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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby joy for Sabah-born Aussie minister Penny Wong

MELBOURNE (Aug 9, 2011): Malaysian-Sabah born Australian Finance Minister Penny Wong (pix) has revealed that she and partner, Sophie Allouache, are expecting a baby.

Allouache is pregnant and due to give birth in December, AdelaideNow (OK) reports.

The baby was conceived using sperm from a donor known to the couple and with the assistance of IVF.

Senator Wong, one of the most senior ministers in Prime Minister Julia Gillard government, is the first openly gay minister in federal politics.

In a short statement to AdelaideNow, a delighted Wong said: "Like any expecting parents, the prospect of welcoming this child into our lives fills us both with joy.

"We are extremely grateful to our IVF service and staff, and to our donor, for giving us the opportunity to raise a child together.

She indicated that she would not be making the identity of the father known publicly by agreement with him.

"We have chosen to make this statement about Sophie's pregnancy as we understand there may be public interest due to my position.

"This is, however, a very private matter and we ask for our privacy to be respected during this time."

She said she did not intend to make any further statements after Tuesday's announcement. – Bernama


  1. There are many Sabahans out there who are very qualified. Our human resources and brains are actually outside our State and country because they were not given any chance by Umno and BN.

    This is a fine example of our Malaysia practises their Kulitocracy instead of meritocracy.

    Brain drain is the word.

  2. Penny Wong show that Sabahan women are also capable. Sabahans can go far if only given the right opportunities.

  3. By the way, good luck to Penny and her partner on their pregnancy.

  4. Is her citizenship still M'sian?

  5. Banyak rakyat M'sia yang berkebolehan tetapi mereka lebih rela bekerja di luar negara. Mungkin kerana karenah birokrasi dan diskriminasi di negara kita yang lebih mengutamakan golongan tertentu untuk mengisi sesuatu jawatan.

  6. Sabahan be the Australia Finance Minister..So proud with Penny.

  7. jika dia berada di Malaysia kan baik.

  8. "the first openly gay minister in federal politics".

    Pengakuan yang sangat berani.

  9. Ramai lagi Sabahan yang berpotesi dan berkelayakan. Jadi, beri banyak peluang Sabahans untuk berhidmat dalam jawatan kerajaan dalam Sabah.

  10. 'brain drain'. keadaan di Australia mungkin lebih baik. kerajaan perlu mengatasi masalah ini.
