TAWAU - MP for Tawau Datuk Chua Soon Bui has demanded the both the Federal and the State governments to make their stand clear on the issue of 20-Point Agreement.
She said this was only appropriate following a controversial statement made by the State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said recently, that the 20-Point Agreement on Sabah's safeguards for agreeing to Malaysia's formation, is no longer valid because it is already part of the Malaysian Constitution.
She reminded that both the 20-Point Agreement for Sabah and 18-Point Agreement for Sarawak are internationally-acknowledged multiparty agreements which can't be unilaterally violated by the Federal government.
Chua contended that although only parts of the 20-Point Agreement are law binding when they were in cooperated in the constitution, it doesn't mean that the 20-Point Agreement is no longer valid or irreverent.
"Although the 20-Point agreement is not binding in total, the Sabah State government has the right to demand for its full restoration, instead of voluntarily surrendering such rights, as suggested by the State Assembly Speaker.
"It is high time that the Federal Government reassure such rights in its original form to Sabah and Sarawak," she said.
She also questioned the rationale and motive behind the State Assembly Speaker's statement publicly relinquishing such an important right fought by the previous Sabah State leaders.
She said we should be thankful to our state leaders for wisely moulded such a comprehensive
agreements to safeguard our right and interest of the people of Sabah for many generations to come.
Chua who is also a Vice President of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) further reminded that the relevance of the 20-Point Agreement was highlighted in the High Court ruling over the Borneonisation suit on May 25, when the High Court judge Datuk David Wong Dak Wah dismissed the application by both the Federal and State governments to strike out a suit filed by two natives of Sabah.
"Since Justice Datuk David Wong ruled that the suit and the claim is not a frivolous one, it clearly indicated the relevance of the 20-Point Agreement," she argued.
Former police inspector Bernard Fung Fon Chen, 70, and former teacher Mohd Nazib Maidan Dally, 35, filed the suit last year through their counsel Peter Marajin, seeking a declaration from the court that the first defendant had failed and/or neglected to expeditiously and fully carry out the Borneonisation of the federal public service in the state.
It is a waste of time to argue with the federal & state government on this issue. They are not interested.Lip Service & carrot dangling is what they know best. Therefore we too should be not interested to continue to be part of Malaysia.
DeleteWhat is the point of making agreements if you do not solemnly intend that they are to be binding?
This raises the question on the KL gov't claims the 18/20 Points are not binding or relevant- why are they trying to deny their signed promises- it is in black and white.
Was it their motive to mislead us into agreeing to become part of Malaysia?
Was it a trick?
Read this article on how Sarawak & Sabah were conned into formation of Malaysia
DeleteNewVision you are absolutely right.
DeleteWe have wasted close to 49 years in the doldrums.
Just look at Singapore and Brunei today.
You always made it sound so easy for Sabah to secede from Malaysia, the reality is not that simple.
DeleteThe Philippine government still have not release their hold on Sabah, once we get out of Malaysia, we will fall into Philippine hands.
DeleteJadi, kena hati2. silap langkah, Sabah akan diambil oleh Filipin.
DeleteBubuhaUmno...to live in this world one has to be insane to be sane!
ReplyDeleteSalleh Said's statement that the 20 points agreement are no longer valid needs to be reviewed to see if there is any truth to it?
ReplyDeleteBut Ongkili said 20 Points forever valid. wonder why they have different view about this issues.
DeleteOngkili pula mengatakan perkara 20 masih sah.
DeleteWhy so suddenly he made such statement?
DeleteThere must be something wrong.
Deletemungkin perlu...salleh juga tidak harus menyinggung perasaan dan hati rakyat sabah..
DeleteHujah Salleh mengakibatkan perasaan tidak puas hati golongan awam sahaja.
DeleteDatuk Musa Aman said its not the time to question who is right or wrong, instead the people should continue to unite for the progress of the state.
ReplyDeleteYup.whats important is leaders and rakyats should unite to claim for their right stated in 20 Points.
DeleteWe should not judge anyone but stay united always.
DeleteKerajaan negeri harus memperjuangkan hak & milik orang Sabahan.
DeleteIf the 20 points agreement is internationally acknowledged, there should be no question whether its valid or not.
ReplyDeletehope the 20 Points will be fulfilled.
DeleteSekarang 20 Perkara lagi diputar belitkasn untuk kelirukan rakyat.
Deleteya betul tu...ada pihak yang menjadikan 20 perkara ini sebagai alat politik.
Deleteapapun, perkara 20 adalah penting dan ia perlu diperjuangkan.
ReplyDeleteya...sebagai rakyat sabah, adalah wajib kita mempertahankan hak kita..
DeleteIf the 20 points agreement is not valid, Sabah can secede from Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so, Sabah will be in better hands in BN rather than taking over by the Indonesians.
Deletemungkin juga...yang pasti 20 perkara adalah asas kepada pembentukkan malaysia..
Deletebagus chua gantikan YTL jadi presiden SAPP sebab YTL adalah liabiliti kepada SAPP..
ReplyDeletewhy don't we ask to the United Nations Trusteeship Council of the United Kingdom
ReplyDeleteThe opposition is hungry for glory, trying to tell the voters that they have the sacred and pure hearts to care for the people of Sabah. They even try to outwit eacher other and hope that voter can be fooled. 20 Points, this is only a prelude to the formation of M'sia and have been incorporated into the M'sian Constitution to suit the interests of the federated states as per understanding of a federation concept. All M'sians are protected and fall under the same umbrella. Opposition leaders have been harping on this issue but I believe, there is no erosion in our rights, privilege and autonomy. We have to let go our regional sentiment in order to achieve something better and to prepare for our younger generation a secured future
ReplyDeleteOur State is never dominated by outside leaders. We still have Datuk Musa Aman, Datuk Pairin, Datuk Liew, Datuk Bernard Dompok, Datuk Maimus, Datuk Anifah and the rest. The Sabah leaders will always try so hard for Sabah peace, harmony and prosperity.
Look at the old dead town of Kimanis, Bongawan, and Membakut and even Papar. Are we not grateful to our YB Datuk Anifah Aman for initiating the Petronas projects. The spill over will be beyond imagination. Developments are everywhere. Look at Penampang, Sepanggar, Putatan and latest, the potential in Sipitang, initiated by Government. The voters in Sabah will not be ungrateful as they are currently enjoying all the perks given by the Government. Just imagine if all the opposition put their head together and join BN, Sabah will be a very strong and prosperous State.
ReplyDeleteIs Sabah a independent country? It was "the mother of all lies" to say that Sabah became independent through Malaysia. Sabah, he pointed out, became independent on 31 Aug 1963 “before it was swallowed up by Malaya 16 days later under false pretences”.
ReplyDelete“We thought that we had helped formed a new Federation, Malaysia, where Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and Malaya would be equal partners,” said Daniel. “Instead, we came out from the tiger’s mouth (Britain) and landed in the crocodile’s mouth (Malaya).”
He claimed that Singapore was kicked out from Malaysia in 1965, two years later, when the island resisted attempts by Kuala Lumpur to re-colonize it in the wake of the British departure. Brunei, according to him, had deep suspicions about Malayan leaders and stayed out from the Federation at the 11th hour.
We can cited South Sudan, which became independent in July last year, as a classic study on “internal colonization”.
The UN found that South Sudan, where the people are mostly Christians and Blacks, had been internally colonized by the Muslim Arab government in Khartoum in the north, and The UN Security Council approved the partition of the country and the independence of South Sudan.
Citing facts, figures and statistics, we can claims that the proof of internal colonization is based, among others, on the declaration of the World Bank at the end of 2010 in Kota Kinabalu that the state was the poorest in Malaysia. There are parallels here with the story of oil-rich, as dirt-poor as South Sudan.
In short, the grinding poverty of Sabah — Sarawak as well — to the internal colonization of these two states in Borneo by the Malaya-run Federal Government in Putrajaya.
Malaysia, for Sabah and Sarawak subsequently meant exchanging British colonialism for Malayan colonization. look at Brunei and Singapore was trapped just like Sabah and Sarawak but managed to escape in 1965.
where Brunei and Singapore are today compared with Sabah and Sarawak, The S’pore and Brunei currency is worth RM 2.50 sen. At the same time, their cost of living is very much lower than in Sabah and Sarawak.
Under the Malaya-controlled Federal Government, internal colonization has been the cruel fate of Sabah and Sarawak, Impoverished hordes are rushing into our states to marginalize and disenfranchise us and make us even poorer.
Money, or rather the lack of it, is the key factor in the internal colonization of Sabah and Sarawak, the Federal Government takes 95 per cent of oil and gas revenue in the inner waters of Sabah and Sarawak and 100 per cent of these resources in the outer waters.
This is an illegal act as pointed out by the Sabah Law Association which has since declared that the Petroleum Development Act (PDA) is unconstitutional, If the PDA is unconstitutional, the so-called oil agreement between Sabah/Sarawak and Petronas does not exist.
Peninsular Malaysia-owned gaming, plantation and shipping companies in Sabah, as in Sarawak, are siphoning away billions every year from the state.
So Malaysia must be brought back to its right premises as a two-tier Federation, where Sabah and Sarawak have autonomy with the Federal Government responsible for only defence, foreign affairs and economic planning but only when it comes to these two states. the answer is one country in two systems.
Perjanjian ini tidak harus diabaikan walaupun sekian lama, harus diusaha dan ditunaikan.
ReplyDeleteIt is high time we faced reality in this case.
ReplyDeleteSabah is out of Malaysia what happens to Sabah in the hands of the Philippines?
ReplyDeleteBetter relax and think twice before making irrational decisions.
DeleteI suggest we all have to go back to the drawing board for more intuitive ideas and strategy.
DeleteThe state and federal government have it all figured out.
DeleteMengenai 20 perkara ini SAPP tidak perlu risau. Datuk Maximus telah mengatakan yang mana 20 perkara ini masih relevan dan akan terus relevan sampai bila-bila pun. Maka SAPP cuma ingin mengambil peluang untuk memainkan isu ini.
ReplyDelete20 perkara ini adalah untuk Sabah dan bukannya orang lain. Maka penduduk Sabah akan terus memperjuangkan 20 perkara ini.
ReplyDeletesemua la pemimpin2 pembangkang mahu jadi hero berkenaan dengan 20 perkara.. kalau mahu sangat jadi hero, kenapa tidak bawa isu perjanjian 20 perkara ini ke mahkamah antarabangsa?? minta la PBB masuk campur..
ReplyDeleteThe content and spirit of the 20 points document on Sabah’s safeguards for the formation of Malaysia is forever valid and relevant by virtue of them being incorporated in the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) report and Federal Constitution, opines Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.
ReplyDeleteThe Kota Marudu MP said the 20 points made in a memorandum by seven political parties in 1962 and submitted to the IGC was not an official government document but purely a political memorandum.
ReplyDeleteHowever, what became official were the deliberations and adoption of the points by the IGC and their eventual incorporation into the Malaysia Agreement and Federal Constitution," he said at Pesta Kaamatan celebration in Kpg Timbang Batu.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Ongkili also pointed out that there were now less than 10 matters in the original 20 points that remained relevant.
ReplyDeleteThe rest especially those provisions pertaining to finance, language, religion and education have been willingly surrendered by previous government leaders of Sabah to the federal government, or they (the points) had lapsed due to time relevance.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, when we talk about the 20 points today we need to be specific about which particular points we are referring to.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind Point number 4 of the 20 Points which stated that there will be no secession from the Federation. This makes Malaysia a permanent marriage.
ReplyDeleteSo we should be talking about strengthening the Federation and enhancing territorial integration because these were the political commitment of the Sabah founding leaders of the Federation.
ReplyDeleteHe said: “Today Sabah politicians, mainly the opposition, talk only of damning and criticising the federation and federal leaders but say little about building the nation and making Malaysia an even better place for our children"
ReplyDeleteOngkili, who is Parti Bersatu Sabah deputy president, added that PBS would continue to fight for whatever remaining points to preserve them as well as towards enhancing their validity.
ReplyDeletePBS stand by the people of Sabah to ensure the Federal government respects the points. The champions of the 20 points are the political parties in Barisan Nasional especially PBS. The opposition parties only know how to talk and play on sentiments yet have no teeth to defend the rights of the people of Sabah.
ReplyDelete“So, the best way to defend the points is to ensure Barisan Nasional continues to rule Sabah,” said Ongkili who also attended the Mukim Ranau level and Kg Manggaris Pesta Kaamatan celebrations.