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Monday, January 20, 2014

What Goes Around Comes Around

By Amde Sidik

I can use word Allah but you can’t ...

I’ve participated in a small way discussing this topic. My stance remains as it was. I could not care or less, who or what disguises me, Ustaz, Mufti, Agong or even Parliament since Islam is a universal religion; my only concerned is law of God. That is my view about Islamic religion. Some people called God with name or names, and that are theirs.

Drop me anywhere in the world where there is no single Muslim, I shall remain a Muslim, God’s will. So what’s the fuss about? I shall leave to the Almighty to decide what’s in store for me. The same to others, they have exclusive right over what religions they wish to follow.

Islam that I know is definitely colour blind there is no such thing as your Islam is less Islamic than mine. For those quarrelling over God I can only say this, crazy!

In Malaysia religion should not be used as a device to break harmonious society; we have far too much work ahead if we want the country to succeed and be progressive. We should be in fact envious when seeing the progresses made by other countries like South Korea and the laughable China 20 years ago now the country on everyone’s lips.

Some of our people proud talking that Sunni is truer Islam than Syiah, fifty years ago I never heard this argument, which added to further religious confusion in this country.
Countries like Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iraq are simply failed states. I must say this, stop sending students to these places and start recalling them back otherwise; we are brewing potential Al Qaeda too

If Malaysia seriously wants to have two political system of administration by all means do it properly Sabah and Sarawak can be helpful as well as useful providing assistant.

Many Malaysians cognise differences between the Malay Peninsular and Borneo States; cultures, religious tolerance, linguistics among them, distant-wise, Kota Kinabalu is about 1009 miles away from Kuala Lumpur, divided by South China Sea if there is a real requirement for reset button, better be in order to sustain the longevity of Malaysia.

To sum up for my today’s posting, religions have never been an issue in Sabah and no right-minded Sabahans would want to import extremism.

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