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Monday, July 11, 2011

BN's Janji-janji kosong?

"People beginning to distrust the BN government", laments PBS Vice President, Herbert.

KOTA KINABALU: In an open admission of failure, BN component PBS Vice President, Datuk Herbert Timbun Lagadan, has cried out aloud in panic that the people is his Kadamaian constituency in the Kota Belud district are beginning to think whether they can trust the BN government.

Herbert was lamenting the fact that in spite of the billions of ringgits poured into Sabah, only one of the
ten rural roads in his under developed constituency has been identified for upgrading. And this despite that state constituency of Kadamaian falling within the UMNO parliamentary constituency of Kota Belud represented by Datuk Rahman Dahlan, the Sabah BN secretary, a stalwart of Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman.

Political observers note that Herbert is one of the staunchest supporters of Sabah UMNO chief, Musa, and has been a mouth piece for UMNO to the point of being labeled a "stooge" of Musa.

In explaining the need for development funds, Herbert said about RM40 million is needed to upgrade 10 roads in the Kadamaian constituency. In explaining that these village roads must be sealed as 11,000 of 13,000 voters ply the roads daily.

"If these roads were not upgraded, I fear the Barisan Nasional (BN) may face difficulties to win the hearts of these voters in the coming 13th General Election.

He said the developments promises announced by the Rural and Regional Development Minister that roads situated within 30km radius from the township would be upgraded but until now, for many past elections, these roads have not been upgraded and these voters may believe the BN government is only about empty promises.


  1. Cheap publicity.PBS should leave BN if it has the guts but the leaders just want money and positions so no matter what they will just swallow their pride to th extent that they have no pride left.KDM should reject PBS.

  2. Besa la.. pilihanraya umum hampir tiba. takut kerusi dun yg dipegangnya hilang, mestilh nak kena menyalak sama itu umno. supaya nampak macam dia ni betul2 buat kerja. itulah, tempoh 3 tahun tu tak kasi manfaat. sibuk melalak sana sini utk erang org lain atau mempertahankan big bos. sekarang bila tiada apa2 yg boleh dibanggakan pada rakyat, mulalah mengelebah. nda heran la kdang2 boliau ni terlepas cakap, tak kesah pun kalau kerusinya bagi sama komponen lain atau pada org baru or calon wanita. saya rasa la kan... si herbert ni memang akan tersembam makan tahi sapi nanti masa PRU13 kelak. rakyat masa kini tidak perlukan YB yg hanya pandai/banyak cakap tapi karaja kurang. selamat tinggal pastor.

  3. Perjanjian perlu ditunaikan.

  4. jika dan berjanji tu tunaikanlah, jgn hanya beri janji kosong.

  5. jangan pula nanti Datuk Masidi menyalak lagi baru kerajaan nak buat kerja.

  6. rakyat sentiasa memerhati...keperluan rakyat perlulah diusahakan untuk dipenuhi.

  7. Tegur-menegur untuk perbaiki kelemahan.

  8. diharap janji2 yang telah ditabur segera ditunaikan kerana ia mempengaruhi sokongan rakyat pada PRU-13 nanti.

  9. jangan berat sebelah..semua kawasan harus dibangunkan.

  10. ok la tu.. at least dia berani bersuara.. kalau diam memanjang lain lagi jadinya..

  11. Janji perlu dikotakan itulah yang perlu bagi seorang pemimpin. Jangan kerana janji kosong rakyat menolak Kerajaan.
