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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SAPP proposes amendment to federal constitution on freedom of association

Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee has reminded parties that the 'anti-hopping' law was part of the Sabah state constitution until 1986.

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee has called for amendment to the federal and state constitutions to allow for a law to prevent politicians from betraying the trust of the electorate.

Yong, the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) leader, said today that his party wishes to reiterate its stand calling for the enactment of the “anti-hop” law which the courts have ruled is illegal under the current laws.

He said his party’s stand on this was consistent and in its election manifesto launched on June 3 this year, it had proposed an amendment to Article 10 of the Federal Cconstitution on “freedom of association” so that elected representatives who switch parties after an election, must resign their seats to pave the way for a by-election.

Yong and several other opposition politicians are fuming over the political culture that has sprouted under Barisan Nasional rule that not only turns a blind eye to such behaviour but also rewards it.

“SAPP proposes that representatives who hop may re-contest in the same constituency so that he may put his decision [to change parties] to his electorate,” Yong said in a statement here today.

He said this rule (to re-contest) would require a further amendment to the Article 48(6) of the Federal Constitution and (for Sabah) Article 17(5) of the Sabah constitution, which bars a resigning representative from being elected to Parliament or the State Legislative Assembly for a period of five years beginning with the date of the resignation.

“These proposed amendments to the constitutions are in accordance with democratic principles. With Sabah’s history of party-hopping for the wrong reasons, it is the view of SAPP that we need these ‘anti-hopping’ and ‘re-contest’ principles to be entrenched in our political culture by way of amending the federal and state constitutions,” he said.

Yong also reminded that the “anti-hopping” law had been part of the Sabah state constitution in 1986 before the federal court ruled that the provision was ultra vires the Federal Constitution which guarantees freedom of association.

After the 1986 state election, the then Parti Bersatu Sabah state government had accepted two Usno assemblymen into PBS before quickly closing the doors to party hopping by amending the state constitution to disallow further crossovers.

Upko, PBS support ‘anti-hop’

One casualty of the anti-hop provision in Sabah was the then Bongawan assemblyman, Karim Ghani, who left Usno which resulted in a by-election that saw the election of (the late) Ghani Bidin.
Yong was commenting on the issue after Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the state was looking at enacting an anti-hopping law in November, ahead of the 13th general election which must be called by next April.

United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Bernard Dompok supports a review of the law to prevent party hopping if those who resign from a party after winning an election on another platform are allowed to stand in the by-election.

“It is very unfortunate that an elected representative who resigns or is forced to resign for some reasons and subsequently joins other party, is not allowed to offer himself as candidate in the ensuing by-election,” the Primary Industries and Commodities Minister said yesterday.

Sabah Deputy Chief Minister and PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan has also come out in favour of reviewing the anti-hopping law to stop the politicians from changing parties.

Queville To


  1. Very true... what the BN is scared of is the anti-hop law. Money rich Umno that use money to buy over assemblymen or MPs will not be effective anymore if the laws are amended.

    1. SAPP just to attract people to support SAPP. We Sabahans know SAPP plan.

    2. Let people judge which party the best for them.

    3. Sabahan takkan sokong SAPP.

    4. kan dalam undang2 individu bebas untuk berpersatuan...

    5. tapi kalau anti lompat dikuatkuasakan, juga tiada masalah...ini lebih adil bagi rakyat sebagai pengundi..

    6. The opposition is making a huge headline about this.

    7. May be SAPP make this to bring up their reputation.

    8. Rakyat jangan terpengaruh dengan agenda SAPP.

  2. We turn back to history, how Tambunan by-election was won by Pairin, then the people's hero, against the might of Berjaya under Harris.

    Yong has taken the task of telling us that what is freedom of association is best exemplified in the Tambunan by-election case.

    1. But he didn't manage to pull it through.

  3. Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said there was no need for an anti-hop law in Malaysia which practised democracy, which among others, accorded freedom of association to the individual, including in politics.

    1. He described party hopping among politicians as a disgusting and immoral act.


    2. “Admittedly, the political scenario in Sabah is colourful, but it is not something unusual in the state,” he said. — BernamaPenang MCA is of the view that the decision by Penang DAP to table an anti-hopping law was a wrong move as it is clearly against the Federal Constitution's guarantee of freedom of association.

    3. mungkin yong tujukan kepada JK sebab JK kan raja katak..

    4. So Yong Teck Lee is openly insulting Jeffrey Kitingan, are they still planning to work together or what?

    5. It's funny when DAP wants to propose this yet majority of them also do the same thing.


  4. Penang MCA secretary Lau Chiek Tuan said the move could be construed as a political act to make DAP look good while discrediting the BN federal government.

    1. Sabah DAP is making so many rubbish accusations.

  5. Freedom of association have been used out of context to deny anti hopping law.

    Imagine you fought the heavy traffic, que for hours, sacrifice quality time just to come n vote your preferred party only to see your elected rep hopped to another party barely weeks after winning the election. The first thing come to mind is a sense of being betrayed.
    All in the name of freedom of association as enshrined in fed constitution? Come on common sense take precedent here.

  6. If it is suitable and the act are no longer relevant, i am surely support the proposal.

  7. Hope the proposal will be considered and a discussion will be took place 1st.

  8. Study the negative and the positive effect in having the act.

    1. ya, biarlah pekara ini diteliti dengan sebaiknya.

  9. Yong dulu pun lompat...

  10. Yong patut bersara...SAPP terbeban dengan kehadiran Yong dalam parti lebih2 lagi Yong sebagai presiden parti...ahli2 SAPP semua tidak berani untuk membuat perubahan dalam parti..ini bermakna SAPP ketandusan tokoh/pemimpin yang boleh membawa SAPP ke satu tahap yang lebih baik berbanding sekarang..

    1. SAPP also a parrot, DAP said implement anti-hopping law, SAPP also said implement anti-hopping law. Only knew how to repeat what the leaders from Malaya said.

      Have a taste of your own medicine.

  11. The PBS government in Sabah had enacted an anti-hopping law in the 1980s but it was later declared ultra vires the Federal Constitution as it restrained one’s freedom of association. Hope that it will be amended so that it became relevant once more.

  12. Sabah Deputy Chief Minister and PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan has also come out in favour of reviewing the anti-hopping law to stop the politicians from changing parties. Pairin said the anti-hopping law was meant to wake up the minds of the people, particularly people’s representatives as to their proper role and responsibilities.

    1. MPs should more responsible and follow the rules.

  13. Bernard Dompok supports a review of the law to prevent party hopping if those who resign from a party after winning an election on another platform are allowed to stand in the by-election.

    Hope that the review of the anti-hopping law will be considered by the federal government, we shall wait and see.

    1. Kita tunggu dna lihgat sajalah nanti. Harap hasilnya juga positif jadi berbaloi juga penantian kan.

  14. Lebih ada peraturan atau undang2 mengenai isu lompat parti.

    1. Pemimpin yang suka lompat parti adalah pemimpin yang tiada pendirian.. JK antaranya.

  15. Kalau ada peraturan untuk lompat parti, takut pula makin ramai pemimpin yang pandai berlakon atau talam dua muka.

  16. Susah juga kalau hati tak setia kan.. Mungkin sebba tu lah mereka lompat..

  17. Apa-apalah saja pun, yang saya tahu saya cuma akan sokong calon yang layak dapat sokongan.

    1. pilihlah yang benar-benar layak untuk disokong.

  18. Dari rakyat saja bah tu. Pedulilah dengan isu lompat melompat ni kerana bagi saya apa yang penting ialah yang menang adalah pilihan rakyat.

    1. rakyat perlu buat pilihan dengan berhati-hati agar tidak tersalah pilih.

  19. I don't see any bad where people to jump party. Should respect their decision.

    1. Terpulang kepada pemimpin yang suka lompat parti tu.. mungkin itu sudah jadi pilihan mereka..

  20. There must be some reason why they jump party. Should investigate the root cause of such jump party.

  21. Need to study in details why they need such rules and how to execute it.

  22. Let see how its work to prevent lompat parti.

  23. Anwar yang paling suka pancing katak.. tapi sampai sekarang dia tidak buat kenyataan untuk tunjukkan pendirian beliau berkenaan dengan undang2 ini..

    1. Anwar suka ambil pemimpin raja katak untuk memancing undi rakyat.

  24. pemimpin yang sering lompat parti memang nampak tiada pedirian.

  25. sebarang pekara harus dikaji baik dan buruknya terlebih dahulu.
