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Saturday, August 25, 2012

SAPP: Discard 'parrot' culture

KOTA KINABALU - Sabah leaders should discard the ‘parrot’ culture and start voicing out their own opinions with regards to issues affecting the state.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief Chong Pit Fah said it was disappointing to note leaders in the state repeating what their leaders in the Peninsular Malaysia are saying.

“They are just like parrots… for instance the coal-fired plant issue in the past, it was strongly objected by many quarters and yet the leaders here say it must go on just because the Prime Minister said so.

“Then when the Prime Minister said the proposal was scrapped, the leaders here changed their tune and said that it was a good decision by the Prime Minister,” he lamented.

Chong also pointed out another example which is the 1Malaysia concept made popular by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Just because Najib said it was a good concept everyone is repeating it, Chong said adding, “when the federal leaders come to Sabah and shout 1Malaysia, everyone here follows… just like a parrot.

According to him, it was also very disappointing that leaders in Sabah are ‘parroting’ the federal leaders even to the extent of changing the state’s history especially in terms of Sabah’s independence.

“Sabah gained its independence in 1963, not 1957. We celebrate 49 years of independence this year, not 55 years. As Sabahan leaders, don’t simply twist the fact because 49 is 49, not 55 just because the federal leaders say so,” he stressed.

Sabah, together with Sarawak and Malaya later formed Malaysia as equal partners.

Sabahan leaders must lead by example and show the people that they are concerned about the state’s history, he said adding that the historical facts must be set straight so as not to confuse the younger generation who are now being led astray by promotional publication stating that we are celebrating 55 years of independence.


  1. Hmmm... nampak macam bendera tupun hasilan parrot. Susah nak cari one-in-a-million.

    1. Sekarang ada lagu lain
      Rancak pula. Tak cek pula kalau tajuk masih 'Janji diTepati'. Tulah borderless parrot or is it ruthless greedy parrot

    2. SAPP pun macam parrot juga tu.

  2. Sabahans should lead by themselves...not dictated by Malayans, who knows nothing about Sabah.

    They just use Sabah for their means to their political ends, and the fact shows why we are still poor while them, Malayans thrived.

    Wake up, people of Sabah, you are being shortchanged since Malaysia was formed. No more federal politics, we should determine our future through our strong commitment and vote for our local parties, for our future and for the future of our generation.

    1. local parties? there's so many political party in sabah...which one?

    2. Local opposition parties still failed to cooperate, each party only wanted the power for themselves.

    3. I strongly want the Malayan to step aside from Sabah.

  3. Mahadek said:"don't trust local angels instead but be friends to foreign devils"....hmmm sometimes quite true by looking back our history of many local leaders or parties!!!

    Why regret today after intimating for such a long times?

    Make sure you really speak your heart!

  4. Uncle Choing,
    What kinds of habitat species again?New found species in Land Below The Wind or commonly have since '80?

  5. kita kena tahu hak kita sebagai Sabahans kerana sudah tiba masanya untuk kita membuat keputusan sendiri tanpa ada campurtangan dari luar.

    1. ya la...sendiri mahu nilai dan pilih lah..

    2. that's mean we must get our autonomy power.

    3. We should cooperate to fight the wrong party in Sabah.

  6. Dalam menjadikan keadaan lebih baik, kita kena bekerjasama untuk membentuk persefahaman.

    1. keamanan dan kestabilan yang dinikmati sekarang harus dijaga..

    2. setuju, kestabilan dan keamanan harus dipertahankan.

    3. kalau masing2 ikut cara sendiri, tiada muafakat maka apa yang kita inginkan tidak akan tercapai.contohnya untuk menuntut 20 Perkara.


    4. kita harus saling menghormati agar keharmonian terjamin.

  7. Kita tidak akan dapat mencapai apa yang ingin kita capai jika masih ada campurtangan pihak lain dalam membuat keputusan.

    1. kalau sendiri yang buat keputusan, tidaklah perlu menunggu satu tempoh masa yang lama.

  8. Semoga kesedaran ini membawa kepada perkara yang baik untuk rakyat Sabah.

  9. SAPP leaders also like a parrots...keep repeating what Yong said..

    1. ya, pemimpin2 sapp pun asyik ulang2 apa yang YTL cakap.

  10. dalam SAPP sendiri pun banyak yang macam parrot...

    1. Pandai cakap orang tapi tidak pandai mencerminkan diri.

  11. SAPP ni berabis mahu jadi hero...Yong sudah kemaruk mahu jadi KM sabah barangkali...tapi peluang SAPP untuk menang hampir mustahil.

    1. sapp memang suka berlagak hero. tapi kemahiran diorang ni cuma mengkritik saja.

    2. cukuplah jadi KM sekali saja. lagipun masa SAPP yang jadi kerajaan tiadapun yang mereka sumbangkan kepada negeri.

  12. Memang betul pemimpin Sabah BN ni selalu bersikap macam robot yang sudah kena program Putrajaya BN.

  13. apa yang sapp buat untuk rakyat selama ini? macam tiada pun.

    1. Ada...makan,minom,cakap-cakap masa perayaan ba!

    2. Selama ini Yong Teck Lee menjadi presiden SAPP, tapi tidak pernah membawa parti mereka mencapai apapa. Lebih baik YTL disingkirkan daripada SAPP supaya orang baru boleh mengambil alih.

  14. sapp ni parti yang keras kepala sebab itu sukar mahu kerjasama dengan parti lain.

    1. Banyak kali sudah merancang untuk bekerjasama dengan parti2 lain seperti PKR tapi sampai sekarang tiada pun kejadiannya.

    2. Perancangan sudah pun dibuat cuma tunggu saja Najib bubar Parlimen dulu.

    3. Nampaknya pada PRU-13 nanti, perlawanan banyak penjuru akan berlaku dan ia akan memecahkan undi pembangkang. Ini akan memudahkan Sabah BN untuk menang sekali lagi di Sabah.

    4. Ikut logik, memang tidak mungkin parti pembangkang boleh bekerjasama. Dalam parti PKR, Lajim Ukin dijanjikan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk mendapatkan kerusi Ketua Menteri, dalam parti Star dan SAPP pula, Jeffrey Kitingan dan Yong Teck Lee juga mahu menjadi KM. Mereka tak mungkin bekerjasama kerana semua pihak mahu mendapatkan kuasa.

    5. YTL tidak akan mudah mahu bekerjasama dengan pembangkang tempatan lain.

  15. it was also very disappointing when the article say the leaders in Sabah are ‘parroting’ the federal leaders when the opposition also doing the same thing ("parroting" their party president)

  16. "Sabah gained its independence in 1963, not 1957. We celebrate 49 years of independence this year, not 55 years."

    don't twisting the fact.. federal leaders said Malaysia independence, not Sabah alone.. even Pakatan will announce 55 years independence if they are the ruling party.. why must they use 49 years when there are states in Malaysia that gain independence early than that??

  17. SAPP pada PRU13 kibarkan bendera putih saja la.

  18. A Sabah Umno leader has expressed confidence that the Barisan Nasional (BN) will continue to lead the state after the next general election.

  19. Assistant Infrastructure Development Minister Datuk Japlin Akim said the people will back the BN because of its excellent record in maintaining economic and political stability.


  20. “I believe the people will make the right choice when the time comes,” he told reporters when met at his Aidilfitri Open House in Kolombong


  21. Japlin also said the state government under Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has fulfilled the aspirations of the people who wanted to see such political and economic stability in the state.


  22. He added that Sabah’s prevailing strong financial reserves compared to earlier situations would spur development programmes to benefit the people.

  23. Japlin added that the earnestness of the Federal Government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to assist the state government in developing Sabah has also enhanced the people’s confidence in the BN.

  24. “ As we know, Sabah received a hefty RM4 billion allocation, the largest by far, in our history,” he said.

  25. He also said the 1Malaysia concept introduced by the Prime Minister has strengthened cooperation and unity among the Malaysians of diverse backgrounds.


  26. Meanwhile, Japlin also supported the Chief Minister’s recent statement that the review of the state’s five per cent oil royalty could be discussed amicably with the Federal Government.

  27. Musa had also said as a caring leader, the Prime Minister was always prepared to listen to the voice and needs of the people.


  28. And according to Japlin, the time has come to hold another discussion to consider a review of the oil royalty.


  29. To a question, he said it was necessary to set up a committee to look into the review. And on the recent discovery of an oil field in Kota Belud, Japlin said this would create job opportunities for the thousands of residents in Usukan and Kuala Abai.
