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Friday, June 22, 2012

Suaram: Razak's 'partner' to get subpoena

Human rights watchdog Suaram today insisted that its lawyers in France were in the process of serving Jasbir Singh Chahl with a subpoena.

"We wish to clarify and reiterate that Suaram’s lawyers leading the case in France, Mr William Bourdon and Joseph Breham, have confirmed that Mr Jasbir Singh Chahl is a witness to the case and has been subpoenaed by the court.

"The  service of the subpoena is under way and may take some days. We do not have further information on the exact time frame of this process," the Suaram secretariat said in a statement today.

Two days ago, Jasbir wrote to Malaysiakini stating he has not received any subpoena from any jurisdiction.

He described the allegations against him by Suaram as "false and distressing" and a "total fabrication".

'Deliberate attempt to undermine reputation'

Jasbir also claimed that there was a deliberate attempt to undermine his reputation and credibility.

During a fund-raising dinner last Friday, Suaram alleged that Jasbir would be served with a subpoena to attend the court proceedings in France.

Jasbir is said to be a key personnel who facilitated a deal between Malaysian firm Perimekar Sdn Bhd and French defence firm DCNS.

In turn, Perimekar helped facilitate Malaysia's procurement of two Scorpene submarines from DCNS.

Suaram said Jasbir is a close associate of Abdul Razak Baginda (left) and that they are both directors of Hong Kong-based Tererasi Ltd.

Razak came to prominence after being charged with abetting in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, for which he was acquitted in August 2008 without his defence being called.

Prior to the trial, he was best known as a confidante to Najib Abdul Razak, who was then defence minister.

Suaram had filed a suit in France, citing impropriety in the submarine deal, said to involve hundreds of million ringgit in commissions.


  1. Najib biting his nails...time is running out

    1. Just wait and see what will happen next.

  2. Well, soon they will reveal everything.

  3. Wrong is wrong and no excepted.

    1. nobody is above the law.

    2. Just wait and see what the French authorities manage to find out about this submarine case.

  4. We should just wait and see how the subpoena process goes.

  5. Lama lagi ka nak habis kes ni?

  6. If you're wrong. Admit and repent.

  7. Belum selesai-selesai lagi isu mengenai Kapal Selam ini.

  8. Tidak tahu bilakah agaknya kes ini akan tamat.

    1. kes rumit akan memerlukan masa agak panjang untuk diselesaikan

  9. Harap2 cerita sebenar boleh diketahui.

  10. teruskan saja dengan isu Scorpene.. lepas PRU senyap la tu..
