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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hoping funds for upgrading Park?

Kota Kinabalu, March 29, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Tanjung Aru Vice Chairman, Dionysius Asai hopes DBKK get approval from the Federal Government to fund the upgrading of Prince Philip Park which is now in bad shape. The mayor had listed one of his tasks is to get funds from the federal.
"The park now have fallen trees, broken benches, rusty iron rods, broken skating rings, rootless shelters, no life guard, sand-filled walkway, no proper lighting, collapsed seawalls, obviously no proper maintenance and unattended for long time.

"We have highlighted the deteriorating situation and sad state of the Prince Philip Park on several occasions before. This was an old and worsening problem. It was the first time the Mayor responded to the need to salvage the park which was once the pride of Kota Kinabalu.

"It is perplexing though that the City Hall and the Local Government does not have the fund and initiative to restore the glorious Park of our very own but only trying to seek Federal funding. The Chief Minister mentioned one of his achievements is the 3 billions State Government reserves. How come we have to depend on the Federal Government to upgrade a park of our own? It revealed the lack of ability and sincerity on the part of the State Government.

"This has been an overdue and worsening problem and the best the Mayor can say about it, is to hope to get fund. The Mayor was the permanent secretary of the Local and Housing Government before he became the new Mayor. He could have sorted out this matter while he was the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry.

"People have lost hope and patience on this issue because the people's representative or YB for Tanjung Aru is Assistant Minister in the Local Government. If the two rightful persons could not handle a Tanjung Aru Prince Philip Park problems, what else can the people hope for?

"The Mayor and the YB should do better than just hoping for something to happen.


  1. This is Yong Teck Lee's idea.

  2. Hopefully funds will be given by the federal to
    upgrade Prince Philip Park.

  3. hope the park will be upgraded.

  4. It could be done early if they want to.

  5. yup, upgraded the park

  6. Give the fund for upgrade this park.

  7. where is the profits as musang bin tidak aman claimed? To develop a park also need to beg KL like beggar? Dont cheat rakyat again. huhuhu

  8. Bagus jugalah kalau dapat fund at least Taman Prince dapat dinaiktaraf.

  9. Semoga hal ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  10. musang bin tidak aman kata kerajaan negeri untung banyak, tapi tiada duit kasih DBKK.

    Betulkah negeri Sabah untung banyak atau cakap untuk siok sendiri untuk tipu orang kampung?

    Allahku tahu kerja syaitan umno sabah. Ketulahan baru kamu tahu. Tunggu dan lihat.

  11. don't touch the 3 billions State Government reserves,, just continue to urged the federal government to channel the funds...

  12. atau cakap kosong saja itu 3 billion untuk siok sendiri??? Orang syaitan umno buduh bukan maksub semua rakyat sabah pun buduh macam kaki pengampu umno. Nama dia pun musang bin tidak aman. HAHAHAHA

  13. hope they will get the funds.
