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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sabahan beware! PKR and its game plan

Pakatan cannot win Sabah, but instead of supporting SAPP to win Sabah, they purposely contest in all constituents seat just to steal the votes away from SAPP so that SAPP cannot win. This is Pakatan's plan. If SAPP loses that means either BN or PR wins. PR prefers if BN wins because Sabah scenario is different from Malaya.  If PR captures Putrajaya, BN winners in Sabah will join PKR to do a reverse takeover of Sabah using the same UMNO leaders. This is why UMNO leaders in Sabah does not worry about the outcome of PRU13 in Sabah because either way they win.

I have tried to make our people understand the intricacies and complexities of Politics in Sabah, but many of our people are still too naive to ponder the sophisticated nature of our political system. To make it easier for our people I have always used this mantra, "Just say, NO to party party Malaya."  This is the safest action for us to take. Trust our leaders in SAPP to fight the war for us.

At this time of our battle, we must put our trust on a trustworthy party. Today, this trustworthy party is SAPP. SAPP has proven its credibility and integrity for several years now.  SAPP had remained consistent and kept to its principles and did not bow down to pressure from Malayan parties such as UMNO and PKR to tow the line.  PKR did not respect our need for Autonomy. They, in fact, preferred if SAPP loses in this election because they have UMNO as their fix deposit as far as Sabah is concern.

People it is not an easy fight, but SAPP is our only ticket to freedom. Do not be miss lead by PKR. There is no black and white when it comes to politics.  What is bad in Malaya may be good in Sabah. The tail doesn't always follow the head. The best guarantee for our people in PRU13 is to vote for SAPP.  This is a win win solution for Sabahans.  You cannot do anything wrong when you vote for SAPP.

If you vote for PKR you never know for sure what will happen because at the end of the day they have got the same type of recycled leaderships. We will never be able to implement our autonomy as promise in Malaysia agreement of 1963, we cannot solve the PTI problem if we cannot implement Sabah IC, We will continue to be marginalized. These are facts and if you are Sabahans you need to think wisely.  Do the smart thing. Do something that has a guarantee, which is good for Sabahans.

I have said it many times; do not listen to malicious rumours being spread by PKR and UMNO agents. They attack Yong Teck Lee President of SAPP because he is Chinese.  I tell you what, given a choice, I would prefer a Chinese to be our president than a Pakistani or a Malay for that matter.  A good Chinese leader will take care of all the native people of Sabah; just as Lee Quan Yew did for Singapore.

If not based on race these UMNO and PKR agents attack Yong Teck Lee by saying he is corrupted, that he caused the downfall of SAS and etc. These are all lies and false accusation.  Believe me they are false. That is their character assassination tactic to destroy Yong Teck Lee and SAPP.  Do not fall prey to these rumours.

As a man of integrity, I put my name and my pride and dignity in these statements.  I know the truths and I can tell you that Yong Teck Lee is a man of integrity.  He is perhaps the only politician in Sabah that is not corrupted.  This is the kind of leader we need.  We need a competent leader who is not corrupted.  It is hard to find such a leader, but if we find one we must support this kind of leader with all our might, for this is good for our country.

If you know me, you will know that I am a man of integrity.  I will put my life on the line to fight for justice and what is honourable for our people. Today, I am fighting to make our people understand the best solution for our future. This election is too important for us to screw it up again just because we do not know the truth.  I hope you can trust me and trust my words.  If you know me, you will know that I am not a man who hungers for power.  In fact I have never intended to run for office.  I prefer to live a normal citizen’s life, but today I am in a struggle against injustice.  What I see today is not good for the present and future of our people as a whole.

What is life when too many of us are marginalized and impoverished?  How can I enjoy life alone when my people around me are suffering?  All I want is an equal opportunity for our people.  I want a good government that cares for its entire people.  I do not want religion to be forced upon its people.  I want to respect and honour people.  I do not want to imprisoned them or subjugate them to a certain standard.  We ought to be free to live and die the way we please, the way our forefathers live in this vast and beautiful land.  I want a beautiful life and I wish that same life for our people.  No one should have the right to force others to follow their personal beliefs.  This is what freedom and liberty is all about.

For now, SAPP is the way forward for us. We have a great and honourable leader in Yong Teck Lee; we must not judge this man because he is of a different racial background.  We should not simply believe any rumours floating around to diminish a man's character and reputation without proof.  What happens to "innocent until proven guilty?"  The greatest solution for the Momoguns in Sabah today is to support SAPP and Yong Teck Lee. This is the best hope for our Momogun people today; and I can vouch for it. Right now our best hope is SAPP and Yong Teck Lee.  Let's not screw our future again because of prejudicial consideration and wrong information. Let's never screw our nation's future because of self-aggrandizement and personal opportunistic tendencies.  That would be a long-term disaster.

By Wilfred Gaban, Director of PIPPA – Progressive Institute of Public Policy Analysis

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