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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

LDP Internal Crisis: ROS recognises Teo, other SC members

KOTA KINABALU - LDP Deputy Secretary General Ho Jia Lit has categorically refuted the claim made by its embattled president Datuk VK Liew that its Secretary-general Datuk Teo Chee Kang has no locus standi to speak on behalf of the party as the latter has been removed from his post.

In a terse rebuttal issued here, Ho pointed out that the Registrar of Societies (ROS) still recognizes Datuk Teo Chee Kang as LDP’s Secretary General and that this was reflected in its certified list of LDP Supreme Council dated on Sept 19 2013.

Ho noted that the list Teo obtained from ROS showed the names of all the original supreme council members and party post holders, and it specifically states Teo as the legal Secretary-General of Party LDP among others.

He thus stressed that this effectively nullifies all allegations by Liew on the sacking of Teo and other LDP Supreme Council members.

“This list also effectively meant that there are no ‘vacancies’ for Liew to fill in with new appointed office bearers.

“To date, Liew has not provided any legal evidences to prove otherwise that his alleged new list of supreme council members are legally appointed and recognised by the ROS,” Ho claimed.

Likening Liew’s statement to an act of a desperate and irresponsible leader, Ho expressed regret that it has tarnished the image of Barisan Nasional (BN) as a respectable political party.

He further opined that Liew’s acting like a ‘kampung big bully’ was also a disgrace to his legal profession and to all (none lawyers) LDP members and to the common man in the street, especially when the latter said, “as at today, there is no order from a competent authority to say that their removals and the subsequent suspensions are invalid in law.”

“My opinion as a layman is this, as an experienced lawyer himself, Liew’s statements to the media is an act of disrespect and a disgrace to the integrity of his legal profession where the onus of any one’s Guilt is to provide the proof of his allegation to back him up, and not the other way round,” he said.

Ho also expressed regret that Liew has been all along alleging /accusing that all original LDP elected and appointed supreme council members and party post holders have been sacked by him and he is now demanding them to produce proof of otherwise.

“To me, this demand of his is an outright disgrace to the Professional Ethics of the legal profession and unbecoming of a lawyer worthy of a place in his community and he is thick faced enough to insist from his political party that he be given another five years term as party president.

By Samantha Rae  


  1. LDP's internal crisis should be a bygone

  2. There should be peace and why all of a sudden things happen like this?

  3. Apa dah jadi ngan liew dan teo ni?

  4. LDP crisis should be end by now

  5. Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga

  6. Jangan lagi la ba kamurang bergado2 tu

  7. This is too much . please stop before someone stopped u

  8. Jangan la gadu2 semacam tidak baik dipertontonkan

  9. This is too much to bear

  10. LDP perlu menyelesaikan secara baik kemelut kepimpinan dan politik dalam parti itu selaras dengan semangat Barisan Nasional (BN) yang mengutamakan perpaduan.

  11. Saya percaya mereka boleh berbincang dan berunding apa yang terbaik untuk parti itu…yang penting mereka tidak berpecah.. sebagai salah satu parti komponen BN, mereka perlu menyelesaikannya dengan cara yang baik.

  12. bukan sahaj LDP, malah masalah dalaman SUPP dan MCA juga perlu diselesaikan dengan baik secepat mungkin demi kepentingan memelihara keharmonian dalam gabungan BN.

  13. Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata beliau telah mengarahkan Setiausaha Agung BN Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor supaya berbincang dengan parti-parti itu sama ada wujud kemungkinan untuk berdamai atau menyelesaikan masalah dan mencapai persefahaman untuk mengatasinya.
