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Friday, June 24, 2011

Early voting to replace postal votes

Postal votes have long been used by the BN government to manipulate results which are marginal.

Flight by night postal votes were used to help the BN candidate to win as shown in the Sandakan MP seat and the Api-Api state seat in the last 2008 general elections.

Whether early voting to replace postal votes has any effect on fairness of the election is yet to be tested.

Election Commission chairman, Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, said that through early voting, the EC could do away with the use of forms or envelopes as the voting process would be held in a normal manner, but earlier than for the normal voters.

At least this could or may avoid the voter slip buying by BN candidates or their agents. 

Normally past practices Umno in cahoots with EC have access on how and where to get these slips...which area they decide them to be used to make their candidate win.


  1. Boleh undi sekarang juga ka?

  2. Don't just simply said that the government manipulate the result if you don't know how the process.

  3. Walaubagaimanapun undian pos harus dijalankan.

  4. UMNO has been accuse of manipulating the postal votes over & over again & EC has been seen as an accomplice...

    but the fact still remain..the opposition manage to take over the government in 4 states & manage to hold 1 state in their fold...

    The logic is if EC is an accomplice to UMNO, why does this 5 states fall to the opposition? EC has all the power to block the winning by manipulating the votes...

    Its the same as the ghost voter proof has been shown yet & not even a person pose as a ghost hunter has been caught...

    so have some faith in our EC...

  5. bgslah, lepas ni tiada lagi isu undi pos untuk dipolitikkan.

  6. sebaiknya cara ini diteliti terlebih dahulu. jika ianya sesuai maka ia patut digunapakai, jika tidak sesuai, carilah kaedah lain.

  7. What are the proofs that the government manipulate the result??

  8. Neway, i hope the election will be fair and clean.

  9. whatever changes made by EC, if Pakatan still lose even one seat, it means that the EC is unfair.. unless they win all of the seats..
