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Thursday, July 21, 2011

How did I get a MyKad?, fumes cheated investor

Queville To

A Taiwanese investor in Sabah has discovered that he has a MyKad which he had never applied for in the first place.

KOTA KINABALU: A puzzled Taiwanese businessman, Lin Yun Chun, wants the police and the relevant authority to investigate how and when a MyKad was issued in his name.

“I have never applied to the National Registration Department (NRD) for the MyKad. I do not read English and Bahasa Malaysia.

“I do not know how the MyKad was issued in my name, with different birth dates from my passport.

“I purchased all my properties in Sabah using my Taiwan passport.

“I urge the police and the relevant authority to investigate how and when the MyKad was issued in my name,” he said in a statement issued through his representative Chia Chiew Pui.

Chia, who holds power of attorney for Lin, lodged a police report here yesterday. He is seeking police assistance to investigate how a MyKad was issued in his name.

Lin said he had always travelled to Sabah with his Taiwanese passport. He said his visits to Sabah was always either on a tourist or business visa.

“The last time I traveled to Sabah was in 2000. I was on a tourist visa and then (they) granted (me a) business visa.

“When my visa expired sometime in July 2000, the relevant authorities such as the Industrial Development Department and the Chief Minister’s Department recommended to the Sabah Immigration to extend a one year business visa to me as an investor,” he explained.

Falsified documents

He said this latest twist of event was not isolated but was in fact an addition to the multiple falsifications of documents by unscrupulous persons leading to the wrong issuance of copies of his title deeds which saw the exchange of hands of his properties.

Lin said that he had been away from Sabah from 2000 to 2009 because of illness and had only discovered the fraud on returning here in August 2009.

“When I returned, I was shocked that my properties had changed to third parties by way of falsified documentations.

“I am still holding all the original title deeds to these properties.

“How could I be selling my properties without surrendering my original titles to the lawyer preparing the sales and purchase agreement?” he said.

Lin also dismissed ‘as baseless and wrongful’ allegation that he received RM800,000 for the sale of his house in Tangung Aru and or other properties via Chia.

“I have never appointed anyone to sell my house or properties using power of attorney,” he stressed.

Lin claimed that the falsified documents such as the power of attorney (PA) and sales and purchase agreements purportedly signed by him in front of certain lawyer was done at the time when he was ill and was not present in Sabah.

“I have never met the said lawyer who purportedly prepared the PA and the agreements,” he added.

Lin added that he had all the medical and immigration reports from Taiwan authorities to prove that he had never left Taiwan during the times when the properties purportedly change hands.

He also noted that he had lodged two police reports in August 2009 when he returned to Sabah for the wrongful transfer of his properties based on falsified documents and wrongful issuance of titles.

Lin said he has since engaged a local lawyer here to act on his behalf and has commenced legal action against the wrongdoers.


  1. The fraudulent of Mykad is so rampant in Sabah since donkey years but till today the authority still can't solve and curb it.

    UMNO is the main culprit behind all these scams. Those who support BN should be charged for TREASON. You guys are the TRAITORS to Sabahans and betrayed your ancestor who fought for Sabah merdeka.

    Shame on you as Sabahan.

  2. It is an on-going thing. The whole system is corrupt under UMNO. Land office crooks are always searching the land register for property owner who are old. If nothing happens, especially if quit rent has not been paid for years, they will think you are dead and no one knows you own the land, and they will go into auction.

  3. Why our MyKad is so cheapket whereby any tom dick and harry can easily get it?

    UMNO government must be SHAMED on themselves.

    UMNO bikin semak saja di Sabah.

  4. Harap pelabur ini akan mendapat balik apa yang dimilikinya.

  5. hopefully the investigators manage to solve this case.

  6. police, SPRM do your job, investigate the NRD & the land office.

  7. kes penipuan IC ini semakin menjadi-jadi..

  8. harap pihak yang terlibat dalam perkara ini segera diketahui. mereka hanya merosakkan imej negara di mata pelabur2 asing dari luar.

  9. How come this thing can happened? This will bring a negative image of Sabah among the investors.

  10. what say u, u umno/bn supporter? please make some comment..... sudah kena batang hidung jadi diamla... tak berani nak berbangga lagi. kelu lidah tak dpt fikir idea. inilah yg kamu semua bangga-banggakan..... pergi mampuslah dgn kamu punya kerajaan telus dan prihatin. telus konon. terang2 korup. semuanya pasal duit. mcm mana sudah dgn kes M. Chia si musa punya kawan baik.? bikin malu sama org luar saja.... pelancong@pelabur lagi tu yg ditipu. ingat dia sakit terus mampusla... ternyata Tuhan lebih berkuasa. harap2 umno/bn akan tumbang kali ini....

  11. Banyak lagi orang pakistan dapat IC selepas musang bin tidak aman jadi KM Sabah selama 8 tahun.

  12. Kalau ini pun boleh terjadi, tidak mustahil PATI senang2 dibagi IC.

  13. satu lagi bukti projek IC oleh NRD...hishammudin, komen sikit..

  14. pasal tu lah RCI perlu ditubuhkan..untuk siasat siapa tangan ghaib di sebalik projek IC ini..

  15. kali ini, kes penipuan IC melibatkan pelabur asing, tentu sekali ini akan memburukkan nama Malaysia di mata dunia terutama para pelabur asing..

  16. Harap perkara ini akan diadili.

  17. pekara ini perlu disiasat bagi mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.

  18. mereka yang bersalah mengeluarkan kad pengenalan tersebut perlu dikenakan tindakan.

  19. Bila sia pergi Taipei, orang taiwan kata malaysia adalah satu negara untuk mengHALALkan pendatang Haram dari philipine dan indonesia.

    Pendatang Haram dari negara2 ini senang saja mahu dapat IC supaya membolehkan penduduk mereka melebihi dari penduduk asli Sabah.

    Niat syaitan umno adalah handek melihat Kadazan Dusun jadi minoriti di Sabah supaya parti malaya UMNO senang dan terus menguasa di Sabah disokong oleh Pendatang haram mereka yang dapat IC.

    Sebabnya senang, kebanyakan orang Sabah adalah bodoh, selalu mabuk, malas dan mundur.

  20. hal ini perlu disiasat. bagaimana mykad boleh keluar sedangkan ia tak dipohon.

  21. This is a serious matter, if this could not be explained and handled properly, it can reduce the confidence of the foreign investors.

  22. Police and relevant authority should do investigate about what Taiwanese businessman, Lin Yun Chun claim.

  23. I think it will be much better if you can show to us the MyKad that you get from the NRD.

  24. Explanation is really needed. This is something serious.
