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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Harris knows he is wrong, says NGO

KOTA KINABALU - Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh (pic) must apologise to Sabahans for signing the Oil Agreement and giving away Labuan to Putrajaya for free without their consultation, said Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM) Chairman, Daniel John Jambun.

"We are not saying that he should have Sold Labuan for money. We are saying that he should not have given away Labuan to Malaya and had no business, law or no law, in doing so. He will lose in the Court of Public Opinion," he said in a statement.

Based on a recent front page statement in the local media, he said Harris, like other "apologists" for Malaya and Putrajaya, continues to live in a state of extreme denial on the plight of Sabah (Sarawak too) since 16, Sept, 1963.

"Hardly 16 days after it obtained independence, Sabah and Sarawak werepushed into the Malayan Federation by the British colonialists in cahoots with Malaya while the UN looked the other way.

"Even the Conference of Malaya Rulers and the States in Malaya were not consulted. What more proof does Harris want of Malaya and Putrajaya being in colonial occupation of Sabah and Sarawak when the proof is all around us in the Master -Slave relationship, the sick ideology of ketuanan Melayu, and the slave mentality and dependency syndrome foisted on us," he said.

"What better proof of colonialism can there be when Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest in Malaysia could have been much better off on their own?

"The World Bank, using Government figures from Putrajaya, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, announced in Kota Kinabalu in Dec 2010 that Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest states in Malaysia. Forty per cent of the poor in Malaysia, according to the World Bank, were in Sabah.

"Malaya has also never observed Malaysia Day, 16 Sept, even once in the last 50 years because they know it marks Occupation Day," he claimed.

Jambun claimed there was also no indication in the Federal Constitution that the name Malaya was changed to Malaysia.

"The Malayan Government has become the Malaysian Government and we have no share of it. The Malayan flag and national anthems have become Malaysian.

"Malaya has stolen our seats in Parliament and Malayan parties are stealing even more seats in Borneo.

"No Sabahan or Sarawakian will ever become Prime Minister or even Deputy Prime Minister under Ketuanan Melayu. There's no Malaysia as . originally envisaged," he claimed, adding that Article 160 of the Federal Constitution made this clear.

Sabah and Sarawak were pulled into the Federation on Malaya as the 12th and 13th states to facilitate the merger of Singapore and Malaya.

Jambun said the Federation of Malaya was masquerading as the Federation of Malaysia and the Constitution of Malaya is being passed off as the Constitution of Malaysia.

"The facts speak for themselves."

He said the .British told Sabahans and Sarawakians that Malaysia will be an equal partnership and they also told the UN that Sabah and Sarawak will be joining the existing Federation of Malaya so there was no need for a Referendum.

"Harris has also been claiming at every opportunity that the 20 Points - a constitutional document on Malaysia are no longer relevant.

"If there had been a Referendum on Malaysia, the 20/18 Points along with the Malaysia Agreement would have provided the two additional basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia.

"What's the basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be members of the Federation with Malaya if there's also non-compliance on the Malaysia Agreement and the 20/18 Points?" he asked.

"The people are being marginalised and disenfranchised especially through illegal immigrants entering the electoral rolls. In rooting for the Filipino and Indonesian illegal immigrants, Mahathir

Mohamad doesn't seem to care that Sabah belongs to the Orang Asal and other Sabahans.

"The Sabah and Sarawak governments are helpless. Some political figures are proxies, stooges and rogue elements -through handing out of MyKads to illegal immigrants," he said.

Singapore was kicked out of its merger with Malaya in 1965 and today has an economy, in GDP terms, which is almost as large as that of Malaysia. Singapore's runaway success since 1965 merely reflects the failure of Malaysia especially in Borneo, he said.

Brunei is in control of its considerable oil and gas reserves unlike Sabah and Sarawak whose resources are being stolen by Petronas in cahoots with Putrajaya since 1976 in defiance of the Federal Constitution and based on a One-sided Oil Agreement which is worse than useless in international law.

"The onus is on Malaya to disprove theft, failing which the issue of punitive compensation enters the picture," he said.


  1. harris wajar disiasat dan si sumbat masuk ke penjara.. dialah penjenayah sebenar di sabah.. ramai percaya bahawa Harris juga dalang sebenar projek IC..

  2. memendangkan si harris ni sudah tua bangka, bagus suruh dia bayar ganti rugi sebelum dia menghembuskan nafas terakhir.. berdasarkan pembelotan2 yang dia lakukan keatas sabah, saya rasa kekayaan dia lebih dari bill gate..

  3. Harris, Anwar dan Mahathir adalah pembelot sebenar yang bertanggunjawab mengkucar kacirkan negara hari ini..

  4. "poorest in sabah" first of all daniel jambun.. there are almost 32 race in sabah..and 1 new race the PTI... which one of thesee race is the poorest?? did the world bank count in the PTI??.. im sure most of the 40% is from the PTI race..

  5. Jambun is delusional.. if what he accuse of is the truth why not suit the goverment?? we singapore is small compared to sabah.. demographic geopraphic differ from singapore.. singapore has the foundation to grow that time.. while sabah still lack of everything how do you jambun suggest we compete with singapore??

  6. Harris should be left forgotten in the prison.

  7. he has no truth in him and i dare him not to speak against our government again

  8. Harris has indeed been a traitor to the progress of the state

  9. he is the same person accusing the government in every angle, it thinks its time we start accusing him now as well

  10. how could Harris have done that?

  11. Harris Salleh membidas anggapan bahawa Sabah tidak maju seperti mana diharapkan selepas merdeka 50 tahun, bukan disebabkan oleh pemimpin Kuala Lumpur, akan tetapi disebabkan oleh pemimpinnya sendiri.

  12. Kenyataan-kenyataan bekas-bekas pemimpin Sabah seperti Dr Jeffery Kitingan, Yong Teck Lee kononnya Sabah adalah jajahan baru Kuala Lumpur, kerana tidak mengutamakan kemajuan negeri di bawah bayu itu selama 50 tahun, merupakan kenyataan yang amat nakal.

    1. pembangkang yang hanya kalah setiap kali PRU

    2. MELIHAT kepada rekod peruntukan Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada Sabah sejak tahun 2010-2013 yang berjumlah RM6 bilion atau RM 2bilion setahun khusus untuk projek-projek Jalan Luar Bandar (JLB), Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (BALB) dan Bekalan Litrik Luar Bandar (BELB) serta Program Bantuan Perumahan (PBR); merupakan peruntukan yang amat besar.

    3. Namun pelaksanaan yang tidak selari dengan perancangan Kerajaan negeri, maka peruntukan yang besar itu tidak kelihatan impaknya, sehingga pihak pembangkang mempertikai, bahawa kononnya kerajaan persekutuan tidak memberi perhatian kepada keperluan rakyat.

    4. Sekiranya peruntukan itu disalurkan kepada Kerajaan negeri, maka impaknya akan lebih nyata, kerana kerajaan negerilah yang merancang pembangunan negeri, sesuai dengan keperluan rakyatnya.

    5. Menyentuh berkaitan peruntukan kerajaan Persekutuan ini, Timbalan Pengerusi Umno Sabah Datuk Dr Salleh Tun Said menyarankan untuk masa akan datang, semua peruntukan kerajaan Persekutuan yang akan digunakan untuk Sabah bagi maksud pembangunan agar disalurkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri, agar supaya bentuk pembangunan tidak bertindih, dan seterusnya boleh mencapai sasaran yang lebih luas dan menyeluruh.

    6. Saranan ini tepat masanya, bagi membalas jasa kepada rakyat Sabah yang menaruh kepercayaan kepada kepimpinan Negeri yang diketuai Datuk Musa Aman pada PRU-13 lalu, di mana BN Sabah adalah salah penyumbang terbesar kepada kerusi BN di peringkat pusat, manakala di Peringikat negeri menubuhkan kerajaan dengan kuasa melebihi 2/3.

  13. Mereka berhujah tidak disertai fakta, malah banyak menyembunyikan fakta positif keberadaan Sabah dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.

    1. Harris mahu mengelak sesuatu la tu

    2. Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata pembangunan pesat dinikmati Sabah selama ini, antara lain adalah hasil peruntukan berbilion ringgit setiap tahun daripada kerajaan pusat.

    3. Ia dipermudahkan lagi menerusi kerjasama erat antara kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan yang ditadbir Barisan Nasional (BN).Musa yang juga Pengerusi BN negeri berkata dasar dan pelbagai inisiatif kerajaan BN pimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang jelas memberi manfaat langsung kepada rakyat juga merupakan faktor sokongan kuat rakyat kepada BN.

    4. Sokongan berterusan rakyat kepada kerajaan BN selama ini adalah manifestasi daripada kebijaksanaan rakyat ''Negeri Di Bawah Bayu'' ini dalam menilai kepimpinan yang diinginkan untuk membela kepentingan mereka.

    5. Najib merupakan seorang perancang yang baik serta pemimpin yang penyayang dan dengan itu hubungan baik kerajaan negeri dan pusat yang sekian lama terjalin perlu dikekalkan demi kebaikan rakyat Sabah.

    6. Katanya sejak beliau menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah, bantuan kerajaan kepada sekolah jenis kebangsaan, sekolah mubaligh, gereja serta kuil telah meningkat kepada sebanyak RM30 juta setahun berbanding sebelumnya antara RM1 juta hingga RM2 juta setahun.

  14. mengapa kah baru kini mereka bersuara? Mengapakah semasa mereka ditampuk kuasa tidak berkata apa-apa? Apa kah masa itu, mereka langsung tidak mempunyai masa bercakap kerana sibuk mengira wang yang masuk dalam poket atau akaun bank?

  15. kerana rakyat melihat dan telah menilai kepimpinannya yang hanya untuk diri sendiri, maka selepas keluar daripada BN, di mana kah Yong sekarang

    1. Kepimpinan Harris Salleh memang teruk

  16. Kalaulah rakyat merasakan bahawa mereka dijajah? mengapa setiap PRU sejak tahun 2004 BN terus meneng? sedangkan pada masa inilah digembar gemburkan bahawa Sabah dijajah!

    1. jangan mudah terpedaya dengan kata-kata pembangkang

  17. Bernasib baiklah, UMNO masuk Sabah pada tahun 1991, kemudian kini menjadi tunjang kerajaan negeri.

  18. Perbalahan sekarang yang ditimbulkan oleh para bekas pemimpin, mempunyai kait rapat dengan ekonomi.

  19. Perancangan wakil rakyat dan pemimpinnya yang boleh membawa kemajuan sesebuah kawasan

    1. perancangan la yang penting. penting untuk memajukan kawasan yang mereka menang

  20. Harris Salleh said it is not necessary to serve a subpoena on him to appear before the RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah when it begins hearings.

  21. it must be emphasised and stressed that the power of granting citizenship and issuing identity cards are vested with the Federal Government under the constitution and law

  22. the Federal Government can grant citizenship to anyone at anytime even after a few days of arrival, if it deems that person is of national interest

  23. over the years out of the few hundred thousand Philippine refugees in Sabah, some were issued with IMM13 to allow them to stay in Malaysia, and they must have been accorded citizenship.

    1. the population increase is a little higher than normal.
