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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Land-Grabs, pins hope in SAPP lawyer

Families who were served with court notice late last year to move out in one month of 'their' lands in Kampung Tangkarason, Beluran now pin their hope that the plantation company involved and the court would 'grant' some mercy on them, knowing there is no where to go after this.
Leader of the group, Nulius Sangkong, 34, (centre) who managed to get court order for a stay said they never dreamed that this could happen to them as natives of Sabah after toiling the lands and living there since 1980s.

"We were even helped by the state rubber industry board (LIGS) in a rubber plantation programme in the area in 1998, and suddenly we were told this land belong to a Malacca company.

"In fact we have applied for the land in 1987 which involved 194 applications over a 1,000 acres for settlement and agricultural but no positive answer. Then last year we learned that a Malacca company with perhaps links to politicians there was granted a land of 20,000 hectares in Sugut.

LISTENING.... The other pic shows lawyer Peter Marajin (centre)
listening to Sangkong during a briefing at his office in Luyang, surrounded by the land-grab victims.
How could this be allowed to happen on natives if the government cares about our well-being?" Sangkong said at a follow-up meeting with their lawyer Peter Marajin at his legal firm office in Damai, Luyang here Monday.

A Vice Native Chief from Tangakarason, Mudat Majupi, 60, said at the meeting the state government be considerate o its people first furthermore the kampungs folks only applied for a few hectares of land, unlike companies with links, tens of thousands of hectares and granted easily and speedily.

His brother Mogak, 58, who is the Ketua Kampung of Tangkarason, said he was perplexed by their situation as it is the norm and rule that native customary rights (NCR) over lands are obtained as soon as minimum three years of natives establishing settlement on any state land.

NCR was an old law erected by the colonial British in recognition of the natives of Sabah, in olden days clearly and easily figured out to be either among the Dusuns, Muruts or Bajaus ethnic groups.


  1. umno perompak tanah orang kampung. bye bye umno di Sabah!

    1. Kalau penduduk yang sendiri jual tanah kerana mahu duit, apa macam tu?

    2. Ada penduduk yang menjual tanah sendiri untuk mendapatkan duit cepat, bila dah kesal mereka menyalahkan kerajaan pula.

  2. Pertemuan dengan wakil kerajaan yang menguruskan hal ini harus diadakan bagi untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian.

    1. Kerajaan negeri harus mengkaji formula untuk mempertahankan hak milik rakyat.

  3. Semoga hal ini mendapat perhatian dari kerajaan dan dapat memberikan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  4. Aik?? gambar ke-2. Kiri kanan sudah modop...hhehehe

    1. Hahahaha...penat bah si beliau dari Beluran. Tertidur-tidur dii

  5. Pastikan yang berhak dapat hak tersebut

    1. Jangan sampai anak kera di hutan disusukan, anak sendiri di rumah mati kelaparan.

  6. Isu tanah ni memang tidak pernah berakhir. makin panas lagi dekat2 PRU.

    1. Diharapkan kerajaan Sabah dan Jabatan Tanah Sabah akan berusaha mengatasi masalah rampasan tanah ini.

  7. Harap penduduk dapat hak tanah mereka semula.

  8. Apa yang milik rakyat, kembalikan kepada rakyat.

  9. Isu tanah dari dulu sampai sekarang begitu saja kejadiannya. Salah siapa? Sampai bila masalah ini akan membelenggu rakyat?

  10. Sering tanah rakyat dimakan oleh harimau besar tanpa dikesan. Tidak mungkin kerajaan tiada jalan untuk menyelesaikannya?

    1. Apa boleh buat bila Rakyat sendiri yang menghantar tanah mereka kepada harimau besar? Jangan ingat tiada yang menjual tanah itu secara rahsia selepas itu barulah menyalahkan syarikat lain merampas tanah mereka.

  11. Any news about the tribunal?

    1. Kerajaan Sabah sudah mengatakan bahawa Tribunal Tanah NCR tidak diperlukan kerana Jabatan Tanah akan menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  12. tanah2 kita harus terus dipertahankan.

    1. Diharapakan hak tanah rakyat akan sentiasa dibela oleh pemimpin kita.

  13. Jika benar bawa kes ini ke Mahkamah. Kerana Mahkamah akan mengadilkan perkara ini dengan seadilnya.
