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Monday, July 11, 2011

Marina Mahathir spotted at Bersih protests!

Is this really Marina Mahathir? Did the eldest daughter of despot Mahathir Mohamad really take part in the Bersih 2.0 rally for free and fair elections?

This photo is making the rounds in Facebook.

Recently, Marina - a patron of several local NGOs - condemned the Najib administration's crackdown on Bersih supporters, saying only people with something to fear would behave in such an extreme way.

Marina: I have to say that the night before I had many, many misgivings, especially after reading about the army doing exercises with the FRU. Could the government seriously be contemplating shooting their own people? Who knows? My stomach was in knots thinking about the many young people I knew who were intent on going, including my daughter. Would I be able to forgive myself if something happened to them?

After seeking advice from various friends, I finally decided that I could not stay safely at home while my daughter, friends and colleagues faced possible danger. I had to walk with them. Besides even if I stayed home, I would have spent all my time worrying. So I had to go.


  1. Marina Mahathir bukan seperti bapanya.

  2. Pendapat dan aliran politik bukan warisan.

  3. setiap orang ada pandangan masing2. begitu juga antara Marina dan Ayahnya, mereka berlainan pandangan.

  4. masing-masing mempunyai pendirian tersendiri.

  5. lain orang lain pendiriannya.

  6. Marina seorang yang berfikiran terbuka dan lantang bersuara. Siapa tahu suatu hari nanti dia terlibat dalam politik?

  7. Marina memperjuangkan apa yang dirasakannya benar.

  8. I'm not surprised.. she had show to us from the beginning that she one of the Bersih supporters.

  9. Setiap orang ada cara mereka sendiri. Anak tidak semestinya sama dengan bapanya.
