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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rural kids moulded into UMNO's thinking

SIPITANG: The first time the youth of Sipitang decried of how disheartened they were of their elders selling their lands without thinking of their children's future, Haji Amde Sidik said, at Kg Banting about fifteen km from Sipitang Town.

Kg Banting is now famous for it SAMUR (PETRONAS Ammonia and Urea) project.

Amde, who is SAPP Sindumin CLC Chairman and also SAPP Deputy President, on his visit to his relatives which turned out into a political gathering when he was suddenly approached by a group of youths who heard of his coming and forced him to give a political talk at one of his aunties' house.

"In rural areas the UMNO government has tried to shut up these young people's mind, from kindergarten, to primary school, secondary school and university level. The young people are only allowed to think within a round parameter; no square, or triangle alike are allowed, the product can be seen now", he said.

Amde believe all the government sponsored early age institutions like tabika and kindergartens are a means to mould our rural children into UMNO's thinking. This is a great mistake, compared with those living in urban areas where parents send their children of their choice, young people don't feel threatened or fear when talking or debating about politics or complaining about the government.

He was also referring to one young person who was concerned that he wouldn't have any place to live in the future. He has no land, and his parents sold the land, he does not have enough money to buy land and he has no steady income.

In another case, kampong folks in Banting whose land were overcrowded and flood prone had applied for government state land in nearby area was rejected. The land however was later turned into Peladang Koperasi. The people there never benefited from the Koperasi but instead owed money because it was not making money.

Amde told the people that SAPP shall study this Koperasi Peladang land whether there is abuse of by individual groups or into unscrupulous hands and that SAPP shall help them if it was given the 'power'.


  1. Tidak dinafikan ada juga orang kampung yang menjual tanah mereka tanpa memikirkan masa depan anak-anak, mereka cuma mementingkan keuntungan jangka pendek sahaja.

    1. maka ianya adalah kesilapan pemilik tanah yang menjual tanah mereka.

    2. People are easy blinded by money. Problems nowadays happen because people are eagerly chasing for money. No money, no talk.

    3. Tapi rasanya ada juga penduduk yang menjual tanah sebab terdesak.

  2. Kerajaan bagi tanah untuk menambah pendapatan, mereka pula jual untuk mendapat keuntungan cepat.

    1. dalam kes seperti ini yang bersalah adalah si pemilik tanah yang menjual tanah tersebut...bukannya salah kerajaan...pasal tu lah kerajaan mewujudkan geran komunal untuk mengelak perkara seperti ini berlaku...

    2. Lepas jual tanah yang diberikan kerajaan, mereka pula menyalahkan kerajaan kerana tidak memberi bantuan kepada mereka. Beginilah sesetengah orang.

    3. Begitulah kalau akal pendek. sendiri juga yang cari susah.

    4. semua harus tingkatkan usaha untuk majukan diri sendiri.

  3. pancingan SAPP saja bah tu...

    1. Shortage of new issue to be manipulated.

    2. biasalah..bila mahu pilihanraya semua mahu jadi hero..

  4. Tanah yang diberikan oleh kerajaan perlulah dimanfaatkan untuk menambah keuntungan jangka panjang, bukannya dijual untuk keuntungan jangka pendek.

  5. Biasanya kerajaan memberikan tanah adalah untuk mengalakkan mereka membuat aktiviti penanaman, peladangan dan sebagainya. Jika penerima sanggup berusaha, sudah pasti mereka mampu menambah baik kualiti kehidupan mereka.

    1. When you get the opportunity, make use of it for good causes.

    2. kerajaan sebenarnya sudah banyak memberi bantuan kepada rakyat. jadi, pandai2lah manfaatkannya.

    3. setiap peluang yang diberikan harus digunakan dengan sebaiknya untuk majukan diri.

  6. tanah amat berharga, jgnlah kita menjualnya.

    1. Tanah makin lama makin naik harga, jadikan tanah sebagai aset warisan keluarga

    2. sebaiknya tanah diusahakan dan bukannya dijual.

  7. Untuk mengelak penduduk kampung menjual tanah, kerajaan telah memberi tanah communal

  8. individu yang jual tanah untuk dapat keuntungan cepat patut salahkan diri sendiri.

  9. Berfikir dengan lebih berhati-hati apabila bertindak.
