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Sunday, October 13, 2013

No excuse for Usno leaders to lead people into riot – Yong

Here, the debate was more lively as Yong contended that it was no excuse for Usno leaders to lead the people into a riot and cause chaos even if it was true that Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has betrayed a political pact they have agreed on.

Harris disagreed, saying that the consequences of such betrayal could have been much worse and Usno leaders only took part in a peaceful demonstration and not a riot, to keep the angry supporters in check and calm.

"It was a party betrayal and race and religion were involved. This is serious, the people felt cheated. If this happened in other countries, it would have been a different story, both (party leaders) would have been gone," he said.

Harris noted that PBS, in which Yong was then a supreme council member, signed a pact with Usno to oust Berjaya during the 1985 State General Election, with the aim to form a coalition government.

The pact, he said, was signed by Tun Mustapha Datu Harun and Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan, president of Usno and PBS respectively.

However, he said when PBS managed to win 26 seats out of 48, it reneged on the pact and formed the government by it self using the narrow two seats majority, which it could not have won without the backing from USNO.

"I remember very well that after the final result was announced, the late Tun Mustapha sent a representative to ask if the six Berjaya members could support USNO. I also told the six they are free to support Usno or otherwise.

"I was also told that the late Tun Mustapha made so many phone calls to Tan Sri Pairin and he was told that the latter refused to talk to him. It was then the late Tun was convinced that PBS had betrayed him and left him with no alternative.

"He went to the Istana Negeri to claim the Chief Minister ship in order to preserve a multi-racial government. The late Tun then told that if he was appointed, then he could have a bargaining position to negotiate a coalition government with PBS "he recalled.

Harris only raised one issue himself, seeking explanation from Yong on the Amanah Saham Sabah purchase of North Borneo Timber (NBT) shares.

He noted the proposed purchase was negotiated for more than three months, throughout which the NBT shares was hovering around RM5 per unit.

Shortly before the purchase, he said the share price jumped to a record high of RM37.50, causing Amanah to pay an amount between RM200 to 300 million for the shares it bought.

However, after two or three days, the shares came back down to its original price of RM5 and the RM300 million were reduced to RM30 million overnight.

This loss, he added, affected thousands of housewives, mostly Chinese, who lost savings for their children's education.

Yong in his response reiterated that there were there separate components in the NBT shares purchase package, namely the NBT shares itself, a shares swap and an RM50 million cash payment.

He maintained that although NBT shares itself recorded a loss, the overall package was still a profitable deal.

He also reiterated his call for the government to provide a White Paper on the issue and revealed that he was seeking the opportunity to subpoena NBT to release information on the deal.

However, he said this may take some time.


  1. Fakta yang perlu rakyat Sabah tahu ialah, nilai SAS meningkat setinggi RM1.47 seunit pada tahun 1995, peningkatan ini direkodkan selepas setahun ianya diperkenalkan iaitu pada tahun 1994. Kemudian nilainya jatuh pada tahun 1996 ketika Datuk Yong Teck Lee mula mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negeri Sabah.

  2. When Yong Teck Lee says that SAPP is fighting for native rights, he is simply lying. When he was the chief minister [1996–1998], lands allocated to natives were actually ‘stolen’ and given to public-listed companies. A good example is the Tongod Region where not less than 20,000 acres of land earlier set aside for native socio-economic projects, under the ‘Tongod Regional Planning Study’, mooted during the Berjaya era, were given away to a public-listed company. This is blatant Daylight Robbery!!

    1. this land was allocated to SUCCC, Sabah Bumiputra Chamber of Commerce (SBCC) and the Kadazandusun Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI)...not public listed company for agriculture and reforestation...obviously, writer tries to mislead.

    2. OIC, Native land rights were safeguarded.

  3. As a consequence, the impoverished and largely hardcore poor of Tongod lost their birthright (ancestral lands) and became ‘refugees’ on their own land, setting up ‘sulaps’ along the road bordering their stolen land, eating dust induced by passing vehicles, everyday. To add insult to injury, the mega companies that now occupy the ‘stolen’ lands, evicted them and bulldozed even their dilapidated dwellings.

  4. Unfortunately, in the lot of FMU licenses, dubious individuals with no capability whatsoever were also chosen. Consequently, many licensees failed to perform, incurring huge losses to the State government in the region of billions of ringgit.

    1. Not true...see below....Praise for Sabah’s forestry policy growing popular - 31 December 2011

      SABAH is fast becoming a trailblazer in sustainable forest management. This is evident from the numerous accolades, notably from the United Nations, World Wildlife Fund Malaysia, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Prince Charles Charity, for the success of its forest conservation efforts.

      With the global community looking at Sabah as a fine example in tropical rainforest protection and management, several forest conservation-related international meetings and conferences were held in the state over the past few months.

  5. Today’s failures of many licensees which have resulted in the termination of a number of them, is a revelation of poor planning, poor execution and reckless choices. Some of the licensees have never been even seen a forest area, let alone seeing a concession area that can be as big as 600,000 acres.

    Why were these clowns chosen in the first place? Only SAPP can answer that.

    1. Not true...see below....Praise for Sabah’s forestry policy growing popular - 31 December 2011

      SABAH is fast becoming a trailblazer in sustainable forest management. This is evident from the numerous accolades, notably from the United Nations, World Wildlife Fund Malaysia, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Prince Charles Charity, for the success of its forest conservation efforts.

      With the global community looking at Sabah as a fine example in tropical rainforest protection and management, several forest conservation-related international meetings and conferences were held in the state over the past few months.

  6. The allocation of such large areas in one go for a lifetime (100 years) gives little opportunity for the government to review the agreements. Why was it not done in a step-by-step manner? For example, allocate a small area first and then expand on the basis of performance?

    1. Forest Management is like that...for the survival of forests.

  7. when Yong Teck Lee was Sabah Chief Minister, he approved a share swap deal whereby 32 million in blue chip MISC shares for shares in trading company North Borneo Timber Corporation (NBT) and fast-food company Sugarbun Corporation Bhd. MISC shares were disposed of at RM5.70 per share with a value of RM182.4 million and traded with three million NBT shares at RM32 each or RM96 million and 4.67 million Sugarbun shares ot RM7.60 each or RM36.176 million.

    1. Why the government afraid for white paper? They are scared that the tin of words will come out involving mostly umno culprits who caused the downfall of SAS.

  8. While MISC shares are now worth RM8.70 per unit or a total of RM278,400,000 today, Warisan Harta has ended up with a bundle of worthless paper. Would the real Yong Teck Lee come forward and explain this debacle.

    1. Went to the debate,,,it was explained by Yong...should have known that SAS is managed by Umno people. NBT shares were sold with profit before it went down during the asian financial crisis.

    2. Even Tan Sri Harris' accepted Yong's explanation with a thumbs up...biggest shares holder is REPCO, an Umno crony company in SAS.

  9. After the March 2008 General Elections, Yong Teck Lee tried in vain to make a pact with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. But the other party failed to get the required numbers. SAPP pulled out of the BN not because they did not have confidence in the then Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, but Yong Teck Lee wanted to be appointed a Senator and be made a federal minister. When he did not get what he wanted, he courted the opposition. He fights with his friends in the BN, now he fights with his friends in Pakatan. Even Pakatan don’t trust him. That is why they have fielded their own candidate.

    1. Betray, you are obviously trying to link a lie to another lie...good try

  10. this two have pass their time. this debate will take us no where.. digging out the past wouldnt do us any good.. unless we learn from it.. i personaly think that this debate was a waste of time... nothing new about it.. so yong teck lee i suggest u retire and harris can sit back and enjoy the show... let the current goverment show u how to really govern sabah.. both of you are incapable thats for sure.

    1. A lot of youngsters now do not know about our political history in Sabah..this debate should be a good one for them to know why Sabahans should rise up....20 points agreement and so forth.

  11. most of the above comments are anonymous because these are fake names. This is a cyber trooper paid by the crooks to hit at me. These are cowards. If you have guts, come out and say those lies that you have posted. That is why you are cursed.

  12. can you imagine? The umno-paid cyber trooper is so lazy, he posted all his comments one after another all done in 12 minutes. He was in a hurry to the bank -so he quickly created new names and posted the typical comments and then left to spend his ill gotten money. As for KJ, the last comment, this is one sour grape con man who had tried to discredit the debate and then, when realised that the capacity crowd, he too joined in the debate. hehehehe......

  13. Apapun bagi BN, dengan tindakan SAPP itu, ia perlulah mengambil langkah-langkah susulan “mengemaskan rumah” .Yang penting, BN kena bersatu dan memperkukuhkan jalinan persefahaman dalam berhadapan parti-parti alternatif, khusus yang menggunakan isu Sabahan.

  14. Tindakan SAPP meninggalkan BN merupakan satu lagi sejarah dalam politik negara. Biarpun, kesan peninggalannya tidak seribut sebagaimana keadaan selepas PBS meninggalkan BN pada 1990 dahulu, namun ia merupakan sejarah hitam yang ada kesannya yang tersendiri.

  15. Kejayaan cemerlang BN mendapat mandat pada PRU13, adalah bukti sokongan kuat rakyat terhadap kepimpinan Musa Aman

  16. Musa telah membuktikan sentuhan ajaib dan kecemerlangannya mengemudi jentera parti dan kerajaan, sekali gus berjaya meraih sokongan padu rakyat

  17. Musa yang mengemudi BN negeri kepada kemenangan besar

  18. Siapa YONG TECK LEE? Orang Sabah semua kenal siapa YONG TECK Lee. Dialah yang mempengaruhi Pairin keluar BN diambang pengundian pada pilihanraya umum tahun 1990.

    1. Keluar BN dan bersama Gagasan dibawah Razaleigh, Dap, Pas untuk tumbang UMno-BN ialah peluang pertama pada masa itu...tapi gagal. apa boleh buat

  19. Yong Teck Lee pula lah yang menikam Pairin tahun 1994 dan menubuhkan SAPP. Yong Teck Lee pula lah yang menikam BN-Sabah tahun 2008.

    1. Tapi Pairin patut disalahkan sebab mengetepikan Yong dan kumpulan. Pairin pada masa itu bergabung dengan PBS+ Tun Mustapha dan tidak memerlukan Yong atau undi Cina untuk menang.

  20. Melalui Gerakan 16 September Anwar itu, Yong dijanjikan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri 2 bagi mewakili Sabah dan Sarawak.

    1. Oloe, ini memang pembohongan kau buat. bagus kalau kau tanya Anwar sendiri...adakah janji dibuat...janganlah buat fitnah sini.

  21. Rakyat Sabah mungkin tidak pernah dan akan melupakan peranan yang YTL mainkan dalam kes rasuah dari tahun 1996 hingga 1998. Rakyat Sabah juga mungkin tidak lupa peranan YTL terhadap Saham Amanah Sabah semasa dia menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah.

    1. Pada 1996, Yong sebagai ketua menteri mengarahkan pembayaran RM5 juta hasil keuntungan jualan saham syarikat milik kerajaan negeri, Sapi Plantation milik Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Negeri Sabah

    2. Lothao, Fide, Oloe bla bla bla...janganlah buat fitnah, bohong di sini, kalau mahu cabar di dalam news. beri nama yang betul, bukan alias sini alias sana,,,sama satu orang yang post saja...

  22. Selama tempoh dua tahun Yong menjadi KM Sabah, banyak dasar-dasarnya tidak popular termasuk memperkenalkan Forest Management Unit yang mengasingkan 2 juta hektar kawasan balak negeri Sabah kepada kurang daripada 20 syarikat untuk tempuh 100 tahun.

  23. Semasa menjadi Ketua Menteri terlalu banyak hak-hak rakyat dikatakan telah dinafikan oleh beliau dan antaranya adalah :geran-geran tanah untuk kampung-kampung tradisional Melayu seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon,Tebobon,Karambunai dan Menggatal tidak diluluskan bagi tujuan pemilikan kerajaan negeri (untuk keuntungan peribadi).Tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputra.Tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputra.

  24. Yong juga dipercayai mempunyai perwatakan pemimpin yang tidak boleh dipercayai malah disifatkan antara pemimpin yang mendokong sifat opurtinis dengan mengambil kesempatan pada mereka yang mempercayai beliau

  25. YTL dipercayai mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan Anwar Ibrahim dan banyak menerima dana melalui kapasiti Anwar sebagai Menteri Kewangan.

    1. Siapa percaya pembohong BN ini...whether you are a cyber paid trooper by BN or a BN writer...have some conscience here, why the need to spread are just similar to Red Bean Army...liars all liars.

  26. BN has always been there to share the truth with the people but all what the oppositions do is to come out and tell false stories to accuse the government

  27. we all know your secrets right from time so there is no need for you to come and defend yourself. the harm you did to the state is enough Yong

  28. we can remember what Yong did to BN in the past

  29. Yong Tech Lee has always been a traitor

  30. Musa has done his part to get the full support of the people


  32. Tarikh keramat 21 Julai akan dikenang oleh seluruh warga Likas khususnya dan Sabah amnya. Tarikh ini juga menyaksikan bagaimana rakan-rakan dalam UMNO bekerja bermati-matian untuk memenangkan seorang manusia yang bernama Yong Teck Lee yang telah lebih 16 tahun memimpin Likas kawasan majoriti Bumiputera Islam.

  33. Likas juga akan tercatat dalam sejarah perjuangan UMNO bagaimana seluruh jentera mereka dari seantero negara turun ke Likas untuk memenangkan Yong Teck Lee. Rakyat bumiputera Islam Likas kenal siapa Yong Teck Lee, kenapa usaha keras UMNO ini akan tercatat sebagai sejarah politik UMNO?.

  34. 16 tahun Yong Teck Lee memerintah Likas termasuk 2 tahun dipilih oleh UMNO untuk menjadi Ketua Menteri, apa sumbangan besar beliau yang rakan-rakan UMNO beria-ia benar untuk memenangkan beliau.

  35. Di sini kita turunkan sumbangan beliau kepada pengundi Likas terutamanya bumiputera Islam yang rata-ratanya ahli UMNO;

    Sumbangan Yong Teck Lee kepada rakyat;

    1. Menziarahi rumah rakyat semasa kematian dengan memberi wang RM50, beras sekarung dan gula 5 kg.

    2. Ziarah orang sakit dan menyumbang RM50

  36. 3. Menghadiri majlis perkahwinan dan sumbang RM50

    4. Membeli undi untuk setiap kali pilihanraya antara RM50 - RM500

  37. Hak rakyat yang dinafikan Yong Teck Lee;

    1. Geran-geran tanah untuk kampung-kampung tradisional Melayu. Seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai, Menggatal.

    2. Tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputera.

  38. 3. Tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputera.

  39. Hak rakyat yang diambil oleh Yong Teck Lee;

    1. 1 juta ekar konsesi balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan.

    2. Tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas bernilai lebih RM500 juta

  40. 3. Tanah persisiran laut di Tanjung Aru bernilai lebih RM500 juta.

    4. Harta Amanah Saham Sabah (hak rakyat) melalui Warisan Harta Sdn Bhd bernilai RM70 juta.

  41. 5. Tanah-tanah SLDB (hak rakyat) bernilai lebih RM2 billion diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.

    6. Hak rakyat di KPD bernilai RM60 juta diambil melalui Benta Holdings.

    7. Duit rakyat di perbendaharaan negeri berjumlah RM36 juta setahun melalui Angkatan Hebat Sdn Bhd (kontrak sewa kereta kepada semua agensi kerajaan).
