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Monday, May 7, 2012

Swiss MP wants Sabah CM's assets frozen

A Swiss MP has asked his government to freeze assets in the country held by Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and other “Malaysian potentates”, according to Bruno Manser Fund (BMF).

The Swiss-based NGO reported last Thursday that social democrat MP Carlo Sommaruga raised the issue in Swiss Parliament that day, also naming Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and his family as parties whose Swiss assets should be frozen.

musa aman pc in sabah 190608 01The Geneva MP reportedly filed a number of questions in the House to shed more light on the money laundering allegations linked to Switzerland's largest bank UBS and Musa (right).

Amongst them, Sommaruga asked the government to reveal the nature of the criminal charges being investigated and the assistance being given to Hong Kong authorities.

He also asked if Malaysian authorities had contacted the Swiss government and if assistance would be provided to Malaysia.

Sommaruga also wanted to know “what safeguards within the envisaged Free Trade Agreement between EFTA, the European Free Trade Association, and Malaysia would prevent Malaysian corruption proceeds from flowing to Switzerland” reported BMF.

This follow a report last month that Swiss authorities had cooperated with Hong Kong to investigate alleged money laundering involving over USD90 million, said to be linked to timber kickbacks.

This and other issues centred on the CM was widely reported by whistleblower website Sarawak Report.

Musa has since denied the reports calling them “recycled allegations” while UBS has refused to comment.

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  1. musang bin tidak aman adalah buaya yang terbesar di Sabah!

    Why the authority like MACC still keeping quiet on Musang bin tidak aman Corruption?

    umno is a party for traitors and must be kicked out from Sabah!

  2. Aiyoh...let Swiss handle first bah.
    Never you people wish to see another high jump from 7th floor again...jangan bah!

  3. Innocent until proven guilty.But those from 'sekolah atap' always believe that any allegations even without substantive proof will lead to the guilty verdict.But thats their verdict,not the courts.

    This kind of stand shows the double-standard practiced and preached by irresponsible people who are only bent to create hatred against the leader of a government and to topple him not by democratic means but by way incitements and provocations.When it comes to their 'own kind' doing some dirty things that smears the morality of human beings they demand justice and fairness from the courts but when it comes to concocting stories of a government leader their make-believe stories will have no space in a court of law.They decide and they will pass the judgement.Thats sheer hypocrites.

    1. This is a price BN has to pay...what goes around comes around.

    2. There is a saying that goes like this: Repeat a rumor enough times and the people will accept it as the truth.

  4. Anak Petagas, This acusation constitute defamation. Musang should sue all these people else its an admission of guilt.

    1. can musa sue those foreigner who started this allegation from outside this country??

  5. just wait and see lor,most of sabahan know who this guy really is.they all didn't say a word because living has been good since the last general election,lot's and lot's of money pouring in to sabah by the federal government,many of our old road got upgraded and still many more new road to be long as the EPF money getting pay full to the account holder when he or she retired.i don't think BN will lost the coming election.

  6. BN won't lose this coming election because of the phantom voters ... that's why they refuse the RCI .. saying that it was approved since Fbruary makes no sense at all because all I can see is the liar pm Najib and his allies - the AMans in Sabah ..
    THAT'S WHY BERSIH 4.0 WILL BE BEFORE THE ELECTION !! because the government is corrupt !!

    1. Apa gunanya ada Bersih 4.0, 5.0, 6.0...? Bukan dengan demonstrasi kita boleh mencapai reformasi sistem undian.

    2. perhimpunan yang bawa kekecohan ini tak perlulah nak dianjurkan.

    3. Ada juga golongan mengambil kesempatan membuat kekecohan. Cuba lihat secara mendalam.

    4. is there any statement made by federal or state government leaders which stated that they refuse to form RCI for this state??

    5. yup, Bersih organizer will not satisfied until there are a case where their supporters dead during the rally..

    6. Bersih tidak patut di anjurkan lagi.Buang masa dan menyusahkan ramai pihak.

  7. With opposition pact still unable to agree seat allocation, BN will win hands down. All these allegation against aman will not do a bit damage to him because MACC POLICE ETC ARE WORKING FOR BN

    1. BN akan menang sekali lagi kerana Pembangkang GAGAL bekerjasama, GAGAL mencapai persetujuan untuk bertanding 1 ke 1 bersama BN. Tahniah BN kerana bakal menang PRU-13, Hidup BN!

    2. Bagus kalau Pembangkang teruskan usaha untuk bergaduh antara satu sama lain supaya lebih senang BN memenangi PRU-13 nanti. Gaduh jangan tak gaduh.

    3. yup, when there is no action taken by MACC due to lack of evidences, then you will say that MACC working for BN..

    4. Pembangkang tidak akan menang kerana masing2 ada agenda sendiri.BN pasti akan menang.

    5. How is it possible for MACC police to take action against Musa when there are lack of firm evidence.

    6. Siapa yang menyebabkan kekecohan sebenarnya? Harus juga faham dan nilaikannya.

  8. Saya rasa UBS tidak akan bertindak selagi belum terdesak kerana adalah tanggungjawab mereka untuk melindungi butir persendirian pelanggan-pelanggan mereka.

  9. belum ada bukti pun Musa bersalah, jadi tak perlu nak buat apa2 kesimpulan.

    1. MACC harus membuat siasatan terperinci. Banyak andaian negatif dibuat yang akan menjejas imej baik.

    2. MACC juga perlu disiasat bagaimana maklumat sulit boleh bocor dari jabatan itu..

    3. Belum ada bukti yang kukuh lagi yang mengatakan Datuk Musa bersalah.Hanya cakap2 mulut orang sahaja.

  10. All depend on the Swiss govt. Guilty until proven.

  11. Perbelahan pembangkang memberi laluan kepada BN untuk terus menang.

  12. We need to know what the purpose of Bersih!

    1. Bersih untuk kegunaan politik pembangkang

    2. Bersih hanya untuk kepentingan pembangkang sahaja.Sedarlah wahai rakyat.

    3. Ada kemungkinan pihak menggunakan peluang ini untuk membuat kekecohan dan seolah pembangkang yang menyebabkannya?

  13. Semoga pihak EC memahami keadaan sebenar kenapa bersih dianjur dan mendapat sokongan? PRU yang bersih dan transparent amat penting untuk negara menghala demokrasi.

  14. Kalau ada bukti sehingga boleh sampai dalam court, baru saya percaya.

  15. Buat masa ini, cerita ini hanya kosong sahaja, tanpa bukti, rakyat tidak akan percaya.

  16. MACC has yet to come forward regarding their investigation.

    1. Hoping some positive outcome for the investigation.

  17. Tuduhan tiada bukti merupakan fitnah.

  18. EC seharus membaiki kelemahan untuk memastikan PRU yang menyakinkan semua golongan.

  19. Siasatan dan bukti yang kukuh diperlukan untuk membawa kes Musa ke mahkamah.

  20. Tidak ada butik yang boleh mengaitkan beliau dalam kes ini.

  21. Semua ini cuma permainan yang direka oleh pembangkang untuk menjatuhkan Datuk Musa Aman. Apa yang pasti kita perlulah menilai sendiri mengenai pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan. Semua ini pasti ada sebab tersendiri yang dibuat oleh pembangkang.

  22. Siapakah yang pandai-pandai mereka cerita sebegini. Harap pihak tersebut tampil dan serahkan bukti. Tidak ada guna bercakap kosong dalam media. Mainan kotor ini memang tidak patut dilakukan.

  23. Buat apa kita percaya dengan berita ini jika tidak ada bukti yang dibawa ke mahkamah. Sedangkan Media tidak ada mengadili seseorang itu. Ini kerana semua itu terletak ditangan mahkamah untuk membuat keputusan. Media hanya tahu memberikan berita sama ada yang buruk, yang tidak benar dan tanpa ada bukti yang benar. Itulah yang sebenarnya berlaku dengan media pembangkang sekarang yang hanya suka memberikan pelbagai isu negatif yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan.

  24. Kita sendiri sedar yang mana antara pencegah rasuah didunia ICAC adalah pencegah rasuah yang sangat tegas, tidak ada belas kasihan dan teliti dengan kes sebegini. Maka kalau benar Datuk Musa terbabit dengan kes RM40juta wang haram itu sudah lama Datuk Musa dibawa ke mahkamah kerana bagi ICAC tidak ada yang terkecuali.

  25. itupun kalau ada la simpanan Musa dan Taib di swiss bank.. sedangkan UBS sendiri pun tidak mahu dedahkan maklumat2 pelanggan mereka..

  26. Dorian Shane AnthonyJune 4, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    Earlier on Musa has already agreed to give full cooperation to MACC regarding this case: clearly this shows that the man has nothing to hide regarding this matter, if there are basis towards this allegation. They might as well look into the sand dredging fiasco in Selangor. So far there are NO Update on that matter.

    Of all the Chief Ministers that took office, Musa is the only man who not only vocal in championing the preservation of Sabah’s last virgin forests, but also actively encourage such conservation activities that not only aimed to protest these virgin forest, but also its fauna and flora that co-exist within this eco-system.

    Bear in mind that in the past that he was stern in stopping the illegal loggings loggings in the Ulu Segama Malua and Maliau basin. The outcome of this action has created a forest buffer three times the size of Singapore to protect Danum valley from logging, mining and opening up land for agriculture.

    Musa's efforts has been noted and aaffirmed by Lorna Casselton, the foreign secretary of Britain’s Royal Society. THIS IS A FACT!

    In my personal opinion: I believe Musa is not just your 'out of the mill' politician. The man creates a win-win situation for all that overall can benefit the people of Sabah. So far he has manage to tackle one issue in a calm demineour after another and still endlessly seek out a sollution that will benefit all of Sabahan. This task is not a walk in the park, but dilligently he takes one step at the time without complaining.

    These allegation just contradicts to the man that has given so much to Sabah with (respect to the field of biological Conservations since he took office). The only logical explanation that made sense towards this allegations are just circumstances without basis. in a more schrewed light, one can even deducesd that this whole logging graft is just another political sensationalisme aimed to topple this man fom continuing to serve the people of Sabah.
