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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why No Thorough Investigations on Fake Sabah ICs? - Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU - “Fake Sabahan/Malaysians will continue to appear and haunt West Malaysians as long as the federal government refuses to take the illegal issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads in Sabah seriously” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief commenting on reports of 6 Pakistani taxi drivers being arrested in the Klang Valley with fake ICs impersonating as Sabahans.

The taxi drivers had admitted that they were born in Pakistan but were caught in possession of ICs with the “12” born in Sabah code.    They were probably similar to those “born twice” (once in their home country and another time in Sabah) recipients of ICs given to illegal immigrants in Sabah as revealed during the RCI hearings last year.

What was more disturbing was that the 6 Pakistanis were given letters to report to the National Registration Department (NRD) within 7 days to sort out their identification documentation?

“What enforcement or lack of enforcement is being meted out to these illegal foreigners?”

“Why were they not arrested and detained on the spot and further investigations carried out” lambasted Dr. Jeffrey at the actions of the enforcement officers.

There is no reason to release the Pakistanis who were obviously in possession of fraudulent ICs or MyKads and were not genuine Malaysian citizens.   They would also be running afoul of the immigration laws as well.

It is obvious that the actions of the enforcement officers amount to conspiracy with the culprits that have issued the fake ICs in the first place.    With such apathetic attitude and conspiracy stand, it won’t be surprising that when these 6 Pakistanis present themselves at the NRD, they will be issued with another set of new identification cards.

The present federal government need to take stern and drastic actions to weed out the illegal foreigners holding fake ICs particularly those that tarnish the image of genuine Sabahans.  There could be as many as 1.5 million of such fake IC holders.   They need to rectify the mistakes of past leaders who have committed treason of the highest order when these dubious and fake ICs were issued.

Already fake Sabah ICs have turned up through the arrests of foreigners with fake MyKads and working as security guards amidst a spate of violent crimes.  Now the turn of taxi drivers.

“Who knows who will turn up next with fake ICs?” “Maybe even government servants, army and security personnel, maybe even politicians and Ministers” asked Dr. Jeffrey cynically.

If the PM does not order an immediate and thorough investigation in the Pakistani 6 and to make public the investigations, the present PM is no different from the previous PMs who were complicit in the issuance of dubious ICs in Sabah.

As for the Sabah government, they need to sit up and take action to issue a new Sabah IC for genuine Sabahans and a Sabah Non-Resident Card for non-Sabahans to weed out fake Sabahans.  If Sabah ICs were issued, it would have weeded out the 6 Pakistani taxi drivers as non-genuine Sabahan/Malaysians.

The Sabah government need to safeguard the sovereignty of Sabah and security of Sabahans/Malaysians.  The government has no alternative but to issue such Sabah ICs even if means it will remove many Umno members from the electoral rolls.   The Sabah government leaders need to show that they love Sabah more and not their positions and vested interests.

Ideally, with the issuance of the Sabah IC, the Sabah government should establish a Sabah Homeland Security Ministry and regain control of immigration, national registration and security to safeguard the sovereignty of Sabah as well as the security and well-being of all Sabahan Malaysians.

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