Leaders of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) celebrated the state level Hari Raya open house this year in Sipitang today (Sunday) held at Sabah Forest Industries-SFI Motel attended by about thousand people.
Haji Amdee Sidik the Chairman organizing committee who is also the State Southern Zone Chairman and the Deputy President of SAPP highlighted that there should be no compromise where history of the nation and specifically the history of Sabah is concern. History of Sabah
especially in the formation of Malaysia has captured the headlines in recent weeks.
Haji Amdee is of the opinion historical records in our archives are the best source of understanding our past better. The director of the state–Datuk Tiga Belas archive is the appropriate authority to determine history without embellishing it.
Creative history is often used to serve a greater purpose such as forging unity amongst the people of one nation. However, over-stretching creative history may deny other of their place in history and took their sensitivities for granted.
This may lead discrimination and disenfranchisement of the identity, tradition, and culture and undermine the system of values in the segments of societies. As the result, instead of forging unity, it creates cleavages amongst the people.
Understanding history is never a futile exercise or a waste of time, according to Haji Amdee “Those who deny their history, deny their future and who are we to deny our children from their own future”, he asked.
Haji Amdee is of the opinion that the decision to make 1957 as the starting point of Malaysia anniversary was never agreed upon by our past leaders. If such a decision was made, then the people of Sabah must be duly informed and such decision should be made a public record.
The controversy over the Malaysia anniversary reflects the cause of divergence between the Borneo states and Malaya. Is Malaysia 48 years old or 54 years old? Malaysia did not exist in 1957 when the Federation of Malaya achieved its independence from the British yet this year we are celebrating Malaysia’s 54th birthday.
The government-controlled mass media blatantly claim that Malaysia is 54 years old but to the people from the Borneo states believed that Malaysia is only 48 years old. It shows Malaya is insensitive towards the feelings of the people in the Borneo states.
The problem becomes serious when such questions appear in school examinations. As the result, the people in Borneo are forcefully made to acknowledge the anniversary for the Federation of Malaya instead of Malaysia.
The written history of Malaysia has come under intense public scrutiny in recent weeks. People in Malaysia are accepting the fact that there are many distortions and discrepancies in our national history. Some feel it is time our national history need extensive reviewed or perhaps rewritten.
Realizing these, SAPP as a responsible political party from Sabah feels that our history must never be compromised; we must acknowledge the struggle and sacrifices made by our own local heroes.
“As recent as during the Japanese occupation, we seldom hear references to our local heroes. The fallen heroes of Petagas, lead by Albert Kwok, Mohammed Yassin from Sipitang, Corporal Koram from Keningau, Datu Mustapha and many more are not even mentioned in our history books” he says.
“These are our legacies which must be protected and preserved. One particular legacy, which deserves our special attention, is our very own State Anthem – Sabah Tanah Airku. Many State Anthems have been changed and amended. The Sabah Tanah Airku however remain untouched an uncorrupted” says Haji Amdee.
It is important for the people in Sabah to reflect on the lyrics of the State Anthem and understand the message it bears.
Haji Amdee stress, “It is about what it means to be a Sabahan – it is therefore critical that SAPP made the Sabah Tanah Airku as part of its struggle for the people in Sabah”.
To reflect to today’s scenario surely we have lost the real sense of Merdeka even to hire a small place like this we in fact struggled to get approval, initially denied to a hire a Hall because we opposition party members–and thank to SFI Motel we found this.
In Sipitang we ‘re not allowed to hang our banners by the authority at the roundabout just after the bridge to Sipitang Town, but any one notices many UMNO’s banners are hanging there. And only yesterday our party organizer who went to RELA office inquiring if we can hire RELA workers for this function only to be asked to write to Kuala Lumpur for approval, isn’t this no ridiculous?
Malaysia only existed on 16 Sept 1963. This year is 48 years of Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteStop fooling the people especially our young generations of Sabahans about our history fact.
Party malaya PR and UMNO must be kicked out from Sabah for good.
Well spoken Amdee, but people tend to forget...SAPP need to keep on reminding the people about our own history and not to be fed with Malaya's lies.
ReplyDeleteRakyat berhak tahu sejarah sebenar kita. Harap kebenaran akan didedahkan.
ReplyDeleteKita jangan sesekali melupakan sejarah kita.
ReplyDeleteDon't manipulate the history.
ReplyDeletegenerasi muda Sabahan harus mempelajari sejarah Sabah dan mengakui perjuangan dan pengorbanan tokoh2 tempatan yang sudah berjuang untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeletesejarah sepatutnya tidak digunakan sebagai bahan untuk dipolitikkan.
ReplyDeleteDark ini bukan soal benda2 sejarah yang dipolitikkan...ini tentang fakta yang harus ditonjolkan....ketara sangat yang fakta barkaitan sejarah Sabah tidak ada pendedahan langsung kepada anak2 Sabah. Jangan la disebabkan ahli politik yang bercakap terus kita simpulkan isu ini dipolitikkan...... Apapun saya setuju dengan pendapat anda bahawa generasi muda harus mempelajari sejarah Sabah dan tokoh yang berjuang untuk Sabah, Tapi persoalannya bagaimana mahu belajar jika tidak ada dalam buku sejarah???????????
ReplyDeleteHarus ada buku khas tentang sejarah Sabah, dan tolong perbetulkan tempoh penubuhan Malaysia yang sebenar. Hanya SM sahaja yang merdeka pada 31 Ogos dan Sabah, Sarawak tidak terlibat!
ReplyDeleteKita bukan bertujuan untuk menentang tetapi ingin memperbetulkan kesilapan!
ReplyDeleteTerpaksalah cari alternatif sendiri untuk belajar sejarah kita kalau fakta2 yang lain disekat semata-mata kerana mahu memperlihatkan golongan tertentu konon-kononya pejuang sebenar..
ReplyDeleteSambut kemerdekaan asing2 sajalah kalau macam tu. Ikut tarikh, bulan, dan tahun. Yang 16 Sept semua sambut sama2.
ReplyDeletePatut mereka yang mengiklankan hari merdeka itu pun harus peka sebab media yang dekat dengan rakyat. Kalau media pun silap mengiklankan, ini hanya akan mengelirukan rakyat.
ReplyDeletejika dalam buku teks Sejarah, ia kurang menumpukan pada sejarah Sabah, ia lebih kepada sejarah negara secara umum.
ReplyDeletebagaimanapun, kita harus tahu sejarah sebenar negara kita, terutamanya sejarah Sabah dan sarawak dan pembentukan Malaysia. fakta sejarah sebenar harus didedahkan.
ReplyDeleteYa betul juga tu JP. Takkan lah media tak sedar hal ni kan. huhu
ReplyDeletePerbetulkan dan sebarkan fakta sejarah yang tepat. Jangan ada kesilapan kerana ia hanya mengelirukan dan mampu menimbulkan ketegangan jika tak diatasi segera.
ReplyDeleteSemoga perkara ini dapat diselesaikan segera demi kebaikan bersama.
ReplyDeleteMana2 pihak yang berkaitan harus memastikan fakta sejarah yang diwar-warkan tepat.
ReplyDeleteSaya yakin review akan dibuat jadi harap lepas ni takda kesilapan lagi.
ReplyDeletewe no need the creative history..we need the facts and true history...
ReplyDeletekekeliruan berhubung dengan umur malaysia harus diperbetulkan...orang2 semenanjung menganggap bahawa malaysia telah berumur 54 tahun sedangkan fakta menunjukkan bahawa malaysia hanya berusia 48 tahun..diharap kerajaan akan segera memperbetulkan perkara ini..jangan pula nanti kita diketawakan oleh pelancong luar negara kerana tidak mengetahui sejarah sebenar malaysia.
ReplyDeletesukatan pembelajaran sejarah di sekolah2 juga harus diperbaiki..
ReplyDeletemedia juga harus memainkan peranan untuk memperbetulkan kekeliruaan yang wujud..demikian juga kepada para pemimpin khasnya persekutuan yang mengatakan bahawa malaysia merdeka 54 tahun padahal malaysia tidak pernah dijajah..
ReplyDeletesejarah lah menunjukkan identiti kita...oleh itu, sejarah kita harus diketahui dan difahami serta dihayati khasnya bagi golongan muda..
ReplyDeletepelbagai isu yang didengar sekarang ni..
ReplyDeletefakta sejarah perlu diketahui dan difahami dengan sebaiknya oleh semua.
ReplyDeleteSebab itu saya tidak suka subjek sejarah. Fakta terlalu banyak.
ReplyDeleteHarap sejarah yang ada sekarang ini tidak patut dinafikan lagi. Itulah fakta dari kajian yang dilakukan oleh ahli sejarah kita.
ReplyDeleteKenapa fakta sejarah dimain-mainkan oleh politik sekarang?
ReplyDeleteBetul kata karul, ini berkemungkinan kesilapan yang tidak begitu serius, tetapi memandangkan keadaan sekarang, perkara ini telah diperbesarkan oleh sebilangan orang yang tidak diketahui motifnya.
ReplyDeleteSejarah merekodkan fakta benar dan tidak rekaan cerita. Jika ada kesilapan, seharus diperbetulkan terutama buku teks supaya tidak berlakunya kekeliruan.
ReplyDeleteBuku teks Sejarah seharus disemak semula untuk memastikan tiada rekaan sejarah yang mengelirukan pelajar-pelajar.
ReplyDelete"The problem becomes serious when such questions appear in school examinations. As the result, the people in Borneo are forcefully made to acknowledge the anniversary for the Federation of Malaya instead of Malaysia."
ReplyDeleteAddress the problems then amend it. These is only the solution and Im sure the student aware and accept the fact from now on.
Sejarah memainkan peranan supaya kami mengenang budi dan tidak ulangi kesilapan. Tidak harus dimanipulasikan.
ReplyDeleteSatu lagi masalah kecil tetapi diperbesarkannya. Harap semua pihak tidak menumpu perhatian kepada perkara kecil ini sebab banyak lagi perkara yang jauh lebih penting jika dibandingkan.
ReplyDeletePastikan semua sejarah dalam buku teks adalah berdasarkan yang benar dan tidak ditukar atau direka.
ReplyDeleteKenapa tidak boleh terima kesilapan walaupun kesilapan terhadap sejarah pertubuhan Malaysia? Tidak terlambat juga untuk mengetahui kesilapannya.
ReplyDeletelinutau said...
ReplyDeletesejarah lah menunjukkan identiti kita...oleh itu, sejarah kita harus diketahui dan difahami serta dihayati khasnya bagi golongan muda..
agree to linutau, we have to know, understand and being bless with our history especially efforts and sacrifaction from the old generation for today wealth and peaceful.
tiada sesiapa yang berkelayakan menreka cerita terutama sejarah negara kami. semua fakta seharus benar walaupun sejarah yang berlaku sama ada yang baik atau yang buruk tetap juga kami perlu ketahui.
ReplyDeleteCome on, why count on history?
ReplyDeleteKalau nak salahkan sejarah, saya rasa memang buang masa la.
ReplyDeleteCreative history? Whats that?
ReplyDeleteNO, I gave my answer.
ReplyDeleteSejarah mana boleh ubah balik.
ReplyDeleteThe young generation ought to know the real truth about the history. We can't have them believing something that is not true.
ReplyDeleteThe history shouldn't be manipulated.
ReplyDeleteselepas isu ini dibangkitkan oleh ahli2 politik, saya harap ada perubahan dimasa2 akan datang terutamanya diperingkat sekolah.. lagi bagus jika buku sejarah khas untuk Sabah diterbitkan..
ReplyDeleteLet our history be a past to be remember.
ReplyDeleteJanganlah kita menunjuk ke sejarah lagi..
ReplyDeleteThe young generation should know how the truth behind our history, what the hell about that creative history anyways...
ReplyDeletewe can't turn back time, so let's move on.
ReplyDeleteDon't make up stories
ReplyDeleteYounger generation should know the truth about our history changed by Umno to suit their political aims...the word should be created, if I am not wrong.