Kota Kinabalu, Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Hitting the palm oil industry with an additional cess of RM2 per ton of crude palm oil and palm kernel oil is damaging the economic recovery of the country, especially oil palm producing states like Sabah.
This new RM2 cess, effective on February 15, is on top of the RM14 (per ton of palm oil) that has been enforced ever since January 2020.
The current spike in CPO prices is caused by a combination of lower production and global economic recovery. The current good prices of CPO is not as rosy as it seems on the surface. It is common knowledge that many plantations are not able to fully harvest their fruits (fresh fruit bunches) due to problems of foreign labour.
As such, even though the rise in CPO prices is a welcome break for the palm oil industry, the current prices is not as profitable as what a tax collector might assume. Afterall, the palm oil industry is still at the early stages of recovering from the economic gloom caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
I notice that each time that the oil palm sector is beginning to recover, the government will impose new taxes. Other than windfall tax, the palm oil industry had been hit with a new cooking oil subsidy that the oil palm industry is forced to bear on behalf of the whole nation in 2008.
How about the pharmaceutical sector benefitting from Covid-19?
It is also common knowledge that some big pharmaceutical companies are making good profits and laughing all the way to the bank, every day of the last one year.
If the government is looking for new revenues by way of windfall taxes, then one sector that has been raking in billions is the pharmaceutical industry and the Covid-19 tests companies, including the companies that handles the Covid-19 vaccines.
Datuk Yong Teck Lee
President, SAPP
Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya pak resky pekerjaan saya sehari-harinya cuma seorang TKI pembantu di negara tentangga yaitu di malaysia yang pendapatannya tidak seberapa dan suami saya cuma kerja di kelapa sawit,buat biaya anak sekolah aja tidak cukup di kampung apalagi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup keluarga sehari-harinya dan suatu malam saya buka internet dan tidak sengaja saya temukan number HP EYANG WORO MANGGOLO langsung saya telpon beliau dan menceritakan semua keluahan saya dan akhirya di kasih ANGKA GHAIB 6D benar-benar tembus dengan adanya EYANG semua hutang-hutang saya di kampung sudah lunas semua ,bahkan sekarang saya sudah buka usaha WARUNG MAKAN di malaysia!!! sekali lagi saya mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada EYANG WORO MANGGOLO atas bantuan Eyang kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan EYANG WORO MANGGOLO pula yang telah memberikan angka ghaib hasil ritual,beliau kepada saya yaitu 6D dan alhamdulillah telah berhasil memenangkan 5x berturut-turut tembus .
ReplyDeleteSolusi yang tepat jangan anda putus aza karna EYANG akan membantu anda semua dengan Angka ritwal/GHOIB apa bila anda butuh angka togel 2D-3D-4D-5D-6D, dijamin 100% jebol.
Apabila ada waktu silahkan/SMS EYANG WORO MANGGOLO di number 082-391-772-208 .
angka;GHOIB: singapur
angka;GHOIB: hongkong
angka;GHOIB; malaysia
angka;GHOIB; toto magnum 4d
angka"GHOIB; laos…
angka"GHOIB; macau
angka"GHOIB; sidney
angka"GHOIB: vietnam
angka"GHOIB: korea
angka"GHOIB: kudalari
sekali lagi makasih yaa Eyang waktu itu saya cuma bermodal uang cuma 300 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang banyak dan berkat angka gaib hasil ritual Eyang saya sudah buka usaha Kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS EYANG WORO MANGGOLO di number 082-391-772-208 insya allah beliau akan menbantu anda semua.trimakasih...