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Monday, July 11, 2011

Atama prepared for detention

Activist Atama Katama is prepared to face the music for his action. 

The Sabah Bersih 2.0 ad hoc committee chairman is also prepared to face the worst consequence, including possible detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

"I have reason to believe that I am a target for arrest and I am prepared for it as I know there is a price to pay for fighting what I believe in ... that is democracy and Civil liberties of this country, I also believe there are many like-minded Malaysians who support me, and that is what inspires me and keeps me going despite all the challenges I'm facing," he said.

The Sabah hip-hop singer said this while leading a group of more than 100 Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) leaders and supporters in attending the launching of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) online radio and TV, Sabahtv. net, at its headquarters at Bornion Centre, Luyang here, yesterday.

He was responding to a question from the press following talks that his name had appeared in a police 'arrest list' and currently was just waiting for an instruction from the higher authority for the next course of action whether to arrest him.

Atama, who is also a MCLM member, stressed that he is not a member of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), who left the Barisan Nasional a few years back, but likened their relationship as: “Like riding on a bicycle We share the same struggle for autonomy for Sabah, besides good governance and civil liberties."

"I will not join any political party, and will remain as a social activist.

"We in MCLM will be there whenever required, to help protect and exercise the civil liberty of Malaysians, especially those in Sabah," he said.

Despite been prevented from holding the Bersih 2.0 rally here following the rejection of their applications for a police permit twice and their booking of a venue at the Foo Chow Hall, he believes that MCLM has succeeded in driving home its campaign to push for a 'clean and fair election in this country.

He later reiterated this during his interview by

Meanwhile, in a prepared statement issued at the launching ceremony, SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee asserted that the main agenda behind the launch of was to push for a clean, free and fair election, citing that only when there is free access to the media that people know what and who they were voting for.

"Only with clean, free and fair elections will Sabah gain autonomy and a clean government of the people, for the people, by the people of Sabah. But the government electronic media has become blatantly deceitful.

“With your support, can become a truly alternative voice of the people that is Clean, Brave and True (Bersih - Berani -Benar). Radio Sabahtv will also broadcast issues affecting ordinary people in Sabah. Languages are in Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Kadazan (the only internet Kadazan-language radio in the world)," he further noted.

Also present at the occasion to lend their moral support was a group of United Borneo Front (UBF) leaders and supporters led by its president, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

There was heavy police presence at Bornion Centre as they were put on alert for any illegal Bersih 2.0 rally.

A minor commotion happened in the early morning when a group of Kota Kinabalu City Hall enforcement personnel attempted to take down the billboard of the event citing no permit was given, but the entire occasion was a peaceful and joyous one.

The City Hall enforcement unit's attempt to remove the billboard was thwarted by SAPP leaders, after the latter strongly contested, besides demanding for an order for such purpose, which it failed to produce.


  1. Atama ini mahu mengikuti tapak kaki Name Wee.

  2. Atama ni minta puji ja, mau tarik perhatianlah tu.

  3. Atama you are just a small fish nobody is going to arrest you unless Pairin say so.

  4. let see what's going to happen next..

  5. tidak tahu apa yang berlaku seterusnya..tunggu dan lihat sajalah.

  6. Apa motif sebenar si Atama ni?

  7. Selamat berjuang.

  8. jadikah Atama buat perhimpunan Bersih sabtu lalu?

  9. Entah apa niat Atama. Dia ni pun kadang2 telebih juga. hihihi

  10. Tapi kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti, sejauh mana si Atama punya perjuangan ni. Kalau betul2 niatnya bersih rasanya ada hasil juga tu. Kalau tak.... sendiri mahu ingatlah:P

  11. bersedia sajalah asi..

  12. kalau teringin sangat mau masuk hal2 politik, join la ba mana2 parti politik..
