Extracted comments from Msiakini writers
Ex-IGP Musa, what was the motive of killing Altantuya?
Headhunter: If former inspector-general of police (IGP) Musa Hassan is hoping that he can bluff the rakyat and protect the guilty, he's very wrong because we're not naive.
The sudden appearance of several former IGPs to defend Umno are all a desperate attempt to boost PM Najib Razak's image.
As for the Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu affair, all the evidence and the court case say otherwise.
Why not say Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim did it? After all, I'm sure an expert like Musa can manufacture evidence quite easily.
Sadirah: You are a police officer, Musa, and why did you not check for motive - why was the boss of the two accused, who was Najib's staff member, not called; why were immigration details erased and why was Najib not called?
The simple fact is that all in the civil service just want to please their bosses. How can you be so candid with former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when you have not even clarified the motive?
Come on, she was shot and then blown up with military-grade C4 explosives. How come this came from the Defence Ministry?
There are so many unanswered questions and if Altantuya was your daughter you would definitely do things differently.
Whom do you want us to believe when the credibility of the Royal Malaysian Police is so low and you make it worse by opening your mouth and making the people look stupid.
Swipenter: So many unanswered questions plus no motive for murder do not sound convincing at all. Those with the most pressing motives to kill her are found to be not involved.
As more and more beans are spilled in a court in Paris, the motives and likely identities of the persons behind the murder become less murky.
Kosongcafe: Musa had the gift of extra-sensory perception (ESP), like the attorney-general (AG), who knew before the trial that only the three were involved. So the trial was just a formality?
Blind Freddo: There is a world of difference between the truth and what the police investigation discovered.
Onyourtoes: This is another tai-chi. Malaysiakini should change its name to Tai-Chi Bulletin. How credible was this former chief law enforcement officer? Was Anwar found guilty of sodomy? What about evidence manipulating?
Atantuya was murdered, no doubt about that, but where were the money trails? Who paid to whom, how much, and for what?
Are these not important? You find the money trail; you can quite easily find the motivation for her murder.
Tailek: If only the two police officers were involved, please tell me their motive for killing Altantuya, where did they get the C4 explosives, why were her immigration records removed, why are the two officers' faces always hooded and covered in court.
Even a schoolboy can tell you there is a cover-up going on here.
Multi Racial: Forget about this ex-IGP. Firstly, he doesn't have the credibility to give his opinion. Secondly, why is he bringing this matter up now?
In any crime, there has to be motive. What motive does Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar have to kill Altantuya? Why do they have to go to the extend to use C4 to blow her up into pieces?
As Musa said, Abdul Razak Baginda was involved. In this case, why would Azilah and Sirul take orders from Razak Baginda, whom they neither report to nor have any dealing with?
Assuming Razak Baginda is involved, then what is his motive to blow up Altantuya? If it is due to the affair he has with her then, there is no reason for him to kill her, not mentioning blowing her up into pieces.
There is also no reason for Razak Baginda to kill Altantuya to cover up the affair he had with her because his wife already knew about it.
Another point is why were the immigration records of Altantuya erased from the system?
Ace: It's good that Malaysiakini interviews such characters.
However, can the Malaysiakini interviewers be more probing so that the interview can be more meaningful - not like a forum for people to justify their actions however bad they may be.
Be more like those in BBC's Hardtalk, and make the unsavoury characters squirm!
Abasir: If Najib is relying on a shady character like Musa to de-link him from the Altantuya murder, he must be very desperate.
And Musa opening up this stinking can of worms has also underscored the cover-up that has taken place.
By not going anywhere near the motives of the men from Najib's security detail and by not saying who sent them on the kill mission, he has actually put the noose where it rightfully belongs.
It proves once again that the police force is run by men with little intelligence.
Donplaypuks: So, Musa wants us to believe that one fine day two police officers got up and said, "Let's go find this Mongolian lady we have never met and know nothing about, kill her and blow her up with C4 explosives"?
It's easier to believe that Santa Claus exists and lives in the North Pole.
Pick-a-bone: Didn't Rabindranath Tagore say, "Truth when overdressed becomes tawdry."
Musa, you can tell the kangaroo it's a virgin but what is revealing is that it is carrying its young in its pouch.
Semua orang mahu membela Najib kerana imbuhannya besar.Betulkah bekas bekas IGP ini buat kerana Allah dan bukannya takut "Tong Tahi" mereka diketahu umum?
ReplyDeleteLet Allah be the judge of their characters and doings.
DeleteOne day, the truth will be found out. We should wait and see.
ReplyDeletekalau pengadilan kes ni tiada berat sebelah dan manipulasi pasti keputusannya berpihak pada yang benar dan yang salah pasti dapat hukuman.
DeleteHarap isu ni berakhir dengan cepat. Dekat2 PRU memang isu macam ni akan panas sebab semua pun bermain politik, mau mendapat sokongan rakyatlah knon..
ReplyDeletePembangkang pun tidak akan mahu kalah, pasti akan berusah untuk menjatuhkan pihak lawan.
DeleteIf it's His will, the truth will be revealed soon.
ReplyDeleteSepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.
ReplyDeleteKalau salah tidak akan terlepas juga dari undang2 tapi jangan saja pembangkang hanya menambah perisa dalam isu tu.
ReplyDeleteMengenai kes ini kita harap akan teruskan siasatan jika masih menjadi permainan dan tidak selesai sepenuhnya.
ReplyDeletesampai sekarang masih tidak ada berita dari mahkamah perancis.. samapi kepada pilihanraya umum ke 100 pun, jika Najib masih hidup, pembangkang pasti akan cakap, tidak lama lagi Najib akan didakwa di Mahkamah Perancis bagi kes bla,bla,bla.