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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cuepacs to propose salary transition formula

The current proposal under SBPA will not be sufficient to realise the country's vision of making Malaysia a high-income nation, says Cuepacs.

SIBU: Cuepacs will propose a formula to the special committee tasked with reviewing the New Public Service Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) on how the salary transition between the Malaysian Remuneration Scheme (SSM) and the SBPA should be carried out, its deputy president Aziz Muda said.

As it is, he said, the salary scheme proposed under the SBPA would not be sufficient to realise the country’s vision to make Malaysia a high-income nation by 2020, with a per capita income of at least US$15,000 a year.

Speaking when met after attending the Sibu Water Board Employees Union dinner here last night, he said the salary transition would take intoconsideration the issue of maximum salary and seniority so that the new scheme would be accepted by all.

He added that the salary increment, proposed under the SBPA, was confusing.

In the meantime, he said, Cuepacs had submitted five demands to improve the SBPA including seeking a review of the salary adjustment for those in Grade 54 and below, a review of the salary for those in the maximum scale and a review of the seniority prior to opting to SBPA.

Cuepacs also wants a review of all the 1,300 service schemes under the SSM and other grades which are not covered under the SBPA, and for civil servants to be given increment prior being given a salary adjustment under the SBPA.

He added that based on the current development, Cuepacs is confident that the special committee would give the five demands due consideration.

“If the five demands are rejected, then Cuepacs will not accept their proposal because this means that there will be no improvement and dissatisfactions among civil servants will continue,” he said.




    PLS GO TO :

  2. kalau boleh tolonglah bawa dan masukkan dalam perbincangan penambahbaikan SBPA TENTANG SKIM BERSEPADU UNTUK ANGGOTA PARAMEDIK (SSM)AGAR DIGUNAPAKAI DALAM SBPA KELAK.......

    1. hal ini kena diperbincangkan dgn baik.

  3. buat keputusan yang bijak dengan mengambil kira semua pekerja awam

  4. kaji semula skim supaya mereka yang terlibat berpuas hati

  5. Minimum wages policy should be established for public and private sectors.

    1. amat diharap upah minimum dilaksanakan di negara kita.

    2. yup.Sabah need minimum wages policy.

  6. Education played an important role to achieve a high income nation, the creation of high income jobs are needed.

  7. hopefully the formula proposed by CEUPACS will give impact on the matter mention above

  8. SBPA still under review after protest by cuepes..

  9. then hopefully the government will have no problem to accept the proposal made by Cuepacs..
