KUALA PENYU: Rakyat kini sudah sedar, negeri ini boleh maju walaupun bukan diperintah oleh BN. Demikian dinyatakan oleh Datuk Frankie Chong di majlis perjumpaan ahli-ahli SAPP Kg. Purun, Kuala Penyu.
Menurut beliau lagi, perjuangan Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) untuk menuntut autonomi bukanlah untuk membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia sebagaimana maklumat yang diputarbelit oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab, tetapi adalah untuk membolehkan rakyat Sabah menentukan hala-tuju mereka sendiri tanpa perlu menyembah kerajaan Persekutuan.
Kalau dilihat dari perkembangan Negara serantau seperti Brunei dan Singapura, ternyata Sabah begitu jauh ketinggalan. Sabah mempunyai minyak tetapi hasilnya tidak digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membangunkan negeri sendiri.
Menurut beliau lagi, perjuangan Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) untuk menuntut autonomi bukanlah untuk membawa Sabah keluar dari Malaysia sebagaimana maklumat yang diputarbelit oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab, tetapi adalah untuk membolehkan rakyat Sabah menentukan hala-tuju mereka sendiri tanpa perlu menyembah kerajaan Persekutuan.
Kalau dilihat dari perkembangan Negara serantau seperti Brunei dan Singapura, ternyata Sabah begitu jauh ketinggalan. Sabah mempunyai minyak tetapi hasilnya tidak digunakan sepenuhnya untuk membangunkan negeri sendiri.
Beliau optimis sekiranya SAPP membentuk kerajaan, kerajaan negeri boleh mencatat pencapaian pendapatan sehingga 5 billion sepertimana terkandung di dalam Pelan Ekonomi Sabah yang merupakan antara keratan manifesto SAPP. Pendapatan negeri itu katanya akan digunakan untuk pembangunan negeri Sabah sepenuhnya. Membangunkan semula cadangan penanaman tebu merupakan antara perancangan SAPP untuk Kuala Penyu. Dengan demikian kebergantungan import gula dapat dikurangkan dan penduduk setempat memperolehi pendapatan sampingan disamping peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan sampingan.

En. Jualin Obol, Naib Pengerusi CLC di dalam ucapannya pula meminta supaya parti-parti pembangkang dapat menjalinkan kerjasama bagi menumbangkan kerajaan BN. Beliau menganggap perubahan besar yang bakal berlaku ujud kerana gelombang kesedaran rakyat. Sikap bongkak dan sambil lewa pemimpin yang ada sekarang ini amat memualkan dan tidak langsung menggambarkan usaha mereka membangunkan Kuala Penyu. Sebaliknya mereka hanya berlumba untuk memenuhi keperluan dan keuntungan peribadi biarpun mereka menyedari rakyat menghadapi pelbagai kesukaran hidup.
Brunei mempunyai Tuanku yang disayangi berdekati rakyat bergerak dengan sederhana secara hidup memakai pakaian biasa apabila melawat.
ReplyDeleteSingapura mempunyai pemimpin-pemimpin yang jujur dan juga berkhidmat tanpa menerima rasuah sentiasa bersama rakyat jelata.
Bagaimana diSabah atau Malaysia selama ini lepas merdeka sehinnga terkini.Biarpun pada hari ini kita mempunyai Tuanku yang baik tapi bagaimana pemimpin berdekatan rakyat?
Daulat Tuanku dan Semoga berjaya maju sekiranya kita dapat menyedarkan diri peranan untuk masa depan negara dan negeri.
ReplyDeleteSAPP member Frankie Chong says SAPP is for Sabah autonomy not Sabah independence.
Is this the stand of real patriotic party?
Sabah autonomy means stay as colony in Malaysia to be plunder by Malaya.
Sabah independence means keluar Malaysia and we become master of own destiny.
It is amazing that even when we finally realise that Sabah can stand alone and be an independent nation we have people who are scared of saying so.
What is the value of staying in Malaysia?
We got more resources than Malay. We can be a strong independent state by on our own.
Does it make sense when 48 years have shown that our status in Malaysia is a as colony.
Our right to self-rule will remain subordinated to the whims and fancies of Malaya.
We do not have enough and want another 50 years?
Do we still want to give our natural resources away for free?
What has Malaya returned to us - if we did not beg for what is ours?
Then we must really be stupid! It will be a tragedy if we do not now mobilise the people and prepare to get Sabah our of Malaysia!
So what is the point of saying we can develop without Malaya?
Malaya need our resources and votes us more than we need Malaya!
There is nothing we need from Malaya except our independence!
Tell us what so great about "Malaysia"?
Get rid of your slavish colonial mentality!
This gentleman Anon's comment about 'independent' macam menduduki roller coaster,suka-suka saja!
DeleteRome can never be built in a day!Don't ride your sabahan to holeland ok.
One at a time ba instead your attitude may force other to take advantage to colonise Sabah again!
Either you are 'OTAI' or 'Matai'.
From the way i see it, sabah is still not ready to be independent yet.
DeleteSabah needs more independence and autonomy, it does not mean we should secede from the country.
DeleteGet rid the PATI and PATAI first lah.
DeleteAgreed with SAPP Datuk Frankie Chong. We need to reject party malaya UMNO and PR to rob our natural resources and siphon to Malaya for development but left Sabah be the poorest place in Malaysia by Musang bin tidak aman!
ReplyDeleteWe will fully support SAPP struggle to restore back our Sabah autonomy and get back our Sabah government from party malaya in this coming election.
See comment above
CM Stephens died when he was said to have wanted to take Sabah if Kuala Lumpur grabbed our oil.
Now we have leaders who just want autonomy and remain under the jackboot of the UMNO fascists.
So CM Stephens died for NOTHING!
What an ugly shame- we can stand up alone and develop a prosperous and independent Sabah for ourselves and yet there are Sabahans who want to remain under UMNO or any Malayan government's thumb.
Yes seize back control of Sabah this election but we need to work to take Sabah our of Malaysia for good.
As said above" Malaya need our resources and votes us more than we need Malaya!
There is nothing we need from Malaya except our independence!
Tell us what so great about "Malaysia"?"
Be patient.
DeleteAutonomy is just the first step in the right direction.
I don't think PR will support Sabah's full autonomy within Malaysia if they capture Putrajaya.
PR only needs Sabahan and Sarawakian votes in order to win Putrajaya, can they really fight for our rights?
DeleteOnce PR has won with our votes, will Sabah and Sarawak be abandoned until the next GE comes?
DeleteDon't believe in PR. They are not that sincere to help Sabah and Sabahans.
DeleteMalaysia means Independence from British rule.
ReplyDelete...but getting colonised by Putrajaya.
DeleteBetter than being colonised by the Sultan of Sulu which means the Philippine.
Deletebut don't means independence from other types of colonialism.
DeleteI definitely won't want to see Sabah falling into Philippine grasp once we seceded from Malaya.
DeleteSabah pun boleh lebih maju tanpa SAPP.
ReplyDeleteSAPP is just a small party and i don't think they have a chance to be a government once again.
DeleteYup, I agree. Without SAPP, Sabah more develop.
DeleteSAPP will never be our government..
DeleteWith or without BN or SAPP, Sabah can still survive.
DeleteOnly the voters can determine whether Sabah is better off without SAPP.
DeleteSabahans does not need any party, they need us to win.
Deleteyakinkah Sabah boleh maju tanpa BN?
ReplyDeleteDi bawah pemerinthana BN, Sabah semkain maju.
DeleteBN telah banyak membantu sabah untuk maju ke hadapan.
DeleteJika tiada BN, mana akan ada pengbangkang yang timbul di Sabah.
DeleteSabah has been under BN leadership for a very long time already. Maybe its time to have a change?
Deletebiar rakyat yang buat pilihan siapa yang mereka mahu pilih.
DeleteBN yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia dan ini adalah fakta.
ReplyDeleteBye bye Be End!
Hidup SAPP!
What makes you think SAPP is not like BN? DOn't forget SAPP used to be in BN. Its a bit risky to easily trust SAPP.
Deletedulukan sapp juga dalam BN..sekarang bila sudah keluar barulah bising-bising.
DeleteMungkin. Tapi Sabah tidak mungkin / mustahil maju dalam SAPP.
ReplyDeleteSabah tidak akan bertambah maju jika SAPP yang menjadi pemerintah.
DeleteSusah nak cakap, sekarang banyak pembangkang..tidak tahu mana nak ikut
DeleteTOo many opposition parties make it difficult for everyone to decide which party is actually sincere.
DeleteTO say to vote wisely during election is a difficult task for a voter to do. Its hard to tell whether the politicians would actually fulfil their promise if they were elected.
Deletedulu YTL pernah jadi KM, tapi dia tidak juga dapat majukan Sabah.
DeleteSAPP sekarang sudah rugi 1 juta macam mana?Mesti Haris Salleh ketawa pergi bank.
ReplyDeleteSudah umno memerintah Sabah selama 14 tahun dan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia didalam tangan musang bin tidak aman.
ReplyDeleteLebih baik sokong SAPP daripada sokong parti Pilak UMNO
Kehidupan kita semakin baik daripada dahulu.. itu tidak boleh di nafikan.
DeleteSama saja jika bukan BN, tidak mungkin akan ada SAPP.
DeleteSabah may be the poorest state, oh wait, second poorest but we can see with our own eyes that there are many positives changes in sabah.
DeleteHowever, the rural areas may have been neglected a bit which has lead to the poverty rate in sabah to increase. Government will need to have more effort put in to develop the rural areas.
DeleteHarris hanya diperalatkan oleh musang buat fitnah sama Yong dan Shafie Apdal.
ReplyDeleteSemua rakyat Sabah tahu. Kamu tunggulah balasan dari rakyat terhadap kedua2 bangla ini.
We may get colonized by Indonesia or Philippines, it might turn out even worse.
ReplyDeleteLook at Singapore & Brunei, did they get colonise by Indonesia or Philippines ?
DeleteIt these 2 countries can survive and be independent, I can't see why Sabah can't.
I would rather have sabah colonized by british again than to have it colonized by indonesia or philippines.
DeleteParti malaya PR dan UMNO sudah tidak boleh pakai lagi di Sabah!
ReplyDeleteAku yakin SAPP boleh menang dan jadi kerajaan Sabah kali ini.
Sabah akan maju jika pemerintahnya mempunyai nilai amanah, jujur dan adil.
ReplyDeleteKaki pengampu umno memang tidak suka melihat Sabah maju jaya dalam SAPP.
ReplyDeleteMereka hanya mahu orang Sabah terus menjadi miskin supaya senang dibeli dengan duit haram apabila PRU.
Memang Sabah boleh maju tanpa BN..Tapi dengan BN lagilah Sabah akan bertambah-tambah maju seperti sekarang ini.
ReplyDeleteSelepas itu sedar kena tipu maka jadi miskin sampai macam sekarang.
DeleteBe realistic. SAPP's president lost in Batu Sapi. Need to say more?? It was a clear sign.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! We lost in batu sapi. So what?
DeleteTo the Anon above, are you telling me when you lost one time in your life, then you go commit suicide? hahahahahaha
I am very SURE all the party malaya UMNO and PR will close shop in Sabah!
SAPP will win the whole Sabah in this coming election.
He is still very stubborn enough...
ReplyDeleteFirst lost in Bt Sapi
Second lost in KK high court,
May be next whole thing gone!
What happen to other party's leaders or followers shout only to lead the president at the front?Come on....
Too sad.....
That is what BN Umno want us to think and do. Give up on SAPP!
DeleteI am very determine now SAPP will overcome all these obstacles and challenges set by those umno stooges, to make us stronger to fight Sabah autonomy.
Deleteyou forget one thing bro.. he lost 'cooperation' with other opposition parties..
Deletemasa di batu sapi, sapp nampak tidak mendapat sokongan..
DeleteSabah memang boleh maju tanpa BN.. tapi tidak semesti dengan sapp yang sudah pernah diberikan peluang..
ReplyDeleteSabah government could overcome the financial crisis during 1997 under YTL as Sabah CM and need not to borrow a single cent from outsider but not like UMNO mamaktiu and Anwar want to borrow money from IMF.
ReplyDeletesaya yakin rakyat tahu apa yang terbaik untuk mereka...jadi biarlah rakyat yang membuat keputusan.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s per capita income in 2010 went up fromRM14,829 to RM17,242. And during the same period, the rate of unemployment also dropped from 5.6 per cent to 5.4 per cent. Apart from that, Sabah had already spent 75.5 per cent of the state allocation and 74.9 per cent of federal allocation to undertake development projects last year.
ReplyDeleteHead of State Tun Haji Juhar Haji Mahiruddin pointed out (during opening the first sitting of the State Legislative Assembly’s fifth session) that Sabah must shift from the low value commodity-based economy to one of high value and innovative that was knowledge- based.
DeleteTun Juhar said the dependence on several major commodities alone would not strengthen the state’s economy.
And, he also stressed the need for development of the industrial and service sectors. As a state that is rich with natural resources, Sabah has the edge to further develop these two sectors.
DeleteCommending the Chief Minister (Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman) on his efforts to develop the oil and gas industry, the Governor also extended his appreciation to the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) for his support.
DeleteHe is confident that with the commitment of the state government and the support and assistance of the federal government, the huge investment in the oil and gas sector would certainly boost Sabah’s economic growth. This will also help ensure the success of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) in the state.
DeleteTun Juhar also said RM77.5 billion was needed to carry out 31 entry point projects (EPPs) in Sabah.The federal government would provide eight per cent of the amount to assist the private sector to kick off the projects.
DeleteA comprehensive implementation plan for each of EPP is ready and the private sector must seize the opportunity to invest in these EPP projects. The EPPs, Tun Juhar said, would create 144,000 jobs by 2020. The federal government has allocated RM459.2 million to help start six high-impact projects worth RM5.15 billion.
DeleteThe Governor added that the projects under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) had been implemented smoothly, with 98.4 per cent of the RM100.4 million allocation utilised last year. According to him, Sabah’s financial standing was strong as a result of competent and efficient management as well as proactive steps undertaken by the state government.