PATI datang senang senang ambil dan kaut kekayaan.Buat apa CM kita pilih.CM ini orang Pakistan kan? Bapa dia diBingkul Beaufort jual daging saja.
DeleteSemua keluarga aman ini agak satu perkara yang semua sama adalah penipu.Pengarah Perhutanan Samm Manan pun keluarga mereka.Asal datang dari India.
I suppose you know what to do when election comes. Vote wisely!
Deletewith the many parties in sabah, it will be difficult to get rid of BN/UMNO that easily.
DeleteMusa memang KM yang paling teruk yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di sejarah Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteRakyat akan buang umno keluar dari Sabah kali ini.
SAPP tetapi pilihan No.1 di hatiku.
In politics, its never easy to tell which leader is actually sincere to help the people.
DeleteFor all we know, SAPP is just pretending to be really concern about the people's welfare when they are actually only hungry for power.
Deletetapi kini kadar kemiskinan di Sabah dah semakin berkurangan, SAPP lagi tak boleh harap, kerana mereka SAS rugi.
DeleteI don't think SAPP is sincere to fight for Sabahan rights.
Deletemampukah SAPP?
Deletebanyak parti yang ada di Sabah ni, belum tentu sapp yang akan mendapat sokongan..
DeleteWe will never know if we never try, just give the Tribunal a chance.
ReplyDeleteAs long as there is an alternative, we must try it.
Deleteya.we should support the Native Title Tribunal.
Deletetribunal ini disokong oleh ramai pemimpin sabah...tiada sebab mengapa cadangan tribunal ini dibentuk perlu dibantah..
Deletejika cadangan ini memberikan kebaikan kepada rakyat, apa salahnya..
DeleteSenang saja kalau penduduk Sibuga bersatu dan kasi kalah Musa di sana.Janganlah jual maruah kerana $100.
ReplyDelete"SAPP not only has plans but also have the action to solve the land issue. We have this Land Reformation to settle this due pertinent problem,"
ReplyDelete-Really now...My question is this: IS IT PROVEN EFFECTIVE? ON WHAT STUDY HAVE SAPP BASED ON THIS?
SAPP needs to elaborate more on this matter
DeleteLand Reformation and Land Tribunal, neither of it has been proven. Why should we give chance to Land Reformation and not the Land Tribunal?
DeleteCan SAPP be trusted?
DeleteSAPP ego...mahu jadi hero..
Deletekalau sekadar bercakap atau berjanji memang senang.
Delete"He said the chief minister statement "to study on need on Native Title Tribunal on Sabah disputes" was of no value and redundant."
ReplyDelete-This is because the CM and the the State Government welcomes any initiative that complements efforts to improve the people's welfare and strengthens its land programme.
with this of course study needs to be conducted so that the proper approach ca be used
DeleteYa betul tu DorianG. Takkan ikut suka ja ambil tindakan kan.
DeleteSAPP memanipulasikan kenyataan CM...untuk kepentingan mereka...mungkin SAPP anggap cadangan tribunal ini adalah tidak patut dilaksanakan tetapi menggunapakai SAPP punya Land Reformation yang didakwa oleh SAPP sebagai langkah paling berkesan..
DeleteNot only that, the State Government has already started implementing the communal land title programme for the rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSaya harap kerajaan akan terus giat berusaha untuk menyelesaikan isu2 yang berkaitan dengan tanah.
DeleteSelagi ada alternatif, usahakan saja.
Deletegeran komunal antara langkah kerajaan membantu rakyat mendapatkan tanah.
Deletemelalui geran komunal tanah tidak akan dapat dijual dengan sesuka hati..jadi ianya memang baik.
DeleteRamai yang tak puas hati dengan Musa oo... Nampaknya Musa kena usaha lebih utk buktikan dia layak jadi CM Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSiapa-siapa yang jadi CM pun akan kena kritik oleh pihak yang tidak menyokongnya. Mana dapat puaskan hati semua orang.
Deleteyang penting KM sudah banyak memberikan sumbangan kepada pembangunan Sabah. pasti rakyat dapat menilai siapa pemimpin mereka yang lebih layak.
Deletesudah lumrahnya macam tu...yang penting KM teruskan usaha membantu rakyat..
Deletebukan senang mau kasi puas hati semua orang..tapi yang penting usaha untuk membangunkan rakyat dan negeri ini harus terus dilaksanakan.
DeleteKalau tak susahlah... Dahlah sekarang ni makin banyak isu yang ditimbulkan. Bukan isu baru tapi isu yang dari zaman pemimpin lama dulu pun dah ada. huhu
ReplyDeleteisu ini berlarutan disebabkan kegagalan pemimpin terdahulu menyelesaikannya..
DeleteHarap tribunal dapat ditubuhkan. Siapa tahu ada harapan utk tanggani masalah2 tanah yang berlaku.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a solution as long as there is a will, we should not give up before trying.
Deleteitulah yang diharapkan...jika tribunal ini ditubuhkan, mungkin akan dapat selesaikan masalah2 berkaitan tanah di sabah khasnya tanah2 yang dirampas..
DeleteOk. SAPP may have the so-call land reform strategy. What concern me is how does the opposition want to become the next government if they themselves is not united?
ReplyDeleteHow SAPP & DAP doing right now? how about the PR & the so call 'INI KALI LAH!' Star Sabah?? When the GE start, how does the allocation of seat divided??
SAPP may have its own land reform & petroleum strategy. so does PR & Star. This is the concern of the public when thinking about who to vote in the next GE. The opposition is not united & the strategy was not in line with each other.
For me, i rather vote for BN because the coalition remain united, even though there are some disagreement between them. The government structure remain stable & no one revolting.
If the opposition party can show that they can unite with each other, i may reconsider my decision on which side to vote. I don't want the future government in mess because the people running it not united.
Thing to ponder.
DeleteOngkol, you have stated it right that SAPP has got plans , Land Reform and Economic Plan for Sabah, SAPP is having the heart for Sabah people.
DeleteSAPP is different from the rest, willing to stand against the giants to fight for interest of Sabah which has got so little left. SAPP is our only hope at the moment.
OUR ONLY HOPE is a mere rhetoric. What is the possibility of ONLY SAPP winning 50% of the state seat in the coming GE?
DeleteThe most possible scenario is the opposition will have to settle with the coalition govt. SAPP will have to share the responsibility to manage the government with other opposition party.
Now the question is, how does all of this opposition party will going to implement their plan or program which is clearly not align with each other?
Some may answer that this will be settle when the opposition become the government. I take this answer as the beginning of the end for the future government, if they decided to take this course of action.
Why? because as the government, they must quick in implementing their plan & program. All the plan they made is like their guideline on how they want to run the government.
PR have their own set of plan..SAPP & STAR also have their own plan....so which plan will going to be use & implement?
Does all the opposition party willing to sacrifice their party stand or plan, which is one of the reason why people vote them, so that other party can implement theirs??
I dont think that each of the opposition party will not going to sacrifice their stand. This will create chaos in the government , because no one wants to back out. In the end, the government is in ruin & the ordinary people like you & me is the most effected.
As i wrote earlier, this is the beginning of the end for the future opposition government.
pembangkang di sabah tiada persepakatan...baru2 Star dan USNO baru telah memeterai perjanjian Semporna...namun ianya masih belum cukup lagi...ini bermakna pada pru13 nanti akan ada pertandingan 3 atau 4 penjuru di sabah..yang mana akan memberikan kelebihan kepada BN sabah..rasanya sehingga saat terakhir sebelum pru13, pembangkang di sabah tidak akan bekerjasama..
DeleteGod helps Sabah to stand tall in Malaysia and in the world.
ReplyDeleteSo be it.
Deleteone day sabah will be in par with the other states in malaysia.
DeleteOr better yet, sabah will be the most richest state in malaysia.
DeleteGod's willing. Sabah must get what really belong to them.
DeleteThe setting up of the Native Land Tribunal will help ensure native land disputes in Sabah are properly disposed of. the Native Land Tribunal would be the best avenue for the people to address such issues.
ReplyDeletehopefully the tribunal will be set up..
Deletepointed out that in dealing with native land disputes, the current civil court is not only limited in its own jurisdiction but also not having specific judges who may have knowledge concerning local issues or customs unless they have undertaken individual research or through studies.
ReplyDeletePengarah Jabatan Tanah Orang PATI yg diwarganegarakan oleh sindiket IC JPN.
ReplyDeleteMusa Asal Pati Bangladesh.
Pegawai2 tinggi agensi kerajaan di Sabah dikuasai oleh PATI yang diwarganegarakan
Orang2 Bugis dan Pilak dapat tanah2 paling subur dan luas. Tanah2 mereka dikawal rapi oleh para pemimpin PATI kerana mereka tuntut janji sebagai imbalan jadi pengundi FIX DEPOSIT BNUMNO di Sabah.
Para pemimpin KDM Sabah= Tamak dan Bodoh serta membodohkan rakyat asal Sabah.
Musa Aman, harus dipencenkan pada PRU13!
Sabah negeri Merdeka! Mahu keluar Malaysia!
The people will decide MA fate. Will MA remain as the cm? We shall have to wait and see.
DeleteAnonymous should be careful in making your statement. Jgn fitnah orang lain tanpa bukti yg sah.
ReplyDeleteorang asli berhak untuk melindungi hak-hak mereka jika ditindas atau hak-hak mereka dicerobohi
ReplyDeleteSemoga kerajaan negeri akan menyokong penuh untuk mendirikan tribunal tanah anak negeri secepat mungkin
ReplyDeleterasa ini akan dapat membantu melindungi dan menyelesaikan isu tanah adat rakyat di negeri Sabah
ReplyDeleteBiarlah perkara tribunal ini akan diambil kira dan dilaksanakan secepat mungkin
ReplyDeletewalau bagaimanapun, pertubuhan tribunal ini hanya akan berjaya jika disokong penuh oleh rakyat.
ReplyDeleteTribunal ini baik dalam membantu penduduk dalam memiliki tanah.
DeleteCM says he will bring the matter to the state cabinet.
ReplyDeleteSaya percaya usul ini akan dilaksanakan.
DeleteI have faith in the state government.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about that.
DeleteUMNO imported PTI to flood Sabah to rob our Sabah native wealth and natural resources.
ReplyDeleteThose who still support UMNO was because they are traitors to Sabahans and should be charged for treason!
Is this necessary? No other solutions?
ReplyDeletebosan sudah sama ni SAPP...tu RCI pun dia mahu jadi hero...ni tribunal pun dia mahu jadi hero...tidak habis2 SAPP mahu mempolitikkan semua perkara...cari publisiti murah betul..
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said, he question of Sabah’s Native Customary Rights (NCR) land issue will be discussed by the state Cabinet.
ReplyDeleteHe said the opinion of the legal fraternity would also be sought and the matter would also be dealt with among Sabah Barisan Nasional component party leaders.
“We will look for the best solution that will result in a win-win situation for everyone,
Kenapa kita tidak tunggu saja perancangan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Musa dan yang lain. Mungkin mereka telah merancang yang terbaik. Tidak cuba mana kita tahu berkesan atau tidak.
ReplyDeletewhy not give your support to whatever methods used by the state government to solve the problem??
ReplyDeletecadangan penubuhan tribunal disokong oleh banyak pihak..jika ianya baik untuk rakyat, pasti akan dipertimbangkan.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to have a Tribunal for Native Lands, I believe they are currently discussing it and decision will be made soon.