By: Dr. John Brian Anthony
I SAW that the above captioned is very prominent in the face book. The followers are gathering steam and I wonder how could this happen to the younger generation of Sabah and Sarawak. What did the Sabah /Sarawak youth see and experience in Malaysia today that make them angry. Doesn’t the BN government try to make them happy?
Colonization of Sabah and Sarawak.
As we all know, the reason are many and these young educated mind can collect information from all sources, analyze it and make their own conclusion that Sabah / Sarawak (S/S) is but a colony of Malaya.
S/S form Malaysia with Malaya and Singapore in the hope of a better future. In the end, as of today, Malaysia bring land grab, make illegal immigrant powerful that they can vote the government they want, lost job opportunities to Malayan people, lost their natural resources revenue to Malaya, bullied by officials who run the religious department, deprived of premier education opportunity, made poor and government could not care less, and all in all the future of S/S is not going to be better under the colonial policies (Ketuanan Melayu) of Malaya.
The above paragraph seemed to sum up the pent up frustration and anger of the youth of S/S. Little wonder then that Pakatan Rakyat is picking up support as the young voters start to reject BN Government.
The Rejection of BN Government
I must say that BN try to bring a lot of improvement to S/S. Unfortunately the current State leaders are CORRUPT to the bone. The whole BN component parties members are longing for fast short term financial gain and left the poor people with little or nothing to enjoy.
The ‘RACIALIST’ policy of BN UMNO are bringing disunity instead of a strong a united country. But the leaders of BN refused to acknowledge their folly and that would be their death bed in politics. BN do not know how to listen to the people. BN think that they are all powerful and whatever they say goes. Educated young people do not agree to such approach.
We are building a nation–not a race or to make a religion supreme. Our history and identity are different then how are you going to make that homogenize.
As ciizen of Malaysia we should have equal rights. It seems Malaysia is practicing ‘Animal Farm politics’ as written by George Owell, who wrote that “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”. That statement seemed to describe what is Malaysia today very well.
S/S to get out of Malaysia
This is a very sensitive topics to the Federal BN Government. Many people has been put under Internal security Act detention because they advocate the idea that S/S should get out of Malaysia if they want to progress.
S/S is prohibited to get out of Malaysia by LAW. So if you want S/S to get out of Malaysia you have to hold a referendum or get ready to fight a civil war with Malaya as the ‘colonial master’.
Malaysia was well designed that we do not need to resort to fight to get out of Malaysia if the Federal Government behave fairly. The 18 / 20 points is an agreement to make S/S autonomous in all the elements of the agreement. Some of the point has been incorporated in the federal Constitution BUT subsequent BN leaders either out of greed or simply ignorance if not plain stupidity do not take historical circumstances seriously.
The Federal Government under their ‘National Integration’ policy push for Ketuanan Melayu ideas and by doing so marginalized the people of S/S. This marginalization or deprivation of equal rights and opportunities is seen as the ‘colonizing’ behavior of BN Federal Government. It seems the youth of S/S is taking the fight to resist this colonization policy of the Federal Government.
So the federal Government must take serious view of their own behavior and change it because the S/S youth have decided to change their own self to defend the autonomy principle as inbedded in the 18/20 points agreement.
It is BN Federal Government choice to turn their blind eyes and put cotton wool unto their ears so that the voices of the S/S Youth would not be heard. What the youth is promising now is that SABAH SARAWAK will not be BN Government ‘fixed deposit’ anymore.
The king makers of the Federal Government is Sabah and Sarawak. The youth of Sabah and Sarawak must take this opportunity to play hard ball with the current Federal Government who in itself is weak due to weak moral leadership of the Prime Minister.
We want change and we demand change to take place OR you will be changed.
Change WE Must!
Kamunting Prison is waiting for those to touch this matters! 20 points Agreement- point no.7-SECESSION -There should be no right to secede from the federation.
ReplyDeleteThere is no more agreement as Singapore has left the Federation. Sabah should be a sovereign country.
ReplyDeleteThat depends majority voices.
ReplyDeleteNowadays youths of Sabah more mature and educated. They have their own opinions and views.
ReplyDeleteDo not repeating the same mistake again and again.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe can give a try but it is impossible to do....
ReplyDeleteWill miracle happens this time? Not easy to pull out from M'sia.
ReplyDeleteIf only greed doesn't take control...this country will be in peace..
ReplyDeleteWondering what would it be if S/S don't join to form M'sia..
ReplyDeletewe should be proud of being Malaysian ... while the government should be more sensitive to problems or needs of the people especially in Sabah and Sarawak
ReplyDeletethe current BN government should be more proactive to the rakyat's needs rather than being selfish
ReplyDeleteIt is BN Federal Government choice to turn their blind eyes and put cotton wool unto their ears so that the voices of the S/S Youth would not be heard. What the youth is promising now is that SABAH SARAWAK will not be BN Government ‘fixed deposit’ anymore.
ReplyDeletekerajaan harus lebih peka dan adil untuk mengatasi isu-isu semasa yang dihadapi oleh rakyat di Sabah/Sarawak
government should not let the frustration and rage by the youth of Sabah / Sarawak 'boiling'. If not, the opposition will use this excuse to garner the support of young voters to reject the BN government.
ReplyDelete"..young educated mind can collect information from all sources, analyze it and make their own conclusion that Sabah / Sarawak (S/S) is but a colony of Malaya." - apakah dengan kesimpulan sedemikian, kerajaan akan berdiam diri?
ReplyDeleteit's a serious issue for s/s to get out of m'sia.
ReplyDeletebut there will be people too in s/s who wouldn't want to get out from their home.
ReplyDeleteit's a very sensitive issue indeed. they should know that it's impossible to get out of here now.
ReplyDeleteTak perlulah ba, cuma setiap masalah yang timbul patut diselesaikan segera:)
ReplyDeleteKeluar pun sama juga cerita kalau sikap pemimpin/individu yang asyik mahu tunjuk hero tak berubah. Demi mencapai kejaan semua pihak patut bagi kerjasama.
ReplyDeleteBagaimanapun semuanya terpulang pada rakyat. Rakyat punya kuasa besar untuk menentukan masa depan negara.
ReplyDeleteCuma jangan terlalu emosi, tak pasal2 lain pula kejadiannya. Lagipun fikiran yang dipenuhi rasa marah takkan matang membuat keputusan:P hehhee..
ReplyDeleteApapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.
ReplyDeleteKalau mau jadi hero pun jangan lah mengapi-apikan rakyat pula.Baru pandai baca buku sudah pula fikir macam Ghandi.
ReplyDeleteSaya cabar penulis huraikan cara mahukan kemerdekaan.Pakai M16 atau penulis mau jalan 'kaki ayam' dari KK hingga Tawau untuk mendapat perhatian rakyat dan kerajaan.
Kalau hanya tahu tulis dari keselesaan rumah saja tanpa sebarang pengorbanan bagus 'shut-up' dan jangan membodohkan rakyat dan membawa darurat kepada negara.
Kepada penulis faham tak pribahasa ini,'Telunjuk lurus,kelengking berkait.'
THe problem right now is the current government.
ReplyDeleteI really doubt with the idea that Sabah & Sarawak withdraw from Malaysia.. I foresee bad more than good..
ReplyDeleteLebih ideal jika federal merapatkan hubungan dan sanggup sebulat suara bekerja-sama dengan Sabah & Sarawak.. pasti mencapai kegemilangan untuk negeri Sabah & Sarawak juga..
ReplyDeleteKenapa ada juga golongan yang sering ingin mencapai kemerdekaan untuk negeri Sabah & Sarawak? Siapa dapat confirm dimana Sabah & Sarawak akan lebih maju jika keluar dari Malaysia? Apa yang berlaku jika keadaan menjadi lebih teruk, rakyat juga yang perlu menanggung sesemua tekanan dan kesengsaraan hidup. Perlu berhati-hati dengan tujuan tersebut.
ReplyDeleteAcccept the fact that Sabah & Sarawak already with Peninsular for ages.. We can't do much for the passed but we can still do more for the future and for the young generation.. Put aside our self interest... work harder, put more effort for the people..
ReplyDeleteThe only solution is the current government being able to perform their tasks, work more for the people, listen to their concern etc,... All these effort enough to change their mind and accept themself as 1 Malaysia too..
ReplyDeletethere are a lot of people would not agree to separate, it's been years...this is also very sensitive too.
ReplyDeleteThere are more benefits for Sabah & Sarawak to become independent country. Just look at Singapore & Brunei...how successful & prosperous they are today compare with Sabah & Sarawak...the poorest among all states in Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteNot that I don't support Sabah and Sarawak seceding from Malaysia, but let's be realistic here, how can we possibly accomplish that?
ReplyDeleteEasy to say, but not easy to accomplish.
ReplyDeletehanya dengan cara ini pembangkang berpeluang memerintah..
ReplyDeleteAgreed to Maliau.. I really don't see why SS must leave peninsular.. We have to be a bit more confidence to the current government.. Im sure the will come with more strategic plan to boost Sabah economy and helping the poor people too.. Just wait and see...
ReplyDeleteIts kind of sensitive topic indeed.. Sometime we need to accept fact that SS already in Malaysia for a very long time.. Im sure the government will do their part to help the people in SS..
ReplyDeleteMemang betul Brunei dan Singapura satu-satu contoh yang baik dimana mencapai kegemilangan dan perkembangan yang pesat. Semua orang pun kaya-raya.. Tetapi, SS boleh ke mencapai perkembangan yang sama? Ini memang persoalannya.
ReplyDeleteSuch proposal a bit too emotional I think.. Be a bit more realistic by improving the current and strike good development for SS.. Im sure good team work can perform effectively..
ReplyDeleteBukannya idea yang baik untuk berpecah belah.. Apa kata jika SS keluar dari Malaysia, lagi teruk keadaannya? Rakyat juga yang susah..
ReplyDeleteSS have been in Malaysia since 1963 what happen to these decades??. Fed govt never wants to develop SS but Malaya only is important to them. They colonize all our natural resources to develop Malaya.
ReplyDeleteA sensible / responsible govt shld not ignore SS & for the past decades they only treat SS as their fixed deposits and segregate the people so as to retain power.
After all these decades, people from SS have lost confidence in the present govt which do more damages than good to SS.
Fed govt has produced more extremists in race & religion to divide and rule on the pretext of having to retain power.
I agree fully.
ReplyDeleteWe have to refer to KL/Putrajaya for every decision made in SS, which makes us look like slaves...leaving all decision to 1 man.
Come GE13 pick the party that fights for SS Autonomy without FEAR.
I do not think the old sabahan will fight for independence, no country will help them. I only fear for the future, if the new Sabahan to become the majority, their home country will help them, it can prevent if the government wants to do.
ReplyDeletetk perlulah Sabah dan Sarawak nak keluar dari malaysia. apa diharpkan, hak2 sabah dan sarawak dipertahankan.
ReplyDeleteTidak perlulah keluar dari Malaysia. Tapi jika boleh biarkan mereka mengurus Negeri mereka sendiri. Itu sudah memadai untuk Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteMarkK said...
ReplyDelete"Memang betul Brunei dan Singapura satu-satu contoh yang baik dimana mencapai kegemilangan dan perkembangan yang pesat. Semua orang pun kaya-raya.. Tetapi, SS boleh ke mencapai perkembangan yang sama? Ini memang persoalannya."
Apa beza kamu dengan orang dari Singapura & Brunei? Mereka ada kaki, kau pun ada. diorang ada tangan kau pun ada juga. sama2 ada mata, ada telinga, ada mulut, ada hidung, ada palir, ada puki, ada utak, ada perasaan dan sebagainya. jadi apa beza kamu dengan mereka? TIADA. TIADA LANGSUNG. Tuhan mencipta manusia tidak berkekurangan kecuali mereka yg lahir kurang sempurna. pun begitu, masih ada kes org cacat spt buta dan pekak berjaya jika pakai utak bagus2.apakan lagi orang normal. jadi manusia sama saja tidak kira di Sabah ka, Sarawak ka, brunei ka, singapura ka, australia ka, korea selatan ka, cina ka, jepun ka, dsb. apa kata mu?
ini semua propa pembangkang malaya.. Dorg mau SS keluar dari malaysia sbb SS punca kemenangan BN. kamu ingat dorang ada kesah sama kita?? kita x perlu keluar dari malaysia utk jadi kaya. kita cuma perlu seorang pemimpin yg betul2 jujur utk memimpin negari kita ni. tidak kira pembangkang atau kerajaan. berbillion2 konon peruntukan utk memajukan S/S... tapi tanya la apa menteri kita, mana duit tu pigi??? menteri2 tu pun org kita gak kan???????
ReplyDeletekeluar dari Malaysia bukan jalan terbaik untuk selesaikan masalah ini. tapi apa yang diharapkan ialah kerajaan persekutuan memberikan kuasa autonomi kepada Sabah.
ReplyDeletetumbangkan BN & Musa Aman di Sabah,biar kerajaan Pakatan perintah pasti Sabah akan maju!
ReplyDeleteMusa Amn korupsi!!
ReplyDeleteLet SS free....
ReplyDeleteThis is not just a short thinking or problem.
all of you know BORNEO 1 Web site?????????
Yeah I am sure you all don't know. that's the fact.
For how long that website starting do you know that??
Must be don't know
So let them choose what the good or the bad.
we just being cage with news and reality by our government.
It is not BORNEO 1 but
This is the web site
eik..jangan lupa..kita ada 20 agreement..look at POINT 1: RELIGION,
ada diorang ikut ka ini agreement..atau kita yang kena ikut SISTEM MALAYA..kalu dorang boleh langgar lebih dari satu aggrement,kenapa kita tidak boleh langgar POINT 7?ini la bah ini..
Betul la ckp Tun M..itu bangsa M mudah LUPA..tapi tepa..kita bukan bangsa M..jadi kita tidak akan pernah lupa..ya..TUnku jadi saksi perjanjian bah kan..
Patut ada official website untuk sejarah Sabah & Sarawak..termasuk itu Points of Agreement dan sejarah kemerdekaan yang BETUL punya..
kalau sabah keluar dari malaysia pun belum tentu sapp mampu membentuk kerajaan baru di Sabah..
ReplyDeleteSudah bertahun2 kita di pegang. Suara2 rakyat terutamanya berkaitan dgn kemajuan negeri dan tanah adat iaitu NCR semakin dicabuli. Di manakah pemimpin kita ketika kita memerlukannya. Sudah lama kita bersatu di bawah Malaysia. Lihat sahaja negeri Sabah dan Sarawak, apa ada di sana, yang nampak kemiskinan dan kedaifan hidup rakyat di kedua negeri ini takala hasil bumi kita masih ada. Kalu sekarag hasil bumi masih ada kita still daif dan x maju,bagaimana pula nanti bila hasil bumi sudah habis, dpt x Malaya menjanjikan kemajuan kepada kita. Jgn2 pula bila saatnya tiba, asalan yg digunakan ialah Kerajaan x dpt nak bangunakan SS kerana masalah kekurangan sumber galian. Fikir2 la sendiri..
ReplyDeleteBlack : Sampai bilakah kita harus disuap dan sampai bilakah kita hendak menaruh masa depan yg tidak pasti pd org lain. Tidak terfikirkah kita utk memiliki masa depan yg dibangunkan oleh kita melalui hasil titik peluh anak Jati di kedua negeri ini.Berhenti berharap dan bekerjalah mulai hari ini maka anda akan memperolehi hasilnya. Tidak akan bendang terbentang hijau kalu kita sekadar melihat dari jauh dgn mengharapan agar Tuhan mengerjakan utk kita.
ReplyDeleteAnon.. maknanya rakyat Sabah tidak perlu bergantung dengan kerajaan atau mana2 parti politik.. berusaha sendiri untuk memiliki masa depan yang cerah..
ReplyDeleteSABAH, SARAWAK, LABUAN & KALIMANTAN = BORNEO (3rd LARGEST Island in the WORLD! We have ALL resources needed to build a NATION! Natural resources, History, Cultural, Tourism etc. ONE BORNEO! It's been LONG time coming. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
ReplyDeletebayangkan,kalo brunei join malaysia dan dapat royalti minyak 5 persen je,boleh maju ke,lu pikirlah sendiri apa dh jd ngan sabah n swak skrg ni.
ReplyDeletekalau difikirkan secara logik..perubahan itu memang perlu untuk menambah baik..tapi perlu kena pada masa dan tempatnya..mana tau satu hari nanti apa yang dikatakan seperti di atas akan terjadi..ianya tidak mustahil..tapi yang lebih penting adalh kebijaksanaan pemimpin utk menerajui rakyat dan kebijaksanaan rakyat utk menilai pemimpin....no hard feeling..this is just my opinion..let us make a changed...this coming election it's all in your hand..keep it up..fighting..
ReplyDeletepoint ke-7 perjanjian 20 perkara ada dinyatakan Sabah tidak berhak keluar dari persekutuan..