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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let party leaders debate first to set the tone, says Dr Jeffrey

KENINGAU : Chairman of State Reform Party (Star), Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, said top leaders of political parties should first start any debate, then followed by divisional leaders at each constituencies, so as to set the tone of a meaningful debate among parties.

"We support the initiative to have public debates to identify the best candidates to take on the ruling party. We also support a one-to-one fight with BN, but let us start with party top leaders first," he said commenting on the political public debate being initiated in the state.

He said it is important for top leaders to debate first so that the people will know the vision and mission of political parties and also to ensure the public to start recognising who are the leaders of the potential candidates.

"This will make sure the public can see not only the individual candidates, but the goals of the parties, and see clearly what kind of future these parties are trying to build for them," he said at the special Borneo tea-party with the Chinese community in Keningau over the weekend.

Meanwhile Dr Kitingan is set to have a debate with Dr Edwin Bosi of Democratic Action Party (DAP) at 7pm at the Dowish Restaurant in Penampang Wednesday.

The debate is being organised by recently-set up NGO called Democracy Sabah (Desah) chaired by former State Secretary and Suhakam vice chairman, Tan Sri Simon Sipaun.

By Kanul Gindol


  1. The debate topic should appropriately be called 'THE STAR CLOWN VERSUS THE DAP CLOWN'in Sabah.

    1. Both are just clowns in Sabah, Sabah deserves better.

  2. Go ahead and have this debate between DAP and STAR, the people will make their analysis based on these debates.

  3. So how was the debate? Anyone went attend it?

  4. We would like to see more mature and professional political approach in Sabah rather than what is happening in WM. Instead attacking each other with lame issues, focus more on how can the leaders bring positive changes to Sabah.

  5. Only the party leaders are stand out. Is their party be able to offer winnable candidates? Doubt it.

  6. kita tgk akan ada debat atau tidak.

    1. harap hasil debat tersebut berguna.

    2. Debat untuk kepentingan rakyat bukan untuk tunjuk kehandalan.

    3. Agree, its should be for the shake of the people and not for own benefit and heroes.

  7. bagaimana JK mahu pastikan Star akan menang pada pru13 nanti?

    1. sebab sudah pasti akan ada pertandingan 3 atau 4 penjuru di mana undi pembangkang akan pecah..

    2. Agak sukar untuk STAR menang kalau tiada kerjasama dengan parti lai.

  8. buang masa saja ni debat...

  9. Tujuan debate harus jelas untuk kebaikan perkembangan.

    1. Kebaikan untuk diri sendiri sja tu, supaya kena paling ngam untuk jadi calon PRU..

  10. May be better if concentrate more for the people welfare rather than spend time and money for such debating that serve no purpose.

  11. Kalau nak debate, debate dengan cara professional dan tujuan debate harus memanfaatkan rakyat.

  12. Debat untuk tunjuk tambirang..hehe

  13. I must admit, it sounds like a good idea.

  14. May the best man win the debate.

  15. STAR jangan terlalu yakin dengan parti baru yang ditubuhkan ini.

  16. JK macam kuat sudah ini. Baru dapat sokongan sedikit sudah naik kepala ini. Adui nah...

  17. Inikah yang dikatakan kerjasama antara parti pembangkang di Sabah. Menghalau parti pembangkang dari semenanjung apa yang dilakukan oleh STAR. Nampaknya STAR perlu sedar 1 lawan 1 pun belum tentu lagi boleh menang.

  18. benarkah star sanggup adakan satu lawan satu dengan BN?? sanggup ka JK bersaing dengan ketua parti pembangkang yang lain untuk merebut jawatan KM Sabah??
